•~• part 12 •~•

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Ok so like in my other book I'm going to start putting the title as just the chapter number because I keep having a hard time getting title names ok now to the story



Zane and I are finally moved in together and I can't be happier. Because we have are so close we decided to share a room together, we are even getting a dog soon *cough cough Aph cough cough* so we are going to head to the animal shelter now. "ZANE HURRY UP I WANNA GET A LITTLE DOGGO." Aph shouted to receive a glare from me. "APH ITS GONNA BE OUR PUPPER YOU HAVE CELESTA!" I shouted. "My ears are woman always this loud..." I heard Zane groan as he walked out of our room. "Sorry babe......" I said looking down to hide my blush from the words that just came out of my mouth. "L-let's g-go now." Zane said walking out of the house.

•*• le time skip brought to you by chica eating zanes cupcakes•*•

As we walked into the animal shelter I start looking at all the dogs in one hall while aph goes to look at the kittens while Zane asks the purple haired mefwa at the front desk some things. "Oh you want a loyal friendly dog, well we had a puppy cone in just today that I think you and your friend will love." The mefwa said. I don't know why but i got a bad vibe from her almost like she was plotting something. I turn back around and keep looking at the dogs when I see one that is adorable. I look at her sign and see that he/she is named d/n to is a corgi and is one month old. 'I love her' I thought as I see Zane looking at he/she from the other side of the glass. When he looks up he didn't notice I was on the opposite glass. He looks over to mefwa and she pulls his mask down and kisses him I feel tears stream down my face. I see Zane look over and his eyes go wide when he sees me. I turn around and run out of the shelter I run and run for god knows how long I feel my phone ring and realize that Zane is calling me. 'I don't want and explanation of what happened it's clear he didn't love me that's why he didn't push her off of him' I pushed the decline call button I could feel my eyes change I put my f/c bandana on and kept running. I feel my phone go off several more times and decide turn my phone off completely. I run as fast as my tiny legs will take me until i see a town and be never been in before called sahlio city. I walk around a little and see a help wanted sign at a news station. "Well I'm gonna need a job now i don't want to go back to the man that doesn't love me." I whispered to my self as I walked into the building. "Hello I'm ff/n fl/n (fake first name fake last name) I would like to take a job here." I said to the man at the front desk. "Well we have a few positions open we have cameramen and-" I cut him off. "I'll take that." I said. "ok you start tonight you will be our studio cameraman, you need to be here at 10." He said. "Ok thank you for this opportunity." I said walking outside. 'I can make it on my own away from the people that hate me'


Hello I'm back and not dead I had to think of something to write about and I got one and I think I might have lost my writers block for now so yay ok that's all. As always thanks for reading and make sure to comment and vote

Ok bai baiiiiii~

Azrella~sama out

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