Getting home

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"Aw it's so sad that we have to leave love~love paradise I really love it here." Dante said. The boat was about to leave love~love paradise to go back to mystreet. I was standing on the side of the boat looking out at the ocean when I hear footsteps come behind me, I turn around to see sarcasm n walking up to me. "Wazup big bro?" I ask him. "Um well tonight I was hoping to ask aph to move in with me will you get her alone?" Aaron asked looking very unsure. "He he of course I will!" I giggled. "Ok thanks sis your the best!" He said giving me a light hug.

Time skip to getting aphmau alone

"Hey aphmau come with me real quick!" I said to her when she was walking around the boat all by herself. "Sure. Are you ok what happened. Is it Zane did he dump you. OH MY IRENE HE DID DIDNT HE!!!!!! HE'S SO DEAD!!!!!!" Aphmau said coming to her own conclusions. "No aphmau we are still dating. I just wanted to hang out with you for a bit." I said. "Oh ok haha I knew that..." aphmau said nervously. "Yea sure you did." I giggled out. "So what did you want to do y/n?" Aphmau asked. "You are any me to beat you in a round of volleyball?" I challenged her. "Oh it is on!" Aphmau said racing me to the volleyball net. Aphmau and I played a game of volleyball. Oh who am I kidding aphmau and I passed a volleyball back and forth to each other for an hour until she accidentally hit it into my face. "OH MY IRENE!!!!! Y/N ARE YOU OK IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO DO THAT IT WAS A TOTAL ACCIDENT!!!!!!!!" Aphmau shouted after I fell to the floor. "Yea I'm fine you sould go find Aaron and watch the fire works I'm gonna go to Zane.... bye aph." I said walking away as I winced at the pain from the volleyball. I called Aaron to tell him to meet aphmau around the volleyball court and fast. I called Zane next and told him to bring me an ice pack. "Hey y/n I got you an ice pack what happ- OMI ARE YOU OK WHAT DID  YOU DO!!!!" He yelled at me seeing the large bruise on my forehead and bloody nose. "Aphmau, volleyball, face." I said to sum it up, and Zane knowing me understood what I meant. "Ok well here this will help the pain." He walked up to me gave me the ice pack, pulled his mask down and gave me a kiss. "You were right Zane that helped." I giggled out while I was blushing as red as a tomato. "Why are you blushing so hard we are dating." He laughed out. "Well ZuZu just because we are dating does not mean I lose all love of you." I sassily said to Zane. "GAH HEY DONT CALL ME THAT!" Zane said chasing after me as I led him behind a bush to watch Aaron ask aphmau to live with him. When I got there though I saw the weirdest thing garroth and Laurence sitting there and watching it all unfold as well (a/n ok so to clear things up Laurence came because it was the last few weeks of summer and cadenza said that he should go and see his friends at love~love paradise because garroth sent him a ticket) "garroth Laurence what are you doing here!" I whisper yelled. "Uummmmm nothing!" Garroth and Laurence whisper talked at the same time. "Ok we'll move over rover and let us watch to!" I whisper yelled over to garroth. We sat there and watched as aphmau and Aaron kissed after aphmau aggression to move in with him. After garroth and Laurence say the two of them kiss they jumped over the bush in surprise. Our cover had been blown so we came out to see garroth and Laurence snickering. "aaaawwwww look at the two lovebirds~" Laurence said as I snuck up behind the two of them. Before they even knew I was there I pushed them together and their lips touched. They both looked at me with hate in their eyes. "Y/N IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" Laurence screamed as I ran away. "Oh can you really catch me~" he led me to a corner he sprinted up to me but I slid out from under him right as he hit the wall full force. Thank you god for making me smool I thought to myself as Laurence chased me for hours unable to get me.


HEY SO I KNOW IT BEEN A WHILE AND YOU ARE PROBABLY GONNA HATE ME BECAUSE IVE BEEN TAKING AWHILE TO UPDATE BUT I PUT THREE CHAPTERS THAT WERE EACH 1000 words up in a 24 hour time span so yeet. And I know that there are voltron fans that are reading this and I think I'm gonna start a Lance McClain x reader so I think I'm gonna get a chapter up of that sometime this week. Ok baiiii~

Azrella~sama out

Zane Ro'meave X Reader *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now