Chapter 1

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Now that the day was was time for me to go to detention. I easily got detention when I stuffed a nerd in his locker and told a teacher I did it. It didn't seem to suprise the teacher. So, I gladly won't have to see that dumb kid soon.

"You delinquents are to stay put and no talking!"

Mr. Grayson left the room. I thought that was stupid. So, I started messing with the other so called "delinquents". I was having so much fun.....until "he" walked in.

"Hello detentioners!"

I heard someone mummble,"Did he just say detentioners?"

Oh my God. He just wanted to ruin my life!

"My name is Niall."

"Shit." I mummbled.

"I will be watching you all!"

My life was ruined! I heard people whispering and laughing. They all new about me staying with Niall.

I swear I heard someone say," Hey! Nialler came to get you out of here. Why don't you two run along now....or skip!?" I was so embaressed. I had to spend the next hour listening to this! My life sucks.

~An hour later~

"I wasn't suprised to find you in detention." He blurted out harshly.

"I was trying to get away from you!" I yelled back. Even though he was a goody goody...he was an asshole to me. I couldn't stand him. I tried to be nice but he just won't give me a chance.

"Well that didn't work!" He yelled back.

"No shit!" I opened the car door angrily and slammed it shut. I sat in the back of the passenger seat. He sat in the passenger seat and also slammed the door.

"What's wrong you two?" His dad asked.

"Nothing." I said as nicely as possible.

"So how was your day?"

"It was fine." I said through grinded teeth.


The rest of the drive was silent,but short. As soon as we pulled up, I ran up to the door. I waited while Niall opened it. After he opened it, I stormed passed him and upstairs into my room as quickly as possible. I was so angry with him. I lied down on my bed thinking to myself if I should run away. I heard a knock on the door and asumed it was Niall's dad coming to check on me.

"Come in."

"Hey you okay?" I looked up knowing it was Niall's voice.

"Get out!"

"Look, I came to apologize not fight."

"Hurry up."

He looked at me with his soft blue eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you about being in detention."

I just stared at him.

"Well aren't you going to apoligize for yelling at me?"

I thought to myself and my answer was 'No'. He completely deserved it for being a smart ass with me.

"No." I said laughing.


"You deserved it!"

"You're a total bitch!"

"Get the hell out of my room!" My eyes were now filled with anger. I was also somewhat hurt when he called me a 'bitch'. He slammed the door and left. I was now just staring at the ceiling, thinking to myself. Even though I hated him, he was kind of attractive. He had nice blond hair and his bangs went to the side. His blue eyes sparkled like the water. He was also very muscular when he crossed his arms. Wait, what am I thinking! I'm crazy. I don't like him,plus Dylan is my boyfriend.

"Dinner is ready!" I can hear Niall's dad yelling. I went down stairs pleased to see Niall wasn't down yet. I grabbed my plate and grabbed some pizza. I sat down and heard Niall coming down. He looked at the pizza with everything on it and gave me a confused look. I just shrugged. He grabbed 3 slices of cheese instead and sat down across from me. After a long silence, I got up and threw away my pizza suddenly not feeling hungry. I went straight upstairs and fell asleep. I was so worn out from today. Tomorrow could be worse.

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