Chapter 13

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I saw a person walking towards me.

"Honey?" I heard the voice call. I recognized it.

"Mom?!?" I started crying out.

"Brianna come here." She said smiling. I ran up to her. I hugged her tightly.

"Mom! I've missed you!" I said sniffling. I pulled back to see a monster. It was a woman, but she didn't look human. She had gray hair, red beady eyes, long nails, pale skin, and very old. She was wearing torn up cloths.

"Mom?" I said afraid. The lady lunged at me, scratching at me. She kept attacking me over and over. Right when I thought I was going to die. I heard someone.

"NO, NO, NO!!!!!" I screamed out.

"BRIANNA!!" The voice yelled. My eyes snapped open. I looked up to see Niall watching me with concern.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"You were having a nightmare." He said leaning back. His eyes were drooping and he looked really tired.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have kept you up all night." I said slowly getting up.

"It's fine. I couldn't sleep anyways." He said waving me off. I smiled gently, my cheek still hurting. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I changed into some joggers, a shirt, and a gray sweater. I even put on my favorite fluffy socks. I let my hair dry naturally. When I came out, I didn't see Niall. I went to my mirror to see how I looked. Owwww. My whole cheek was swollen and looked blue mixed with purple. It really hurt. I went downstairs. I stopped halfway down the stairs.

"Mmmmmm." I said. I could smell some bacon. I went into the kitchen to see Niall cooking. What!?!?!? He cooks?!?!?!? He was cooking bacon, pancakes, eggs, and had some juice out.

"Hey." He said coming over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. The good one.

"Hey?" I said a little confused by his gesture. I grabbed everything I could and sat down. When I was done, I put the dish in the sink. I decided to wash it.

"I'll do it." He said grabbing my hand.

"No, it's fine." I said resuming my wash. He just let go. "Hey, thanks for staying."

"No problem." He said shrugging.

"Did uh-.....nevermind." I said shaking my head.

"What?" He said, obviously not letting go of the subject.

"Last night. Did you say you loved me?" I asked quietly. He hesitated before he answered.

"Ummmm......" He stumbled over his words.

"It's ok if you did." I said slowly.

"I did." He said barely above a whisper. I put down the dish. Wow..... How did I feel? I don't know. I do like him, but LOVE......I really don't know.

"Oh." was all I could think to say. Stupid me! I went and sat down on the couch. I put my feet up. I silently cried, remembering last night. Why? Why me? I felt the couch dip.

"It's okay." Niall said grabbing me. He slowly brushed his hand up and down my arm. It felt calming.

"Thank you." I said half smiling. My cheek still felt like it was bleeding. He smiled back.

"You're a good friend." I said sighing. His smile seemed to drop a little bit. We sat there with what felt like forever. I played some movies until I fell asleep. I didn't want to go to school.

~A week later~

My cheek had fully healed now. I ran down the stairs. I had on a red dress, some black heels, and my black leather jacket. I put on some red lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, and some eye liner. I curled my hair as nicely as possible.

"See ya!" I yelled to Niall's dad. He felt like a real dad to me.

"Bye!" He said blowing a kiss. I blowed one back. I loved him. He was so cool and nice. Anyways, today I was going to a party. I felt like it.

*Honk* *Honk*

"I'm coming!" I yelled out to Claire.

"Hey!" She said when I hopped in the car. I smiled at her. She looked really pretty today.

"Hey!" I said giving her a hug.

"No hi for me?" Louis said pouting. He looked so adorable. Like a little puppy.

"Hi!!!!!!" I yelled really loud. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was one of those ones that you can hear, that make a popping sound. He started wiping at it fiercely. I just laughed.

"Okay Okay! Hands off! He's mine." Claire said holding him close. I laughed at her. That made her mad. So, to prove her point, she kissed him for a long time square on the lips.

"Ewwww! Stop! I get it! No PDA in the car." I said covering my eyes. They laughed at me. The ride to the party was short. I jumped out and ran into the house. I went straight for the kitchen. I grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"Hey." Someone said from behind. I turned around. It was Matt. He was the host of the party and one of Niall's friends.

"Oh hey." I said chugging down my beer and getting another one. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. My back was pressed against his chest. He turned me around.

"Wanna have the best day of your life?" He said leaning forward. I pushed him away.

"No. Matt, I don't like you like that." I walked away. I played some games and drank a lot. I felt realy dizzy.

"Brianna. Truth or Dare." Someone slurred to me.

"Ummm....Dare." I said swaying back and forth. I thought I was going to fall.

"I dare Jack." I looked at Jack. He was handsome, but I didn't like him at all. The achohol took over my functions. I stumbled forward and grabbed Jack's collar. I pulled him close and pressed my lips hard against his. He tried putting his tongue in my mouth, which took it too far for me. I pulled away and went back.

"I'll be back." I said slurring. I was on my way to the kitchen, when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Niall. It is his friend's party, I expected to see him here.

"Oh hey." I said grabbing a drink in the kitchen.

"I think you've had enough." He said taking it from me. I pouted and stomped my foot. He just laughed at me.

"Having fun?" I said stumbling a little.

"Yeah, I guess." He said shrugging. I turned around to walk away, when I tripped over my own feet. I was ready for impact, but it never came. I looked up to see Niall had stopped me from falling.

"Wow. You catch me a lot." I said fixing myself.

"You fall a lot." He said smirking.

"Touché." I said narrowing my eyes. I started laughing. I looked straight into his eyes. My heart started beating fast. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. The achohol took over and I leaned forward. He did too. Our lips met, and I immediately felt sparks. It felt just so right to kiss him. He started deepening the kiss. That's when I pulled away. Don't get me felt FANTASTIC, but I had to throw up. Too much achohol can do that to you. I pulled back covering my mouth.

"Brianna-" I didn't wait to hear the rest. I bolted up the stairs and into a room. To my right was a bathroom. I ran inside and sat down at the toilet. I let everything spill out. I felt terrible. After I finished, I wiped my mouth and washed my hands. It was pitch black in the room. I went towards the door, which had a little bit of light shining in. Suddenly, it slammed shut. I was in total darkness. I heard footsteps come towards me.

"Who's there?" I said terrified.

"Don't be scared." The voice said. I know that voice. Oh no! This can't be good!


(Author's note) Thnx for reading! I'm trying to be faster on updates sorry. It's really hard with school and all. Anyways, thnx again for reading! Please Please comment and/or vote. Ummmm, tell ur friends. Keep reading to find out what happens next! Also check out my other book 'I Hate Badboys'. Thnx again! :D <3 Love you all!

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