Chapter 12

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"Stop!" I yelled running forward. Dylan and Niall were fighting. Dylan was on Niall repeatedly punching him. I lunged forward pushing Dylan off of Niall.

"What the HELL?!?!?!?" Dylan yelled at me.

"Stop it! Why are you doing this?!?!?!?" I yelled back, my face turning red from anger.

"WHY?!?!? BECAUSE HE STOLE YOU FROM ME!!!!" He screamed in my face. I winced at the loud outburst.

"He didn't steal me!!!! I just don't like you anymore!" I yelled back. He must have hated that because I saw his face turn into pure evil. He lifted up his hand, but before I had time to react, he slapped me across the face hard. I craddled my cheek. I was just about to say something, when Niall jumped up and tackled Dylan to the ground. I just stood there crying. Not able to do anything. In all of my sobbing, I barely heard sirens. Someone called the cops. I watched as Claire and Louis ran up, dragging Niall off of Dylan. I just turned around and walked away.

"Hey." I heard a soft voice say from behind me. I kept walking.

"You okay?" I looked up to see Claire. I jumped forward hugging her. I sobbed on her back for what felt like forever.

"Thanks." I said sniffling.

"For what?" She said confused.

"For being there for me." I said trying to smile. My cheek really hurt.

"Come on." She said dragging me to the car. I fell asleep in the back on the ride home.

"We're here." Claire said waking me up.

"Wait where's Louis?" I said just now noticing.

"With Niall down at the station." She said gentley.

"Okay." I said simply. I got out and said our goodbyes. After convincing her I would be fine, she left. I went inside. There was a note on the table. It read:

'Busy with work. Won't be back til the morning.'

"Great." I whispered to myself. I dragged myself to my room. I took a quick shower, feeling a little better. I put on my favorite pajamas. I went downstairs to the fridge and got some icecream. I sat on the couch watching movies. I got sleepy after a while so I went upstairs. I just layed there staring at the wall. I was about to fall asleep, when I heard my bedroom door open. I turned to see Niall there.

"Are you okay?" He said looking sad. I looked at him. His lip was busted, his right eye was badly bruised, is left eye was swollen shut, and he had scratches all over his face.

"No." I said barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry about today." He said sitting down. I felt the bed dip.

"It wasn't your fault." I said sniffling again.

"It is." He said looking down.

"No it isn't. I had fun today." I said trying to smile. It really hurt though. He sighed.

"I'll let you sleep." He said slowly getting up. I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"No, please stay." I said sadly, feeling lonely. He layed back down and I scooted towards him. I rested my head on his chest. I felt so calm, as if nothing happened. Before I fell asleep, I swear I heard him say 'I love you.' I brushed it off thinking I heard him wrong because I was so tired. I just knocked out, having nightmares.


(Author's note) Sorry :( I was slow on updates. I've been busy with school. I wasn't feeling it today, srry again. I promise the next one will be better! :) See ya

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