V The Shadow and the Mask

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As the days were, our beloved Hero was living in a time where he was able to move pass his past horrors and breathe calmly with his beloved wife and family in peace as they awaited the arrival of their child, be it a son or a daughter. However, not all was wholly forgotten, and he never was able to forgive himself in having Saria wait for him so. Occasionally, he would feel low; wherein, he would become very solemn and he remained quiet. And in such moments, his memory and thoughts would sometimes turn to the mask that takes part with his spirit. So, he realized that while his life was indeed complete with Saria and his family in Ordon, he was not perfectly at peace.

Upon such a time, one evening, Link could not manage to fall asleep as his mind was again filled with thought and regrets. Fortunately, such moments were rare and far in between, but when they came, they came hard like a Goron tackling a man and sitting on him until he was ready to move. So, he stirred, and he went to his hanging satchel of items and drew out a simple item. Then he went to sit at the table in the midnight house's enveloping darkness. He lit a single candle, a light that was insignificant to awakening heavy sleepers. And as he sat there, he fumbled his fingers over the wooden shell, the great mask. Again, as his mind strayed from his troubles and guilt, he was again curious of his spirit's life as the deity. What story did those memories tell? What was the deity's story aside from his sacrifice for Hylia? And for a part, his mind was curious of his 'former spirit'; wherefore, he was 'almost' tempted to wear it. Yet he remembered the warnings. But unexpectedly, he also heard a voice. Whether the voice took sound in his ears or simply took place in his mind, he was not sure, but he did hear it. It was cold and mysterious as it whispered. However, he could not make out what it was saying. But in that moment, his attention was diverted to Saria as she had stirred awake.

"What's that?" Saria asked as she was sitting up with her eyes curiously beholding the shell in his hand.

"Something that I have been keeping both secret and safe." Link simply answered with a long and tired voice, and he continued. "Something from my adventure in Termina, the one thing that I left out in my telling of it." Saria looked at him suspiciously then with concern and care as he continued, for as she knew him, she knew that there was a reason why. "Only four know about it," He continued, "Zelda, two spirits, and Phaelon. ... But I was rebuked for showing it even to Zelda. ... As for Phaelon, I showed it to him long before I was even aware of how delicate its care should be taken."

He paused in thought, and Saria cut in with a simple question, "Then why are you telling me all of this now? Why not just put it away and forget about it?"

And Link eyed her with gentle care, "Because you're now aware of it, and your suspiciousness and curiosity will only grow as so will the suspense and anticipation. And suspense and anticipation can best the best of men and women. Something careless and possibly harmful would inevitably happen." Link paused again as he sighed as Saria's eyes changed in showing understanding. Then he continued, "You remember what I've told you of masks of power? Of the masks of the four peoples that I used helping the people of Termina?" Saria nodded, and he went on with his tale. "This ... This is a special mask of power. You see, without the Master Sword, I could not hope to contest Majora in combat upon the moon of Termina. But a ... hmmm...a rather unique spirit ... gave this mask to me. And with it, I was able to challenge Majora in battle, and practically speaking, I easily defeated her." As she listened, Saria was in awe, and Link continued, "It is the mask of 'The Fierce Deity' A great deity that fought alongside Hylia in elder days who had been slain in her service. ... His power was contained in this mask. ... But as for his spirit, it is born from time to time in the lives of Hylians. When he who has his spirit adorns the mask, the deity takes form and shape as long as the mask is adorned." He paused again as she remained speechless, "I am born of that spirit." Saria's mouth dropped, but then her features were filled with question, and Link elaborated in answer. "A mask of such power can be dangerous if wrongly used. And while I have his spirit, I am not incorruptible; wherefore, it is to be kept secret, safe, and used only when I absolutely must."

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