•~• part 14 •~•

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Quick author note um so I know I've been putting in a lot of drama and I'm sorry if it's to much but I have a story line in my mind that I want to play out and yes I am going to incorporate five nights at Freddy's  and to anyone who wanted to know i was going to make it were only the animatronics know your real name in this town ok that's all now to the story


I'm sitting in the office checking all the cameras and notice that all the animatronics are missing. I start to freak out when I hear I knock at the door. I get up and open it thinking it's a janitor but instead I open the door to 4 people my age. A man with brown hair and bear ears on his head he wore a top hat and I suit with a brown shirt under it he had bright blue eyes that reminded me of zane's, another boy had red hair and fox ears he wore an eye patch dressed like a pirate and he had yellow eyes, the last boy had purple hair and bunny ears he wore jeans and a button up top with the half of a suit on with pink eyes that reminded me of kawaii~chans wardrobe, and the last person here was a blond girl with a little cupcake that was hovering over her shoulder she wore a poofy yellow dress with a bib that said 'let's eat!!!' she had deep purple eyes. They look like they we're all in their early 20's. "Y/n ye said it was?" The redhead asked. "Yes how do you know that and who may you be?" I said inviting them into the office. "Well ma'am you may not believe me but I'm Freddy, that's Bonnie, foxy and, chica." He said pointing to each of them. "Hold on you mean to say you are the animatronics? How are you though your human and the animatronics are well animatronics?" I said. i saw the so called 'bonnie' look over to 'freddy' to receive a nod from him. I saw the young adult turn into the purple robot. 'well that explains how they know my name at least.' "ok I believe you now but how can you even do that?" I started asking. "well when we were children a man killed us and our spirits went into the suits giving us this ability." freddy said looking down down with tears in his eyes. "oh my irene I'm so sorry for prying i didn't mean to upset you."i said running up to them and giving them hugs. "ye aint scared of us?" foxy asked. "no you are just poor little souls who have lost all control and y'all are forced to take that roll." i said tearing up. "and besides you aren't the only strange ones here..." i said showing my ears and tail. "well thats normal to have wolf ears and tail because you're a werewolf, so what are you staying to point out because thats not very special." bonnie said which ticked me off. I took my f/c bandana off and showed them my red glowing eyes. "well now thats not normal..." he said. I called my self down by silently singing f/s and making my eyes turn back to the f/e/c contacts. i took out my contact case and put them away. "i'm an ultima werewolf." i said to them only foxy and freddy were effected by this information. "WAIT AS IN YOU COULD KILL HUMANS WHEN YOU LOOK THEM IN THE EYES WHEN YOU'RE MAD?!" they shouted in unison. "yeah kinda..." i said looking down. "wait why did you have those contacts on?" bonnie questioned. "well I'm kinda on the run from some people but i dyed my hair f/h/c and bought f/e/c contacts so i can walk around freely and not be noticed." i said looking up to see them all looking at me flabbergasted. "who are you on the run form?!" chica shouted. "um my boy-.... ex-boyfriend." i said sad that i had to think of zane. "why did he hurt you?" chica said trying to find any physical wounds on me. "he was kissed by another woman and he didn't push her away." i said. "oh you poor child..." i hear from chica as they all pull me into a bone crushing hug.

*^* time skip three days*^*

Freddy's POV 

as y/n talks to us i fall for her more and more. that cute smile could melt any mans heart, her eyes they were the kindest purest thing you could ever see, her laugh could make me go weak at the knees. 'i need to go out with her'  i decided to ask her out tonight we were going to be replaced and as soon as she heard that she asked her manger to let he take us home so we could be saved. he eventually agreed so we are staying with her now and can be with her all day. i check the time and see that its noon and i walk up to her room and knock on her door. "come in." i hear her muffled voice through the door. ".y-y/n... w-w-w-wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme!" i blurted out. she tilted her head. "what was that freddy i didn't catch it?" she said. i took a deep breath and said, "y/n l/n would like to go on a date with me?" i saw her eyes go wide. "yes freddy yes i would love to go out with you!" she shouted. "o-ok uh lets go to f/f/r (favorite fancy restaurant) at 6 tonight." i said. she nodded a smile on her face. 'irene i love this woman'

hello well that is three chapters in a day and a whole plot planned out hahaha i know some people will hate me for having this turn into a freddy fazbear x reader but i have a plot in my head and lost writers block what is that i don't know lmao ok but be happy i made up for being gone for a month

ok bai baiiiiiiiiii~

Azrella~sama out

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