part 15

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*^* time skip one year*^* 


i wake up with freddy snuggled against me i know what a heavy sleeper he his so waking him up won't work i wiggle out of his grip and walk to the kitchen and turn the news on while making some chocolate chip pancakes. "today marks the one year disappearance of y/n l/n." i hear the news woman say as i pour the chocolate chips into the batter. i start mixing them when i feel arms wrap around my waist. "good morning to you to freddy."i laugh out. "murhm mmhmmm there." he mumbled out. "what did you say i couldn't understand from you talking into my neck." i giggled out. "you need to go back to them.  I drop my wisk and whip around too face him. "i cant go back to them what are you thinking?!" i shout leading everyone to come down stairs. "you have to you've been gone a year what about your brother and your sister your parents they must be worried sick about you thinking that you dead." he said i felt the tears fall down my face. i lead over and hug freddy crying into his chest. "y-y-your right  i-i-i'll go pack our stuff everyone else go do the same freddy go look for a house to buy but when we get there do not tell anyone but Aaron and Melissa who i am ok and leave that part to me." i say letting go of freddy and walking up stairs to our room. 'i cant believe I'm going back.' 

*^* le time skip to when we got to lovers lane*^*

I step out of the car to be greeted by a panic attack. I grab three boxes and walked inside, I know chica was worried about me but she kept on carrying things into the house i was working twice as fast I normally would so i could avoid Aph coming to ask if she could help. 

I'm on my 5th round when i feel a firm grip on my arm assuming its freddy i say, "Freddy you lazy excuse of a boyfriend help carry these boxes in." i said turning around to be greeted by Aaron. "o-oh i-I'm s-s-s-sorry i thought you were m-my boyfriend." i said feeling the panic attack worsen. "oh i thought you were my little sister y/n lycan she went missing a year ago today you look like her. I'm sorry my name is Aaron lycan by the way." he said turning around.

 "WAIT! Aaron would you like to come in real quick i think i might know something about your sister..." i said  he whipped around and his sad eyes grew brighter. "REALLY THATS THE FIRST  TIP WE'VE GOTTEN LET ME CALL EVERYONE!" he shouted. "no only family please." i say as i lead him into the house. "ok why?" he said worry lacing his voice. "i'll explain when the family gets here." i say as freddy walks out of the kitchen. "Freddy come here this is Aaron Lycan,  Aaron this is Freddy. hey Freddy can you go and get everyone else?" i ask. "ok sure babe." he said giving me a quick kiss. 

"excuse me ma'am but i haven't caught your name?" Aaron said. "oh silly me I'm f/f/n f/l/n i just moved from Sahlin city with my friends."he looked dow to his phone and sent a text to our family. as if on cue freddy and the gang come down stairs into the living room. "and who are they?"Aaron questions. "this is chica, bonnie, foxy, and you've already met Freddy. guys this is Aaron Lycan." i said "ey so that be-" foxy started but i ran up to him and covered his mouth. "don't tell him yet please foxy." i whispered into his ear he gave a slight nod. 

"i hear a knock at the door and go to open it. when i open the Melissa jumps in and shouts, "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY SISTER!!!!!". "Melissa calm down..." mother says softly. "I'm sorry I'm Melissa Lycan and these are my parents." she said.

 "come sit this will be a lot to take in." i said leading them to the couch when freddy is waiting for me i sit down in his lap and grab his hand. "you may begin miss.f/l/n." father said. "i-i-i-I'm y/n..." i said father looked at my not believing that i was his daughter. 

"and how are we to believe that?" he asked knowing that he would say this i had a plan. "well here is the same birthmark that she has." i said pulling down my shirt collar to show them the crescent moon birthmark on my collar bone. "i have the same ears and tail." i said pulling my ears and tail out. "and now say something that you know she would hate." i said closing my eyes. "if you not show up soon you will never see your friends again because i will not let you out of the house so i can protect you!"i opened my eyes they were a bright glowing red. 

"Y/N!!!!" they shouted and pulled me into a hug. "where have you been princess!!" father says. "I've been hiding from zane..." Aaron gasped and set me down. "WHY HES BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!!" he said. "as him he's the one who let some woman kiss him he didn't push away or anything he just stood there." i felt the tears streaming down my face. "he explained to us what happened he said that he was terrified when she kissed him... you need to go talk to him!" Aaron shouted i fell to the ground with a scarred freddy sitting next to me rubbing my back whispering sweet nothings into my ear. 

"this was a bad idea I'm sorry babe."he said to me. "thats why i didn't want to come back.." i sobbed into my hands. "hey i think we should tell everyone else they will be so happy to know that your back."he whispered to me i mumble and ok and he helped lift me up. "and who are you sir?" Melissa and dad question. "I'm sorry for the late introductions sir I'm her boyfriend freddy and they are chica, foxy, and bonnie." he said putting his hand out for dad to shake.

 dad took his and pulled him in and whispered something to him when freddy stepped back he looked terrified. "well lets go clear things up." Aaron said. "ill gather everyone y/n freddy you go see zane." Aaron said. i nod and walk down the street to his house. i knocked on his door. "z-zane?" i ask no answer.

 i got a weird feeling in my stomach then something his me i got a vision what was happing in only 180 seconds zane was about to take about to take a pill and commit suicide because i was gone he thought it was all his fault. "freddy break the door down..." "what?" "I SAID BREAK THE DOOR DOWN GODDAMNIT!" freddy broke the door down and i ran into the bathroom. 

"don't do it please zane.."i cried. "he looked up from the pill bottle shocked that i was there when he started crying. "y-y/n is that you or are my anti depressants making me hallucinate again?" he said. "yes its me zane I'm here."i cried hugging zane when freddy walked into the bathroom. "freddy this is zane zane this is my boyfriend freddy."i could feel zane tears stream faster and i said that sentence i could feel his heart brake. "i-i-its my fault isn't it." he said. "you didn't know what to do its ok i forgive you now."i cried. "I'm sorry." he whispered . "now lets go see the rest of you friends your coming to zane." i said as i tried to lift him up.

"ill take him,"freddy said lifting him with ease. "how did you know." freddy said. "i had vision..." i said looking down. we walk the rest of the way to Aaron's house in silence. 'let get ready for this' sisal to my self mentally preparing what to say.

hello everyone back with a fourth chapter all i have don't today is write and write to make up for lost time and so i don't forget the sort line that i had i got a comment from @Yellow_Fire_Child saying that i should make a FNAF X reader and i will one day when i finish one of my books so yea prepare for that one day but just writing this i got hit with the feels and felt like crying. but yea be proud of my now. ok thats all

bai baiiiiiiiiii~

Azrella~sama out

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