The Morning After

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"No daddy!" Matt cried out in pain as a jagged leather belt with its square metal buckle lashed across his back. "Please! I didn't touch mommy! I promise I didn't!" He cried out looking at his massive father. His brown hair hanging in curls as his bearded face snarled at him.

"You're a lying son of a bitch! You're not supposed to reuse the body you came out of!" Matt's dad whipped him again making Matt's body arc as he cried out in pain. "You wanted Lacy all to yourself so you could fuck her ADMIT IT!" He whipped again and again making Matt sob as his body slowly started to go numb and his body began sinking to the floor. "If you pass out I'm going to whip her! Stand up and take your punishment like a man!" He sent another lash across Matt's back. The metal stripping a chunk of his back away. He screamed out in pain as the warm blood began to run down his back. Suddenly the dark empty room he was being tortured in started to shake underneath him.

"What's going on?" Matt whimpered looking up as his hulking mass of a father. His massive arms swinging back for another strike. "Is it an earthquake?" His world stopped moving, and he looked around at the frozen in time. His back bleeding, and his muscles bruised he looked around and nothing seemed to move. His father stood there with hatred in his eyes, and his belt poised to swing again. His mother was a few feet away. She was thin, battered and bruised, but wearing a beautiful green dress.

The ground started to shake again, and a thundering voice from above screamed again. "Wake up Matt." The words washed over him removing the blood from his body and healing the bruises. His body rejuvenated he looked up to the sky.

"God?" Matt inquired looking around the old blood-stained ceiling.

"Wake up Matt." The voice came again shaking the world so hard that suddenly the room was gone. The red painted walls had crumbled away, and the ceiling faded away. The floor cracked beneath Matt, and he started to fall through the ground. The space beneath him was empty and he began to scream as he fell through the empty space. "Please wake up!" Suddenly a blinding light erupted in front of him and Matt fell silent. The light seemed to only grow brighter utill he had to cover his eyes to see. "Oh, good you're finally awake!" Ian sighed in relief. "I was wondering if I was going to have to call your friends for help."

"Hmm?" Matt mumbled as he saw the world illuminating the details of Ian's face. As the seconds passed he started to regain feeling in his body. Ian was sitting beside him concerned with an air of panic that was starting to diminish. "Good morning Ian..."

"Are you ok?" Ian asked nervously adjusting on the bed so that he was a safe space away from him.

"I'm fine... Why do you ask?" Matt lied unconsciously as he sat up and began looking around at the now illuminated room. It was painted a shade of blue that looked black. The light seemed to fade into the walls as it got there, and a few small paintings were hanging on the windows. Matt looked over at Ian and felt something was wrong. "How did I get in here?"

"You forgot?" Ian asked slightly surprised, "You came here last night in tears and then you crashed here. I heard you crying this morning and when I came in to check on you, your body was writhing. I figured I should wake you up." He reached over the bed and extended Matt's shirt to him. "I uh... Found your shirt, you seemed to have taken it off before you woke." Matt looked at him in horror and lifted the blanket wrapping himself around it. "I don't mean to pry but," He paused thinking about the best way to ask. "What happened to your back?"

"I uh... Tripped and fell down the stairs into some rocks..." Matt lied again with a hollow voice. remembering the bitter lie he was forced to tell for years to cover for his abuse as he wrapped himself into the blanket tighter.

"Uh huh," Ian replied putting the shirt down next to him and closed his eyes. "Is that what somebody told you to say?"

"N-No. I was just really clumsy..." Matt said as he noticed Ian's eyes had been open a little bit. He quickly got out of the bed started for the door. "I should probably go, Marcy and Kevi are probably worried about me. Can you do me a favor please?"

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