A Pact

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A slender hand reached over and slid its way over to Matt's pants. "What are you doing Marcy?" Matt asked as he scooted nervously away from her on his dark blue bedsheets. 

Marcy began crawling over the bed scooting up against him. Her long black hair falling past her face covering one of her ice blue eyes. "I thought that was fairly obvious, I'm seducing you silly!" Marcy giggled before running her green painted acrylic nails through his short brown hair.

"S-Seducing me?" Matt coughed before scooting further back. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Because, I like you!" Marcy replied before pouncing forward, her dress fluttering as she landed, making sure to push her legs inbetween Matt's to stop his escape. As she scooted up higher on his little frame she made sure to grind herself against his crotch as she scooted up closer to him. "Now I want you to choose me!"

"But... Why?" Matt asked, taking a sharp breath as she pushed herself against him "I don't get it, first Kevi now you? Why is everybody suddenly trying to make me choose them?" 

"Well first of Mathew!" She cooed grinding her hips against his again. "We have both liked you for a long time." She thrust herself against him making him take a sharp breath. "Two I want you more then Kevin does, and I am going to prove it to you!"

Matt let out a nervous laugh and looked over to the door quickly. "D-Don't get me w-w-wrong Mar you're a pretty lady... I just never thought of you that way before. Same with Kevi" Matt whimpered as she ground against him again making his penis twitch. 

The door burst open, and a tall blond headed man with wide open arms came strutting in with a box of Chinese food in his arms and kicking the door shut behind him. "MADDY I'M HO- WHAT THE FUCK MARCY!" He yelled out dropping the box, and rushing forward. "Get the hell off him you slut!" Kevin raced over and reached forward practically throwing her off the bed, she squealed as she hit the floor and stood back up growling. He ignored her, and immediately sat down beside Matt and began petting his head as if he were a small animal. "Are you ok Maddy did she touch you in your no no space?" 

"Yes Kevi she did." Matt replied as he was pulled over to Kevin's chest. Kevin scowled over at her, and Matt continued. "But we didn't do anything. She got up on top of me right before you walked in.""Well she had no right to touch you!" Kevin whined pulling Matt in tighter as he continued to rub his head.

"Then what is it that you're doing?" Marcy asked with a scowl. "I thought you just said no touchy, Kevin." She adjusted her dress before sitting down on the bed across the room.

"I'm allowed to touch Maddy!" Kevin cooed before kissing the top of Matt's head. "I'm a boy!" He stated, before running his finger up and down Matt's back making him shiver.

"So because you have a penis that gives you the right to manhandle him?" Marcy spat crossing her legs.

"Yes," Kevin replied simply.

"Um, are you two fighting again?" Matt asked, pulling away from Kevin and scooting off the bed with a worried glance. "I thought we were all friends here..."

"WE ARE!" They both lied in unison.

"Then why have you two been fighting so much?" Matt asked looking back and forth between the two. "I don't get it. After we all moved here for college, you both seemed to start hating each other..."

Marcy let out a long-winded sigh before standing up. "That's not what happened..." She looked over to Kevin who was watching her with a scowl. "We never really even liked each other."

"W-What?" Matt asked shocked, "You never liked each other?"

"Nope!" Kevin added standing up and taking a step towards Matt. "I've only put up with her skanky ass because we made a pact when we were both ten."

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