IX A Shade and His Lingering Task

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So came the days when there dwelt in Hyrule, the Shade of someone, as he claims, had never been. He returned to the woods of Faron, where he would he bound, leap, and stride mysteriously through the forest. None knew him, but occasionally, if one was fortunate enough to glimpse the rare and fantastic sight, he could be spotted as a golden wolf. Majestic he was in form; wherefore, one would gasp in awe at the sight of him.

To the tree lines he would often come, and the winds would seem to sift through the trees at his presence. He would gaze and observe, for below his standing upon the hills or in the distance upon a field, stood both Saria and Sarick. So, the Shade would watch them over the days and years, and it pained him that he could not be ever with them. Though, as grievous as it was, he was thankful that at least, he got to see them. He watched as his son grew. Sarick had hair as green as grass on a sunlit hill, his eyes were blue like the oceans, and he was stout in recollection of a young boy who the Shade knew as a Hero. He wore green garbs in fashion of the Kokiri children of old, for Saria made them for him as she recalled the days of her youth. She would smile brightly as she would watch him play with the other children of the village. They would frolick and play, and they would sometimes engage into a bit of mischief.

There was a time when young Sarick was alone as his friends were busy and occupied. So, the lad of ten years in age decided to brave the woods of the forest. He hiked hills, valleys, and dales, and he would collect leaves of this tree and leaves of that tree. He would take in the sights of the different creatures that he would rarely see aside from here in the depth of the forest. Then upon a stream, he heard swift footsteps run by, and when he looked up, he beheld a young girl of blonde and flowery garb sprinting. Then not far behind her were not one, nor two, but six wolfos in pursuit. Sarick moved quickly and snatching a branch in haste, he snapped it in a particular manner so as it attained a sharp point. The lad was swift, and he gained grounds as he pursued. Eventually, they came upon a stone structure in a meadow, and the girl was fearfully pinned. The wolfos took formation in their pack, and when they were ready to strike, Sarick rushed in upon their flank in full momentum as he ran his spear through a wolfos. His action threw the pack off balance, and as he wielded his spear, he stood betwixt them and their prey.

The pack held back for a moment as they considered their new foe. Silently, the girl panicked. Sarick was terrified, but his instinct knew not to let them know it. Thus, the lad stood bold and firm. With his spear, he lunged as they attacked, and when one wolfos fell, he snapped the branch again as he lunged it into another to his left. Then as one came upon him, he spun in grabbing a stone and smote its skull. It wasn't enough, though it bought himself time as it was stunned. As for the other two, they had returned in surrounding the lad, for the girl had managed to climb a stone pillar away from their reach. So, Sarick was surrounded, but then after a moment, a small horn blew. The boy and the wolfos turned to find a skull child playfully snickering and taunting the wolfos. Two of them took taste to pursue the mysterious child in a like chase. But one wolfos however, did not fall for the diversion as he returned his notice to the boy who had stunned him. It seemed rough in its growl with unkempt fir, and it was indeed the greater of the pack. Sarick had no weapon and he stood far from anything that he could possibly grab in attempt of defense. But then something entirely unexpected happened as a golden wolf came, as if from no where, and tackled the wolfos. The lad stepped back as he watched the two battle it out. Sarick's eyes widened as they fought like rivals, but it did not last long as the wolf pinned the beast down as its maw took the kill. When all was done, the boy stood with bloody hands, bruised joints, and a torn shirt, and he locked gaze with the wolf's single eye as it stood before him. In that moment, the boy was awestruck, but then in response to the wolf's returned gaze, something awoke in him as he felt warm, proud, and mature. Simply, the wolf was calm and it appeared to give a sort of bow before it stood serene, and then it strode off as it vanished in the grass and trees.

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