III Overturned

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Time passed, and Link lived with the Kokiri as he had done before. Saria and the Hero often had their many playful adventures, and sometimes could be quite mischievous in their pranks. Occasionally, Phaelon would tag along. Mido would be his normal spiteful self, but secretly, he was quite glad to see Link back and they would playfully pick on each other in rival. For he had honestly missed the "Fairyless" boy, and had learned awhile back that he and Saria would never be. Fado was a good friend and had always desired to learn from him in his way of life.

When he wasn't playing and frolicking with Saria or Phaelon, Link would often lend aid to Mido or Fado, and over a night on a weekly basis, Link would tell stories to the Kokiri. Sometime, he would tell them about a place he had visited and the people who lived there. Other times, he would tell them of an adventure; however, he rarely focused on himself as he focused rather on the experience. Mido was always the most enthusiastic as he would question along the lines in countenance of "What happens next?" Then there was Fado who was intrigued as he would listen intently for lessons learned in comparison to his own feats and principles. Phaelon, however, rarely attended as he had already seen much of a society of people and adventures, and that wasn't under any conditions of a positive experience. Wherefore, Phaelon considered the outside world a place that was off limits for himself as he would remain content to abide in the woods. As for Saria, she was ever eager to learn of the outside world and of Link's experience as it helped her understand him that much more, and she ever listened to him with a merit of pride.

Link was, for the most part, at rest as he was home with Saria and the Kokiri in living his childhood like it was before his adventurous life took place. But that was not altogether the case, for as he had always been of quiet nature in speaking little, since his adventures, he was now more solemn, spoke even less, and he smiled less. Flashbacks, occasionally, would awake to bother him as he vividly remembered the terrors that he had encountered and the people who suffered from it. But no matter how low his moments could get, Saria, with her bad jokes, cheerful smiles, and jovial countenance, was always able to bring the sun of his smile back to warmth.

Occasionally, he would have dreams in the night as he would relive his past horrible experiences. On one such a night, Saria, living next door, heard him and was struck with concern. Her eyes, widened with dazzle, eyed from one object to another as she subconsciously listened to him. Barefoot as she was, she strolled out of her house into the forest's night. She, at first, had to hold herself back from frantically running to him in worry, but she knew better. The torn girl knew that she must approach him calmly. By the time she made it to the ladder of his tree house, the dew of the night's morning had settled upon her green hair as glistening stars beneath the moonlight. Saria climbed the ladder and entered his home. Link was not overly loud in his cries, but Saria saw him wreak havoc with his bunk as he was enduring this subconscious life. She felt her heart stop in that moment, and then she sat down as she nestled him into her arms as she held him tight with gracing a soft kiss on his brow. In that moment, he had calmed down as he awoke with flashing eyes. "Saria?" Link started in taking notice of her, but she only silenced him with her gentle voice as she held him tighter.

"Shhh...It's okay Link. I'm right here." At first, he was trembling, and then Saria began to sing her song. It wasn't like the tree dancing in the wind, but rather, as her voice carried slowly, softly, and gently, it was like a single leaf that tossed to and fro with the gentle breeze as it seemed to carry its own melody of nostalgia, joy, and love. Link became calm and still as he listened to her sweet words and voice, and as he came to rest in her arms, he soon fell asleep. A smile wore onto his sleeping face, and Saria smiled in seeing it, so they were both content. She looked around in his cozy and quaint home as she held him. For the most part, she was quite impressed with how neat he had kept it. It was simple really. His sword and shield he had mounted along the wall, and beside them in careful storage was his 'bottomless' pouch wherein it contained so many possessions. They were possessions of rare use now, but a treasure nonetheless as they could still prove useful when and if the day should come. He had his cupboards of dishes and his pantry of foods, there was his table alongside the hearth of a design similar to that of her own, and there were a couple of chairs. But there was nothing to indicate luxury of any means except for one item, and it sat upon the table in center of his home, his fairy ocarina. She sighed as she whispered to herself, "Oh Link,...you truly are special. ... I may not know nor understand everything that you have gone through and endured. ... But I do know and understand you. ... You will always be my 'boy of the forest'."

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