•~• part 17•~•

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Alert: trigger warning


"Not if I have any say in this." Father interrupted. "But father!" I shouted. "I never gave him my approval and he isn't even human so how could he carry your children." There were collective gasps from the people in the room. 'Well shit now everyone knows his secret thanks a lot father.' I thought. "Yes I'm not human but that doesn't mean that I don't love your daughter or that I can't have children." Freddy said. " aye We be from fazbears family pizzeria." Foxy said. "SO THAT EXPLAINS WHY THEY ARE NAMED AFTER ALL THE ANIMATRONICS AT FAZBEARS FAMILY PIZZERIA!!!" Travis shouted. "Yea I agree with dad if he isn't human then I don't want you to marry him." Aaron said. "Aaron not you to." I said years brimming my eyes. "Y/n I want you to know that I will always love you but if your family doesn't want me to marry you then we can't." Freddy said I looked over at him the tears now poring down my face. "I will always love you and you may move on but if I can't marry you and if I would hold you back by being immortal and maybe I can't have kids with you I don't know but I want you to move on get back with Zane but I don't want you to be held back by me." He continued. I slowly backed up and ran outside 'not this again this is always going to happen to me isn't it Irene why do you have me.' I ran into my house and into the bathroom. I locked the door and turned the tub water on. 'If Irene hates me so much I may as well not live I can't be with Freddy Zane will hate me because I accused him of things with out knowing why and I bet no one even really noticed you were gone they wouldn't care why would they  no one special. I have a power a bad power one that could kill many people I don't want to live with this shitty life anymore.' By the time my thoughts ended the tub was full. I got in to my bra and underwear and laid upside down in the tub not even farting to hold my breath. '5 minutes that's all I need to die that's all I need for everything to end 5 minutes to hope everyone stays away from me.'  I thought I slowly felt myself get dizzy I could feel my limbs go numb I could hear some mumbling coming from out side the door but my hearing faded and I couldn't hear anything. I was unconscious and waiting for the sweet grasp of death himself.

Zane's POV

I watched as Y/n slowly backed away and ran outside towards her house. 'She's crying I should go comfort.' Freddy and his friends were fighting and I don't think anyone noticed that she left. I walked outside and headed to her house I took me a few minutes to get to her house due to my sore body. I slowly walked into to her house I looked all around her house down stairs and slowly move upstairs I look in all the rooms until only the master bathroom is left. "Y/n are you in there." I said knocking on the door I accidentally hit wrong and my wrists started bleeding. I pushed the pain off worrying more for y/n I hear water moving and then it suddenly stoped. "Y/n." I called again louder this time. "That's it I'm coming in." I try to open the door but it was locked. I kick it down with a lot of pain. I look around and find y/n upside down unconscious in the full bathtub. "Y/N!!!" I shouted ignoring the pain it brought. I pulled her out of the tub and carried her as fast as possible to Aaron's house. "AARON APHMAU EVERYONE HELP!!!" I shouted pulling her inside their house. I could feel every cut I ever made in my body start to bleed set her down and I myself passed out right next time her hearing Aphmau call my name.

Aaron's POV

'Omg no my sister might does and my girlfriends best friend might die what other bad thing could happen today.' I thought. "You guys she's not breathing but has a faint pulse and Zane he is still faintly breathing." Lucinda said. "DOES ANYONE KNOW CPR!!!!" I shouted. "I do." Katlyen said stepping forward and crouching in front of  y/n and doing CPR. After 5 excruciating minutes y/n coughed up some water and started breathing again. "I'm going to call an ambulance." I said walking outside. "911 what's your emergency." The receptionist said. "Yes I have to people in my home that have passed out both from attempted suicide." I said. "And what are their names?" "Y/n Lycan the woman who disappeared a year ago today and Zane Ro'meave."."and we need your address."." 383 lovers lane Phoenix drop."."ok we are on our way.". I walked inside to see aph wrapping zanes arms in bandages. "They're on their way." I said.

*^* time skip brought to you by magical fusion*^*

I waited outside y/n's hospital room for what felt like hours. "Mr.Lycan." I heard a woman say. "Yes ma'am." I said looking up. "Miss.Lycan is taking visitors now." "Thank you for telling me." I stood up and walked into her room to see her laying on her bed. "A-Aaron-" she started but I cut her off. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT N/N WHY WE ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!" I shouted at her Probably scaring her because tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. "I'm sorry, I was just scared about you I thought I lost my little wolf." I said bringing back her childhood nickname. "I was sad and I felt as if no one cared about me that no one would care if I was gone. I thought Zane would hate me. I thought that I'm no one special I just have these stupid eyes that I could kill someone with one day and you have Aph your happy I lost Freddy and Zane probably doesn't like me anymore let alone love me the same way." She said. "But that's where your wrong. Zane still loves you that's why he's in the room next to yours suffering from  blood loss." I said and he eyes shot open. "Aaron you have to take me to him!" She shouted trying to get out of the hospital bed. "Wait n/n your need to test we can get a wheelchair and roll you over to him." I heard someone say and I turn around to see dad standing there. "Doctor can you go and get us a wheelchair please." He said.l stopping a doctor that was walking down the hall. "Sure thing sir." The doctor replied walking away. "My baby!!!" Mom shouted running in and giving y/n a tight hug. "M-mom............ can't ..............b-breath............." I heard he gasp out. "I'm sorry honey I'm just so happy your ok."  She said stepping back to dad. "Y/N WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU TRY A STUNT LIKE THIS!" Melissa shouted before she even got in the room. She ran up to y/n and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry everyone I was sad and I felt alone and that no one would love me." She said. "Well at least your alive Now." Mom said. "Here is your wheelchair." The doctor said dropping it off. I got up and pulled the chair up to her hospital bed. "Here let me help you get in it." Mom said walking up to her and helping her.


Aaron pushed me into zanes room where the gang was gathered around him. "Y/n! Are you ok did you get hurt!" Garroth shouted. "I'm fine now someone move so I can see Zane please." I said. Travis moved and  got a full visual of Zane he was covered in bandages and it made me feel so bad that I was the cause of this. "Zane I'm so sorry about this is there anything I can do to make it up to you." I cried. "You could always get back with me because I never stoped loving you." He said looking at me. "Ok it's a deal." I laughed out.

*^* time skip two years*^*


We are finally married we said our vows and did the entire thing and I'm so happy we even got to have our wedding in starlight wonderland. "Now I'm going to have little zuzu's!" Zianna said. "Make Me some tonight!" She shouted again leaving me and Zane a blushing mess. "We might wait a little." I said still a blushing mess. "Ah darn ok I'll wait a little but I'm want those little grand-baby's." She said.

Omg hello everyone I have now finished this book leave a comment if your want a second one and I'll try to make it but if it doesn't come out I'm sorry I might just wait until jess starts posting mystreet again IDK but one thing I do know is that I'm gonna no to start a SU OC story so if you love Steven  universe check it out and yea thanks for reading and sorry for all the feeels

Word count 1600

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