Gift from The Great Stallion

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Alayna POV
As I was getting ready for the day Irri was sitting beside me braiding my hair while she told me stories about the Great Stallion. In the middle of telling me one of the stories she stopped cupping one of my breast in her hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking at her. "When was the last time you bleed Khalessi?" Irri asked. I looked at her confused before I looked down at my stomach. Placing my hand on my stomach Irri smiled.

"It is a gift from the Great Stallion." Irri smiled finishing my hair. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face as I kept my hand on my belly. I was pregnant. I was pregnant with Drogo child.

Getting on my mare I got ready to head out knowing we weren't far to Vaes Dothrak. Riding in my regular spot I kept thinking about my baby and how I was going to tell Drogo.

We rode longer than usually before we could take a break. I was glad and immediately got off my horse seeming to feel motion sickness. Leaning on a large rock Irri came up to me handing me a water skin. I carefully drank from it but instead of relief I felt pain because I immediately turned around throwing up the water.

Kneeling in the grass Irri kneeled beside me rubbing my back. When I caught my breath Irri handed me a wet cloth and I used it to wipe my face. My face now clean I stood up stretching.

"Here Khalessi drink." Irri told me. Taking the water skin back in hand I took slow sips. Handing Irri back the water skin I sat back on the rock holding my stomach.

"I'm going to get you some food Khalessi. You need something in your stomach." Irri told me before running off. Wiping the sweat away from my forehead I took a deep breath enjoying clean air.
When Irri came back Drogo was beside her. "Here Khalessi." I nodded as Jhiqui as handed me a piece of dry horse meat while Irri came back with a full waterskin.

"Irri, what is wrong with her? She's pale." Drogo asked placing his hand against my forehead. "The Khalessi has a baby in her belly." Irri told him handing me the water skin once more. Finishing the horse meat I took a slow sip of it. "A gift from the Great Stallion." Drogo said smiling at me.

Standing up Drogo placed his hand on my belly feeling our baby in my stomach. Drogo and I could only enjoy this moment for less than a second when Tarken my mother and Victoria came up.

"Why are we stopping now?!" Victoria demanded. "Khalessi has found out she has a baby in her belly." Jhiqui told them. Irri translating for Drogo to be in on the conversation.

"So we stopped just because the savage is pregnant!!! How stupid can you barbarians be!!" Tarken yelled outraged. When Irri translated Tarken words to Drogo I could feel Drogo arms tighten around me. Taking Drogo arms off of me I stepped closer to Tarken and punched him in the nose.

"Alayna!!!" My mother screamed kneeling down by Tarken. Kneeling next to him I looked at my brother seeing him babying his bloody nose.

"Listen here and listen now my dear brother. The next time you speak of my husband or my people that way again I will have your head cut off. Consider this my mercy that I allow you to live because if I had my way all four of you would be dead by now."
I told Tarken.

Standing up I looked at Aggo. "Aggo, take both their horses they all walk." I told him before turning around to get on my mare. After Drogo got on his Stallion we started up again for Vaes Dothrak.

Removing any thoughts of my family I focused on my baby. We were only days away from Vaes Dothrak and I was so happy that we will soon be home. When the sun was close to setting Drogo raised up his hand and everyone went to do their duties to make Camp.

Sitting on my mare I rested for a few moments before I got off heading towards my tent. Reaching my tent I was thankful ready for some rest. Laying down on my bed I was ready to sleep when I saw Jhiqui come with a bowl in her hand.

Sitting up I saw Jhiqui place the bowl on the table. "Jhiqui, What is that?" I asked coming over to the table. "This is horse blood with a horse heart. It is to prepare you for the Stallion heart ceremony." Jhiqui explained to me. "What is the Stallion heart ceremony?" I asked still confused. "The Stallion heart ceremony is where you eat a Stallion heart in front of the Dosh Khaleen and the Khalassar. If you eat it all without rejecting it means good omen. It will show everyone that your baby will be strong and will bring great pride to the Khalassar." "What if I reject it?" "If you regret it that means it is a bad omen that your child will be born weak or deformed or a girl."

I sighed worried wondering if all the bad things that will happen if I reject the Stallion heart.

"Khalessi." Jhiqui said bring me to the present. "Do not worry you are very strong and so is your baby. This is just here so you can acquire a taste to it."

I nodded looking down at the bowl and put my hand in for a piece of it. Grabbing a certain piece I casually popped it in my mouth. The texture was tough but bearable as it turned into smaller pieces before disappearing all together.

"How was it?" Jhiqui asked. "Salty." I told her the taste still in my mouth. Jhiqui smiled nodding. "Here, try some of the blood." Taking the bowl in between my hands I slowly tipped the bowl into my mouth. It wasn't a good taste but nothing I couldn't handle. When I was done drinking the entire bowl I placed it back on the table.

"How was it Khalessi?" Jhiqui asked handing me a cloth to wipe my mouth. "Even Saltier." I answered making a face. Jhiqui smiled laughing. "We have a week more till we reach Vaes Dothrak. As long as you practice eating the heart and blood you will do good at the ceremony." I smiled and Jhiqui encouragement and she left to let me practice alone.

By the time I finished the bowl of heart and blood Dinner was being served. But I was already full from the heart. Declining dinner I decided to stay in my tent for the night. After drinking a horn of water I slipped off the clothes of today and went into my sleeping silks and stood there gazing at the fire.

"It will be a boy." I said as Drogo came into the tent for the night. "How do you know?" Drogo asked standing beside me placing his hand on my stomach. "I just know." Drogo smiled kissing me.

"Come My Moon, you and our son need sleep." Drogo said pulling me to our bed. Getting into bed first Drogo followed pulling a pelt over us. Placing my head on his shoulder I closed my eyes falling asleep.

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