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A tiny smile crosses Matt's face as he opened the door and ran into Marcy. His smile faded instantly when he noticed she was glaring at him with a deep scowl and an unbridled rage."M-Marcy!" Matt exclaimed with a nervous chuckle. "W-What are you doing standing there?"

"Hey Matt. Did you have fun in there?" Marcy asked crossing her arms and focusing on him directly. "It sure sounded like you did."

"W-What are you talking ab-bout" Matt questioned as he began to stutter.

"Don't bullshit me Mathew! I know you and Kevin just fucked in there!" She growled. "Kevin get your ass out here!"

Kevin's voice was cheery as he called out from inside the shower. "Hey Marcy, what's up?"

"Don't you hey Marcy me! Did you just fuck Matt while I was sleeping?" Marcy passed Matt at the doorway and glared at the bathroom shower curtain while Matt tensed up, turning beat red.

"No Marcy, I didn't fuck Matt." Kevin replied casually as the washer began to rumble in a loud swishing motion."I just showed him how to jerk off."

"Kevi...!" Matt whined, looking over towards the shower curtain. "I thought you said Marcy would be mad at me if we told her!"

"You let him touch you!" Marcy exclaimed, drawing Matt's attention to her. Taking a deep breath deep she tried to keep her voice even as her face began to darken. "Do you know how stupid that was? He could have aids! How could you be so reckless!"

"Marcy," Kevin called out from the bathroom, his casual demeanor fading. "You know that's not how aids works, and at your request I have taken tests to prove I don't have H.I.V. or aids."

"You might not even know you have aids Kevin! It can take years before you could start to show symptoms! Mathew how could you let him take advantage of you like that!" Marcy asked as Matt stood awkwardly in the doorway. His mind raced, but nothing came to mind.

Kevin's voice began to deepen, and the water shut off. "Marcy-"

"No, you don't get to just Marcy me. I'm so sick of you always eye fucking him and now actually molesting him! I don't know why I put up with you! I should have taken Mathew and-"

"Marcy..." Matt spoke up with astounding clarity. She fell silent as she looked over to him. "I asked him to, Kevi made sure to explain what was happening. He made sure to ask me a few times if that was what I really wanted. It was my fault." His calm demeanor fading away as took in a deep breath, his childlike presence returning. "Please stop being so mean to him!"

"Y-You wanted him to?" Marcy echoed his words in shock as her hands began to shake.

"Yes..." Matt nodded his head as he took a step towards the shower where Kevin was listening intently. "He and I have been friends for much longer than you, and he showed me something that I don't think you would have. I want you to be my best friend the same as Kevi, but not in the same way. I can't really describe it, but I just don't think I can be friends with you in the same way I can with Kevin..."

Marcy's eyes began to water as she looked at him with sadness. "So you've decided then..." She glares at the shower curtain angrily as her voice broke. "Well I hope your happy Kevin!" She took a deep breath and went over towards her bed grabbing her suitcase along the way.

"What are you doing Marcy?" Kevin demanded as he opened the shower curtain and stepped out. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?" The sound of cloth on skin smacked as he started towards the living room with a large fluffy brown towel wrapped around his midsection.

"I'm leaving." Marcy replied in a detached voice. I can tell when I'm no longer wanted." She walked over towards the closet and began pulling her shirts off their hangers and packing them into the black bag when she heard a sniffle behind her.

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