Chapter 9

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I woke up in my room feeling more than happy. Whatever happened with Niall was amazing. I felt closer to him, like I could trust him with anything. I jumped when I heard the song 'what makes you beautiful' blasting from my phone. That song played every time Claire texted me.

Claire:OMG! Guess what!!!!! :D


Claire:I had the best day ever!!! :D

Me:What? When???

Claire:Yesterday!!! I was with Louis!! Eeeeeeepppppp! :D

Me:OMG! What happened?!?!?

Claire:You won't believe it!! :D

Me:What? What?

I was really into this conversation. I was so excited for Claire.

Claire:He kissed me!!!!!!! :D xx Eeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp!!!!!

Me:NO WAY!!!

I squealed so loud, Niall heard it. He walked in the room staring at me with a confused look. He was covering his ear now, making a face.

"It's okay, I didn't need that eardrum." He said smiling at me. I couldn't help but laugh. I mouthed the word 'Sorry'.

Claire:Yes!!!!! :D It was PERFECT!!

Me:That's great!! :D

Claire:You kiss Niall yet?

I looked up right when he sat down next to me. I quickly shut my phone.

"What don't you want me to see?" He asked curious.

"It's nothing." I said looking away, blushing at the thought of the message.

"It looked like something." He said nudging me with his shoulder.

"Get out of my room." I playfully shoved him.

"Okay, but I will be back!" He said smiling before turning around and leaving.



Claire:Why not?!?!?!?

Me:I don't like him like that, and he doesn't like me. Ttyl k? :)

Claire:Fine....Ttyl :)

I got up and went to my closet. I grabbed a tank top that said ' I'll sleep when I'm dead '. Then, I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans. I put on my black high tops, a red heart necklace, and a red watch. Finally, I put on my black leather jacket. I ran downstairs and grabbed a plate with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I ate what I could, then I grabbed my backpack and got in the car. Niall sat infront of me while his dad drove. When we made it, I got out really fast.

"Have a nice day you two!" Niall's dad shouted.

"We will!" I said way too happy, even Niall gave me an odd look. I smiled at his dad, waved, and went inside.

"Brianna." I heard Niall say from behind me. I closed my locker and turned to face him. He gave me a shy smile. I thought that was odd.

"Yea?" I said confused.

"I was thinking.....since we have first period together....we could,uh, walk together?" He sounded really nervous.

"Sure...." I said not caring. He wasn't being an asshole, so why not! He gave me a wide smile, obviously pleased.

"So.....we have known each other for quite a bit...." Oh, No. He can't be asking me out. I have a boyfriend, Dylan!

"Yea but Dylan's known me longer..." I tried my best to casually sneak that in.

"Oh yea, your boyfriend right?" He sounded bummed about that.

"Yea..." I sadly replied. I don't think I was into Dylan anymore though. I shook my head at the thought. We walked quietly to class. When lunch came, I was pretty excited. I walked in looking for Claire.

"Brianna!!!!!!" I heard Claire squeal.

"Hey!" I said hugging her.

"We are now a couple!"

"You and Louis?" I said suprised.

"Duh!!" She said smiling.

"Excuse me for wanting to confirm...." I said crossing my arms.

"Come on!" She said dragging me past people. We grabbed lunch and sat down. She kept blabbering on about her and Louis. I kinda tuned her out. I spotted Niall and just stared at him. I know very wierd. He was chatting with his friends. He noticed me staring and started to walk over. Then, he stopped and I felt hands on my eyes.

"Guess who!" A deep manly voice said. I recognized this voice.



(Author's note) Srry bout this chapter :( I wasn't feeling it today. Keep reading, I promise next one will be better! :) Remember to read ashdancerlbp13 fanfic. She's my friend and thnx!! U are all awesome :D leave comments!!!! I really want to know how u feel about this.... Good or bad. Thnx again!! :D

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