Our houses

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"We're back home!" Aphmau shouted when we got off the boat. "Yea I can't wait to get home." Aaron said. Travis and I looked at each other scared of what would happen to us when Garroth, Laurence and Dante found out we blew their house up. "Yea I can't wait..." Travis said very uneasy. "Hey are you two ok?" Aphmau questioned. "Yea we're fine." I said with my. Once pitching. "Ok if you say so." Aphmau satiated suspiciously. "Well let's get home quick. I want to bake some sweets maybe we could even have a coming home party!" Kawaii~chan shouted.

??? POV
"And because we haven't seen the residents of MyStreet all summer we have decided to blow it all up and build a new puppy hospital! Although there is one house that is almost completely blown up so we will go over it again with more explosives!" The mayor shouted. "So the bombs will go off in about 2 minutes let all stand back." Is this the right thing oh well of course it is there will be puppies everywhere and the residents probably went to live somewhere else we're fine.

Travis's POV

'We're dead they're gonna kill us garroth is gonna scream at me' I thought when I looked over at y/n she was fidgeting and sweating like crazy. "Y/n I'll take full blame it's my fault." "No it's not Travis it's as much my fault as it is yours we both messed up and that ok.... no it's not they're gonna kill us." She started crying.

Le time skip brought to you by me being shorter than Levi


We made it back to MyStreet, but before anyone could see garroth, Laurence, Dante, and Travis's house there was a huge explosion. We speed to their house only to see it completely gone. "MY HOUSE!!!" Garroth and Laurence shouted in sync. "Oh no and it totally was not me not at all me it was all someone else." Travis said looking away. "Bwahahaha you lost your house." Zane said in between laughs. There was another boom, zanes house. "*gasp* MY HOUSE!!!" Zane shouted. "Don't forget Zane karma's a bitch." I giggled out when there was another boom this time my house exploded. I started bawling my eyes out "Aaron mom and Dad are going to kill me they said I have to live in that house for at least 10 years what am I going to say to them." I shouted curling up into a little ball. "It's ok they'll understand hopefully." He said while rubbing my back helping me calm down. "I think I'll go call them they could help with insurance, they said that they know that me and the people on this street are kinda quote on quote 'strange' so they have me a insurance that would do just about everything." I said after all the houses were blown up and we were in the car in the way to ask the mayor what happened. "Ok if you need me I'll be with Aph." He said walking away to  Aphmau.

You             Dad

"Hey dad I kinda need your help"

"What is it y/n did you lose your job get your house repossessed"

"Well in a way you see we think the mayor might have blown our houses up for some reason and we don't know what to do none of us have a house"

"Well I'm sorry but I can't help you I'll talk to you later bye"

Beep beep beep

"Bye dad." I said looking down 'I knew I shouldn't have tryed asking him its not like he's every helped or really cared before' "how did it go with dad?" Aaron asked. "I can't help you bye." I said using my dad voice 'oh the joys of voice acting.' "Yeah that sounds like dad, but Wow your voice acting is really good!" Aaron said. "Yeah I guess no one wants to hire me though ugh if they would I could help get homes for everyone." I said looking out the window and realizing that we were there. "Ok come on let's go figure this thing out." I said getting out of the car and started walking to the the mayors office.

Le time skip because I don't want to write out all that happened in the mayors office

"But we can give you an apartment to stay in for a while until you can get a new house." The mayor said. "Ok thank you." Aaron said. As we walked out of the building I realized that we all have to get new kids because we had to quit before we left. "You guys we have to go get jobs." I said looking up at them when we got outside. "Yeah your right y/n how about we split up." Aphmau said. "Ok Zane, y/n, Kawaii~chan, Katlyen, and Travis you go look for jobs while the rest of us go find a house." Aphmau continued. "Got it we should all get back to the apartment around 6:30 tonight." I said as everyone nodded in agreement. 'Now to get those jobs'


Hello everyone sorry for not updating recently I'm kinda running out of ideas I need everyone to that has an idea to send some to me it would help me so much thank you.

And one last thing before I leave I'm going to a two week long camp on the 15th so I won't be able to update until about the 28th

Ok bai baiiiiii

Azrella~Sama out

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