This Bitch

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"So when did you move here?" I asked Andrea. We are sitting at a lunch table by the window that showed trees from outside. I had fries and a juice, she had the same thing, we really are alike and I feel like we really are hitting it off.

"Like 2 weeks ago I'm still unpacking, I never knew how much stuff I really had until we moved. How about you?" She laughed and took a fry and ate it. Obviously.

"About the same but my brother and I helped each other unpack the house so we are done. Hey if you want I can come over and help you I get unpacking done real fast." I asked. If I can get out of my house than I'm fine going anywhere.

"Yeah! That would be great. My mom and dad aren't home they went on a trip so I'm home alone." She answered and smiled. 

"Hey Cupcake." I heard Tristan say and I smiled widely.

"Tristie sit. This is Andrea she moved here two weeks ago too." I said and pulled him down to sit with us. 

"Nice to meet you Andrea." He smiled and put his hand out for her to shake.

"You too, Tristan I'm gonna guess because I'm not using that nickname." She laughed and shook his hand. I laughed too that was kinda funny.

"Yeah, it's Tristan." He said and laughed putting his hand back on the table.

"So Tristie do you mind if I go to Andrea's house tonight to help her unpack?" I looked at him with puppy eyes. It works every time.

"Yeah, that's fine." He answered and took on of my fries.

"yay thank you!" I hugged him and smiled. 

I just hope Dad doesn't hurt him when I'm gone because every time I leave the fight. I don't know why when I'm gone but it is. I hate seeing Tristan hurt. One time before we moved my dad beat him up so bad that Tristan couldn't move, he was in his bed for 2 weeks slowly getting better, my dad was gone those two weeks but he came back after Tristan was better. My dad started drinking after my mom passed away and he turned into what he is now.

Tristan has taken the raft of him for me and I'm grateful but I can't see him in pain anymore.

"Hey, Tristy?" I called his name as he was getting up and I looked at him with sorry eyes he turned around and looked down at me, "Be careful please." 

"Don't worry cupcake, I'll be fine." He informed me and I smiled shyly at him. and nodded, he walked away and I saw that boy from English coming over here and I rolled my eyes.

"Andrea can we go please," I asked.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked looking at me with questioning eyes.

"You see that boy coming over here?" I asked and she smiled.

"Ryan Moore!?" She asked. HA! I know his name now!

"Yeah. I don't like him and we need to leave." I said getting up with my fries in my hands only to bump into someone and my fries and ketchup got all over there shirt. Shit!

"YOU BITCH!" The girl yelled and I tried to hide my laugh but failed. "My new shirt, this shirt is worth more than your life!" She squealed looking at her shirt making everyone look at us. Are you kidding does this school have nothing better to do than get into other people's drama.

"Oh honey that shirt was ugly anyway, you should be thanking me the ketchup made it look much better. I wonder if the ketchup and your caked ass face would go good together." I said and smirked that was no my best but she had a lot of makeup on and I just had to point that out.

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