04 / hєч? cαn í hαvє чσur #✤?

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the following week




"Seriously?" She asks with a smile and he vigorously nods. He flexes unconvincingly and she barks in laughter.

"Noodle boy!"

"Am not!"

Aiden places his elbow on the table with his hand pointing up in the air, and tilts his head towards her. Her smile widens and she places hers in correspondence. She pauses to stare at his hand, and Aiden gives her a soft smile of approval.

"I'm not a rabid cat." He whispers to her, and as she places her hand in his, a seat is pulled out from the table.

"Good friendly chat going on I see." Kian remarks with a tilt of his head, making Lilian slide her hands out of Aiden's. Her once light-hearted mood turns broody, and Aiden's demeanor turns pensive at the change of scenery.

Lilian stands up from her chair, and grabs her bag while trying to avoid Kian's needy eyes. She places a hand on Aiden's shoulder to give a slight squeeze in apology. He nods and she walks off to wherever next.

Kian coughs and uncomfortably shifts in his seat. Honey brown eyes follow his movement, and Kian finds himself regretting his choice of even trying to be near her.

Aiden asks with his chin slightly in the air, "How come she's upset whenever you're around?"

Kian inhales and crosses his arms. He moves his ankle on top of his other, and furrows his eyebrows. Aiden leans back into his own chair, and folds his hands together in wait.

"We just have some bad blood, a past together... that's all." Kian answers.

Aiden fixes his glasses upon his nose, and removes them as he crosses his arms onto the table and leans into Kian.

"Would you like to," He coughs for dramatic effect, "tell me, dear sir?"

Kian smirks and smacks Aiden on the side of his head, and Aiden laughs as he rubs his head.

"No, you smartass. You aren't Dr. Phil, PhD in being a dickhead." Kian says with a chuckle.

Aiden places his hand upon his chest in mock shock and disgust, "Dr. Phil is my idol."

Kian scrunches his nose and flicks his hand at the thought. They share a laugh for a few moments, before Kian pulls out his phone to scroll.

"We still on for the arcade tomorrow?" Kian asks as he squints to see the small pricing fonts. Aiden mumbles a "yes," and stands from the lunch table. Kian closes the phone screen and stares at Aiden throwing away his leftovers.

"Where ya' going?" Kian questions as Aiden begins to walk away from him.

"Class, dumbass!" Aiden pauses and turns in realization. "That rhymed!"

Kian grins and shakes his head as Aiden throws him a thumbs up and hurries off to his next class.


 Aiden eagerly strolls into the classroom and settles himself amidst the other talkative students. He steals a look to his left and sees the empty seat. A frown on his face, he dismisses it and opens his notebook to doodle a few more flowers within the pages. Minutes pass and the teacher enters and drops their bag onto the desk and starts to yell at the other students to take seat for attendance.

"Harding, Amber?"

Aiden leans back in his seat in thought, as the clock ticks by its seconds, and no petite Lilian makes her way into the history classroom.

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