Love~Love Paradise!

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Zane and I have been dating for two weeks now and I have never been happier. We were all hanging out at Travis, Dante, Garroth, and Laurence's house I had to go check on something at home so I got up and left for about 5 minutes and when I came back everyone was gone I figured that it was just a prank so I sat on the couch when Travis came out from his room and looked around saying. "Huh where is everyone y/n?" " I don't know I think they're pulling a prank on us maybe?" I replied. "HEY GUYS COME ON OUT ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!!!!!" Travis shouted. "ZANE, AARON ANYONE COME OUT COME ON!!!!" I shouted. "Well they will be here any second......right........right?" Travis said. "Yea why would Zane leave me..." I said.


"I think i forgot something..." I said. "Yea we left all of our clothes and essentials back on Mystreet." Aphmau said. "Oh I know what we left we left Travis." Katlyen said calmly. Wait we left Travis......... oh my god!!!!!!! "OH MY GOD WE LEFT Y/N AARON IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!!!!!" I shouted. "And why may I ask would I kill you Zane?" He asked me. "Oh I'm well we left y/n back on Mystreet...." I said blocking my body for oncoming attacks which never came. I opened my eyes to see Aaron tearing up. Oh god what did I do.....

APHMAUS POV (this is a first lol)

I see Zane Shield his body afraid that Aaron was going to attack him I look at Aaron I was going to convince him not to hit Zane when I noticed that he was crying. I see Zane looking at Aaron petrified like he did something. "Aaron are you ok?" I said running up to him and hugging him. " I-I-I just wanted everyone together and to bond I wanted to be with you aph and get to hang with my sister I wanted to have this perfect I wanted to hang out with the best woman in my life." Aaron said falling to the floor. "It will be ok. Ssshhh-sssssshhhhhh-ssssssssshhhhh it ok I'm here I got you." I said to Aaron. "We will find a way to get her here I promise." I continued

Time skip to when da dude burns down the kitchen

"Y/N HELP ME FIND THE EXPLOSIVES BEFORE MY HOUSE BLOWS UP!!!!!!" I hear Travis shout at me. "Ok ok I'm looking!!! Why are there so many feathers?!" I shouted to Travis. " I don't know ask garroth!!!!! I found themmmm- oh no......"I hear Travis say as I ran to him. " what is it?" I asked as he pointed to the box of explosives they were already on fire they exploded and Travis and i went flying and fell to a weird place. "We could not have survived that y/n I think we're in heaven." I hear Travis say. "You'd think there'd be less trees but I guess nature is da children to." I said to Travis. "Ok well let's look around heaven!" Travis shouted. "Yea let's go!!!" I replied running after Travis.

Time skip to at da docks

"OMI aphmau how did you die I know we wished you all away but how did you die did we kill you?!" Travis said staring thing my eyes. "Look I'm not dead Travis I'm not dead y/n..... wait
y/n Travis stay here!" I see her run off and Travis and I get an error few so we run off before aphmau could get back.

Aphmau's POV
"KATLYEN!!!!" I shouted. "What is it aph?" Katlyen asked me. "TRAVIS........ Y/N............ ISLAND.......... THERE!!!!!!!!" I said pointing over to where I was standing Meer moments ago when I noticed that they where gone. "You were saying aph....." katlyen started. "Look I know I saw them wait is that them up there on the roof?" I hear katlyen say. Oh my Irene they think that they're in heaven they are gonna jump off?! I thought. "KATLYEN WE GOTTA FO BIW THEY ARE GONNA JUMP IFF THE ROOF YOU GO STOP THEM ILL HO GET AARON AND ZANE!!!!" I shouted

Time skip to when everyone is on the roof

"Why can't we jump off the roof we are in heaven we can die again." I said.
"Y/n m/n l/n you are not dead you are very much so alive and you are in the exclusive love~love paradise, Dante and I won tickets to here and we accidentally left you and travis back on mystreet so come here." Aaron said as I slowly walked toward him and Travis slowly walked towards Katlyen when she punches him off the building. "Now don't make me worry like that again Travis!!!!!" Katlyen shouted down to Travis, when Aaron slapped my face and said " same to you y/n!!!" When I lost my balance and fell right on top of an unconscious Travis my head hit his with a super impact which caused me to pass out to.

When I woke up I saw Zane and Aaron sitting across the room from me. "Where am I-" i started but then it all came flooding back in I looked at Aaron walked up to him and said. "Thank you for saving me." I leaned over and gave him a hug and then slapped him. "And that is for pushing me off a building and leaving me at home when you went to love~love paradise!!" I shouted. "Ok ok I think I learned my lesson." Aaron said rubbing the spot I slapped him at. "But it's good to you boys I can't wait to hang out!" I said. "Well let's go swimming I heat Zane say I looked at Aaron who was nodding in agreement.(ok so I just want to do a bonding moment to you don't know how to swim in sorry if you do but it will be a Zane, Aaron, Aphmau, And you bonding moment so YAY!!) "I leaned over to Aaron and said you know I can't swim right!" I whisper yelled into his ear. "I know but it's fine I can teach you and so can Zane." Aaron said. "Ok thank you your the best~" I said to Aaron. "Well I try." He said smirking. "Ummmmm... well let's go then..." I said


So I don't really feel like doing the rest of love~love paradise so yes I'm gonna stop this one here I have not had lot to do today so I thought that I'd write that's why I've gotten so many things out today so I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry if they're crappy I'm writing this at midnight lol so bai see you children tomorrow I hope

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