16 / α knαck fσr íntєrruptíng✤

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"Yes, sir! A cute little flower museum with a restaurant right on the side. I even heard they put edible flowers in their soups."

Aiden leaned back with a soft smile on his face, envisioning such a beauty for him to explore. Amoli sat on his left at the lunch table, calmly eating her container of Chana Kulcha. He crossed his arms in silence, staring off into his imagination.

"I know it must be a truly enlightening experience, but you'd have to accept my offer to go." She chuckles towards the end of her sentence, and he jolts in surprise at the sound interrupting his train of consciousness.

"Oh—Of course I was going to accept. Why wouldn't I?" Her head tilts to the left, expression puzzled at something behind him.

He turns his head to where her focus was, and when he sees it, guilt flashes into his mind. It was the frown adjusted on Lilian's lips as she looks back at them from across the lunchroom, food in hand. But then, Lilian notices that they both had noticed her staring. She chooses to turn around, bumping into a right on time Kian trying to make his way to his and Aiden's table. Kian starts to talk and raises a thumb to point to the outside lunch benches.

Aiden turned back, shrugging it off and partially not wanting to see the rest. He waves his hand timidly in front of Amoli's face to regain her attention. Her eyes flick back to him, awaiting his response.

"This Friday night. 8pm sharp." He confirms, and a chilidish grin presents itself on both of their faces.




Working feverishly into his math assignment, he let a loud 'WHOOP!' escape him as he wrote the final answer.

"YES!" He celebrated, but letting his arms fall down as he saw his large anatomy book glare back at him, drawing him to study for tomorrow's quiz. He groans as he repeatedly pounds his forehead against the wooden desk.

Debating to study or not, a certain copper brown beauty entered his stream of thoughts. His eyes flew open at the thought, eyebrows furrowing closer as her smile refused to leave his head.

"What? What the heck is with my head? No. No." He mutters to himself. Shaking it off, he leans back into his chair with his arms outstretched. Taking a look at his calendar on the wall, he hesitantly moves towards it. Thumbing the edge, he allows an easy smirk to come across his lips as he strokes this coming Friday.

* Ring! Ring! *

"This is seriously becoming too weird." He whispers, taking a hold of his vibrating smartphone in the corner. Bringing it up to his ear, he foregoes reading the caller ID.


"Aiden! Awesome that you answered, I thought it'd be too late." Lilian's voice echoes through the line with a sigh of relief. With a hand running through his hair, he chuckles at the uncharacteristic pep in her voice at 10pm.

"What's so funny?" Lilian inquires. He flips open the Anatomy book to the pink sticky note lying at the top of the needed page.

"Nothing. It's just funny how you sound so excited right now." He replies, pen in hand to underline important phrases.

"It has great reason, I swear!" A breathy laugh comes from his lips, before he places the pen on the page to fully listen.

"Alright, shoot."

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