part 16

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Aaron POV (short)

"Aaron why is everyone here. I'm tired of the suspense."Aph groaned. "you'll see soon, its gonna be here any second now!" i shouted getting everyone into our living room. i heard a knock at the door. "ok everyone its here!" i shouted.

Aphmau's POV

i haven't seen Aaron this happy since we found out y/n was gonna live here. 'i may be getting my hopes up but i hope thats y/n at the door.' i thought as Aaron rushed to open the door. a woman with f/h/c  hair and f/e/c eyes walked in with a man that had brown hair blue eyes a top hat and bear ears and he was carrying... zane?

"hello everyone I'm back." the f/h/c woman said. "and who are you?" lucinda questioned. "its me y/n." she said. "and how do we know you really are?" i asked.

"well first of all i can point everyone out and name them and lucinda can use her magic." she replied. "ok well name everyone and if we still don't trust you lucinda with use her magic."i said. "ok now to start." the woman said taking a deep breath. "Aphmau, Aaron, Garroth, Dante, Travis, lucinda, kawaii~chan, katelyn, Gene, and zane." she said pointing to everyone in the room.

(sorry if i forgot anyone just put a comment and ill try to fix it)

"i still don't believe it." lucinda said. "ok well then use you magic lucinda." the woman said. i heard lucinda mutter something and 'y/n's' hair turned from f/h/c To h/c and something fell out of her eyes. 'f/e/c contacts?' after those contacts fell out i was face with y/n.

i would feel tears falling down my as i saw her. "y-y/n." everyone said in unison and ran up to hug her. "i missed you so much." i cried. "i missed you too the thing that happened with zane i misunderstood and i took it way to far, i wasn't wanting to come back and face everyone or zane but i was being selfish. i-i'm so s-sorry."she cried out as the man that was beside her set zane down on the couch. "and who is he?" i asked wanting to ask why he wore bear ears. "oh this is my boyfriend Freddy, he's helped he so much over the past year and he is the one who persuaded me to come back."y/n said as he put an arm around his waist. "I'm going to go get everyone else you stay here and meet everyone." y/n said as she started walking outside.

"wait y/n can i come with you!" i shouted after her. "i you want but just don't scare everyone to much with hugs that are stronger than their..." she said something else but i couldn't catch it. "ok i promise. so where did you and Freddy meet?" i started asking. "um i went to get some pizza for dinner the first night i ran away and thats where i met him." she said i didn't really buy it but if she didn't want to go into detail i wasn't going to pry.

"here we are." she said walking into her new house on the street. "um you can come in and wait on the couch if you want." she said and walked up stairs. i saw a few pictures with y/n, freddy and three other people, 'i wonder if she would have come back if Freddy hadn't suggested she did- well lets not think bad now she's back lets be happy!!'

y/n POV

I walked down stairs with everyone, they eyed Aph until she introduced herself. "Hi I'm Aphmau but you can call me Aph you must be y/n's friends." She said giving off a bright smile. "Aye I be foxy they be chica and Bonnie." He introduced everyone. (I just realized that chica and Bonnie don't be very active while I write and they will be soon but yeet) "ok guys let's get going." I said walking outside.

The whole walk was silent between us until Aph said, "so how do your like lovers lane?". "We've only been here a few hours so we don't know." Bonnie said not taking his eyes up from the ground.

We had finally arrived at their house I opened the door to see Aaron holding Freddy in a choke hold. "FREDDY!" The gang and I shouted. "AARON LET HIM GO!" I shouted in a demonic voice.

"He tried to attack us!" Aaron shouted. "Freddy did you attack them I said crouching down next to him putting a hand on his shoulder. "No I would never!" He said tear forming in his eyes.

"I got scared when I heard a dog bark and I jumped up and clung a little to tightly on someone." He said as Aaron let him down. I look over and see Travis on the ground whining like a baby. 'This has happened before...'

Flask back

Freddy and I were walking in the park on one of our dates. We walked in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company when a dog barked.

I guess it scared Freddy because he jumped up and clung to me he offset my balance and I fell over on top of him. We laughed, "Freddy are you scared of dogs." I laughed out. "N-now now do you really t-think that your strong boyfriend is afraid of d-dogs." Laughed out. "I wouldn't if you didn't stuffer when you said dogs."

End flash back

"Oh Freddy what ever will I do with you." I laughed out. He pulled him self up and got on one knee. "Well you could always marry me?" He said and pulled out a ring I look up and saw a sad Zane sitting on the couch. "Yes."

Ok ok hate me I know the Zane part will come soon but not yet I love how I have a story planned in my head so yay be proud of me!! And if anyone wants to know I pulling things off hallmark channel lmao

Ok bai baiiiiii~

Azrella~sama out

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