The sleepover

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(F/A) = favorite anime

One week later

Zane and I have been dating for a week now and Kawaii~Chan still hasn't told anyone yet we hope. Zane and I are sitting on my couch watching (f/A) when I got a text from aphmau
A = aphmau Y= y/n
A: hey
Y: what's up aph
A: well I'm having a sleepover tonight do you want to come
Y: of corse I do aph I'll tell Zane for you if you want
A: ok thank you see you tonight😆😆😆
End of message

"Hey Zane aphmau is having a sleepover tonight do you wanna reveal it tonight or wait till later?" I asked Zane. "Well it would be easier to tell them tonight let just hope that your brother doesn't kill me.." he trailed off. "It's fine Zane and if he tries to kill you I'll stop him I promise." I replied with a relaxed tone of voice. "Ok I trust you." He said while snaking his hands around my wait as I pulled his mask down. We stood there for a good 20 minutes making out. When he pulled away we were both as red as tomatoes. "Ok we should get some bags together and ready for the sleepover." Zane said. "Yea let's get ready"

Time skip brought to you by da lazy author that is writing at 1:00 in the morning

"Ok I have everything ready to go." I said to myself on the way to Zane's house.

Time skip to at the sleepover brought to you by shiro and the gaulra

"OK EVERYONE LETS PLAY TRUTH IR DARE!" Aphmau shouted. Zane and I looked at each other knowing what we would be doing when it came to us. "Kawaii~Chan truth or dare?" Aphmau said. "Kawaii~Chan picks truth." Kawaii~Chan said. "is it true that you once hid 50 cats in your house?" Aphmau said. "Yes...." Kawaii~Chan said. "Zane~Kun truth or dare?" Kawaii~Chan asked. "I pick truth." Zane replied. "Is it true that you like someone in this room?" Kawaii~Chan squeaked out with a huge smile on her face. "Yes" Zane said as red as a tomato. "Y/n truth or dare?" Zane said as our plan was going along the lines that is was supposed to. "I pick dare." I replied looking over at Zane. "I dare you to kiss the person you like on the lips." Zane said while Aaron just glared at him. "Ok sounds perfect." I said walking up to Zane. Aaron glared at Zane as I walked up to him and kissed him for a good 5 minutes. We could hear photos being taken but we didn't care, until Aaron walked up and pulled Zane outside by his scarf. I ran out after them only to see Aaron calmer then I expected. "Ok look Zane I can tell that y/n loves you so I'm not going to kill you but if you do anything at all or break her heart you are dead." Aaron said. "Aaron I love her with all of my heat why would I break her heart?" Zane said back to Aaron. "Because it has happened before. With Gene." Aaron said oh no I didn't want him to know that Aaron why didn't you keep it a damn secret. "Wait y/n dated Gene?! When and why didn't she tell me!" Zane said. "She didn't tell you because she thought you would hate her for it she may not say it out loud but she is scared that you will hate her and leave her' she really likes you and you may think that I'm crazy now over how I'm acting but if my dad finds out that your dating y/n it's going to be hell on earth." Aaron said calmly with Zane standing petrified. "O-o-ok..." Zane replied. "Good now let go back inside." Aaron said as I ran back to where I was sitting as Aaron and Zane came back inside. "So y/n are you and Zane dating?" Katlyen asked. " yes. Yes we are." I said resting my head on his shoulder. We heard a few squeaks and camera snaps from aphmau, katlyen, and kawaii~chan while the boy just stared wide eyed at us. "So let's continue with the game." I said

Time skip brought to you by dat boi

"Let's so karaoke!!!!!" Aphmau shouted. "Yes that would be fun." I said looking at Zane. "How about we do it in pairs?" Aphmau said. " yea let's do that." I replied.
Here are the teams
1. Zane and y/n
2. Aphmau and Aaron
3. Garroth and Laurence
4. Dante and Kawaii~chan
5. Travis and Katlyen

"Ok so let's begin!" Aphmau and I shouted in unison

First we're aphmau and Aaron singing DNA by BTS and in korean to which was very impressive

Next was katlyen and Travis singing it not like I like you by static-p and amree  which literally describes their relationship

Next Zane and I sang silent scream by Anna blue we almost started crying afterwards because it hit us in the feels

Garroth and Laurence sang death of a bachelor by Panic! At the disco

And Kawaii~chan forced Dante to sing hello kitty by Avril Lavigne with her

"I think it is safe to say that the winners are Aphmau and Aaron they sang in fricking Korean why didn't you tell me you could do that Aaron?!" I said. "To be honest I didn't even know that I could haha...." Aaron said. "Blame Aph she always plays it and so it's stuck in my head!" Aaron said. " ok so if I do this...." I started  when Aaron cut me off. "Don't even think about it." He said. "Awwww fine aar-aar (pronounced as air-air)." I said. "Aaron gave me a death stare and said "I told you to never call me that again." "I know but it's fun to see you mad." "oh that's it!" he said chasing me around aphmau's house.

ok so this came our sooner than I expected see you next time baiii

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