seeing every one

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        "where's Kawaii~Chan and Katlyen?" i asked "oh there at the grocery store.... wait Zane what are you doing back there?" Aphamu said  "oh (Y/N) are going to go hang out at her place after she goes and sees every one." Zane said "yep just like zane said!" i exclaimed "then Aphmau leaned in close and whispered in my ear "ohhh really are you going to tell him?" "maybe" i giggled back "what are you to talking about? is it me are there things showing on my face..." he said with a worried expression "no Zane." aphmau and i said at the same time then looked at each other and laughed

          we heard something coming and turned around to see katlyen and kawaii~chan driving up "(Y/N)~sama! what are you doing here!" kawaii~chan exclaimed loud enough that almost all of the neighborhood could here " whats up (Y/N) what are you doing here?" katlyen said "well i just moved into the house down the street to surprise all of you!"i said "but you didn't have to move here (Y/N)" katlyen said as she gave you a hug "well i wanted to be able to see all of my favorite people every day!" i exclaimed "well kawaii~chan is very happy that you moved here (Y/N)~sama!" kawaii~chan screamed "oh i'll go help unload the groceries!" i said "no we got this  you go see every one else." aphmau said "oh and when you and zane~kun hang out please let my ship sail!" kawaii~chan said as a blush over came our faces "ok well we're going to go now i'll see all of you later." i said "bye!" we all said at the same time.

      "ok well I'm going to go see Garroth, Travis, Dante, and Laurence now if you wanna go to my place and wait there you can." i said "no i'll come with you i'll just not listen to my brother's rambles." zane replied "ok well come on then!" i said running across the street. "gah!!!! coming Y/N!"

      zane yelled after me. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "coming!" i hear a voice yell from inside the house "hello... wait Y/N what are you doing here!" garroth said when he opened the door. "i just moved to that house down the street!" i said "i think i know who is here by that angelic voice." i hear someone say from upstairs "yes Dante it is me." i said "oh aw you broke my pick up line cutie." dante said. "oh boo-hoo you can't hit on me again." i said jokingly "well what are we animals let invite her into the house!" dante said "wait baby brother what are you doing hiding back behind Y/N?!" garroth exclaimed "oh just trying to stay away from you is all." zane said. " zane and i were going to hang out at my house after i went to go see everyone." i said "well baby brother Y/N why don't you come on in and we can all talk on the couch." garroth said "ok thank you garroth." i kindly said while zane slugged grumpily behind me. " where is travis?" i said as i looked around not seeing him anywhere. "oh he is in his room probably playing his video games why don't you go tell him hi" garroth said "i will excuse me." as i walked away i could hear the conversation change but i did not pay much attention to the topic. oh wait i left zane over there as i looked back oh well he will be fine for just a few minutes "hey travis" i said as i knocked on his door.

Travis's POV

        "ah you perfect lady." i said while looking at the picture of katlyen hanging in my closet. "hey travis." i hear at my door oh my god its Y/N i can't let her see this poster  i thought as i closed my closet doors and went to the door and right before i  opened it i started to say "oh i think i know who that is by-" "travis stop i already heard it from dante don't say it again." Y/N said


         "ok i'm opening the door right now" travis said as the door opened the door "whats up Y/N!" he said as we did our secret hand shake with a hug at the end. "so what have you been up to Y/N... and actually what are you doing here?" travis said "one I'm good and two i just moved into the house down the street to be able to hang out with you guys more often well not just the boys but also the girls hehe..." i said "oh yea that sounds really cool." travis said. "so what were you doing in there before i came?" i asked "oh nothing just playing a video game." travis said "then why are the tv, x-box, and laptop all off" i asked him "oh well i turned off the computer as i went to open the door." he replied "oh ok..." i said in a suspicious tone he was thinking about katlyen and i know it "ok well it was good talking to you travis you can go back to thinking about katlyen now" i said running back to the living room with a laugh "I WAS NOT THINKING OF KATLYEN." he yelled back to me.

           "what was that about?" zane asked with a confused look on his face "oh travis was thinking about katlyen in his room." i giggled "where is Laurence"i asked. "I'm here..." he said groggily walking down the stairs clearly having just woke up. " aw the the little baby feeling better after waking up from his nap." garroth said " i told you to stop calling me that." Laurence said "laurence its been so long how have you been." i said while giving him a hug "I've been good but what are you doing here on such short notice?" laurence said. "oh well i moved in down the street yesterday I really wanted to see everyone so I did!" I exclaimed. "Oh look at the time!" I said as I looked down at my watch realizing what time it is "we're going to go say hi to Aaron now see you guys later." I said as Zane and I walked out of the boys house. Now to Aaron's house I thought KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "COMING!" I heard Aaron yelling from inside his house. "Y/N what are you doing here!" as we gave each other a tight hug. "And what is he doing here with you?" When he stepped back from the hug. " you aren't doing anything are you." Aaron said in a quizzical voice "ok mr.overprotective don't get any ideas ok we are just going to hang out at my place." I said back "we'll do you mind if I come along to then?" Aaron said. "Sure that all good with me. I would live to hang out with my giant of a brother." I giggled "well come on!" I said as I ran to my house. "Hey get back here you little... you little twig!" Aaron said "Aaron that's not even I good comeback!" I scream to him.

ok so this one is a whole lot longer than I was expecting it to be but hey it's even better I'm hoping to get another chapter out soon ok so I'll try to get one out either this weekend or around Wednesday next week and make sure to wear your seatbelts "that was a total odd1sout quote don't judge me lol!"

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