02 / чσu'rє hσt, shє's hσt ✤

59 0 0

august 19th, 10 months earlier




Her head lies down on the wooden desk filled with obscene phrases and gum stains that never got scrubbed off. A withered sigh escapes her as the hour clock ticks behind, and the teacher's ramblings rattle off into the notes of the students.

"When is this over?" She groans into her empty notebook, before the classroom door creaks open, and the frantic pencil marks fall into a cease.

"You've arrived! Oh goody, I was afraid you wouldn't have made it. Not a problem, this is great."


"Please, take a seat. There's an empty one by Lilian, the sleeping girl in the back over there." The teacher mockingly notes the last part, and the classroom erupts in laughter as the new student makes his way to the desolate seat. A few worried whispers pass along the students, painting the same picture.

"Poor new kid, having to sit next to that wicked witch Lily the Bully."

"Could he handle it? Maybe I could offer my seat."

"Are you stupid? Then go jump off a cliff while you're at it!"

The chair makes a slight squeak, before letting out a long creak that he's afraid would wake the tired girl, but she only scrunches her freckled nose and faces her head the other way. He bites his lip, before removing a bright red notebook to lay on his desk, and turns his attention to the teacher, for anything to make the class period go quicker.


Moments later, the bell rings for dismissal, and all the students hurriedly exit for the next class. He shuffles his things back into his bag, and rearranges his glasses, before he gives a quick glance to sleeping girl beside him.

Should I wake her? The bell didn't. 

He inhales a deep breath and briefly nudges her shoulder, and the girl barely budges. The only indication that she's alive is that she lets up a small moan of disapproval that causes the teen boy's lips to curve upwards. He turns his body for a look up at the clock, finding that he has little to 3 minutes left to get to class, along with her. Though he thinks, I don't think she cares for that.

He removes himself from the seat, and nudges her a few times, the last one a bit forcefully, which causes her to spark up in anger and exhaustion. He finds he's met with an angry beast of light grey eyes filled with annoyance, with dark, long eyelashes that accompany them. Her eyebrows scrunch together, and he's found himself mildly amused by the pout that she embellishes. She rolls her eyes as she meets his apprehensive honey brown, and gives a quick tousle of her ebony locks that frames her face.

"Thanks." She mutters with distaste before she struts out of the classroom with her dismantling backpack. He shakes his head, and follows her out the door, before he navigates himself to his now late class.

He rummages through his backpack, and finds a folded piece of paper with his schedule written in bold imprint.

"Looks like Honors Pre-Cal in room 1204?" He mumbles to himself before he throws his head back with a rough exhale of disappointment. He chances a look around and sees the numbers 1103 stare back at him.

His eyes widen as he realizes he has no actual clue to get to his next class. He rubs his forehead anxiously before he shrugs and walks through the hallway, hoping he'd be lucky to have the class on his right side, and not across the school.

He scans his schedule, before he bumps into a small stature body in the corner.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm just trying to get to class." The person rolls their shoulders before they send a malicious glare towards him.

Ah, this is the pouty girl who doesn't like being awakened. Sleeping Beauty? Maybe?

His cheeks start to slightly redden while the girl's eyebrows shoot up to her hairline, and then scrunch together. She exhales a quick breath as she scans the hallways, seeing that all of the classroom doors are closed, chancing that no one else is around to help this goof.

"What do you need?" She languidly asks with a cross of her arms. He breaks into an involuntary small smile out of embarrassment, and the girl's mood slowly lightens.

"I- uh," He hands the schedule paper over, and the girl's eyes run their view on the veins that pronounce themselves on his skin.

"I need to get to the Pre-Cal classroom." He scratches his head before he slightly tilts it in confusion. "Room 1202? 4?"

She nods with a quick click of her tongue, as she reads over his schedule. "Room 1204, Mr. Hellberg's Honors Pre-Cal." Her grey eyes flick up to his in acknowledgement and almost in a mocking gesture.

She hands the schedule back, and turns away to get to the classroom. "I have the same one, just follow me there." 

Soon, an amiable silence falls between the two as they pass a myriad of classrooms. She glances over at him in curiousity before she purses her lips in thought.

"What grade are you in?" She asks with a fold of her arms.

"11th." He says as he keeps his eyes wandering around the building.

She takes out her hand and starts to count on it, which brings his eyes to her new gesture. A smile grows into his face as he takes note. "What are you doing?"

She rubs her scarlet colored lips, together before lets up a sigh. "The classes you have with me, I'm counting them on my hands." A chuckle erupts from him, and the girl's shoulder lose some of the tension the more his giddy spirit surrounds her.

"Why can't you do it in your head?"

"I always count on my hands."

More laughter leaves him and a small smile comes onto her lips. She folds her arms again and hums in mild annoyance.

"It's not that funny." He shakes his head with a short laugh, and the girl is left staring at his hair for a while, admiring the way it sloshes around like a mop, all of it in its glorious brown that matched those caramel eyes of his.

He looks at her, and catches her eyes onto his hair. He points to his hair and proudly says, "It's cow milk."

Her face turns horrified before he lets out another laugh, which calms her more than she could explain. Another silence falls between the two, and his mouth opens to ask for her name, but she reaches the door and walks into a rowdy classroom screaming the answers to the math problems.

The teacher turns to the door and places his marker on the dry-erase before he crosses his arms with a fixated look on the two. "Glad you could make it. Take a seat, you've missed attendance."

He nods to him, and the class begins to erupt in tiny whispers of excitement and curiousity as to why the new kid was with Lily the Bully. He takes a seat next to a kid with dark hair and green eyes, who looks at him with surprise.

"I'm Kian Carter." He says with a tilt of his head, assessing him. The new kid nods with a small smile.

"I'm Aiden Rose."

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