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"Well, here we are!" Kevin exclaimed waving to the large building in front of them as the three got into line. When they finally managed to get in the door they took in the surroundings. The room was packed, the walls were covered with photos of attractive male models in little to no clothing.

The tables were all full, people were all talking and enjoying themselves creating a loud sports bar like atmosphere. The line had only grown longer since they got there. It had begun making a line down the block. "I'm going to ask about getting us a table!"

Kevin wandered up to the front where a small brown desk was placed. He rang the bell that was sitting on the table a few times making a very feminine man looked up from his computer monitor annoyed. His hair was long and frilly. The tips had been painted pink and it made a rim around his head. Kevin spoke with the man for a few seconds his compact face scrunching with distaste. He rolled his eyes and went back to looking at his computer as Kevin headed back over to Matt and Marcy. "I know the guy who works the counter here. He's a little strange, but he hooked us up with a table!"

"Awesome! Maybe he can get us some free ice cream!" Matt asked with a hopeful smile.

Patting Matt's head with affection Kevin let out a small chuckle. "I wouldn't push it sweety. He isn't that good of a friend."

A soft winded sigh escaped Marcy's lips before she looked over at him. "So he's an ex then, great! This is just great."

"Hey if you don't want to be here you can leave!" Kevin replied looking back over to her with an annoyed growl."Honestly, I would have a lot more fun if you did."

Marcy huffed, crossed her arms, then wandered over to Matt and tugged him away. "That's the whole reason I came. To stop that from happening." She grumbled.

Matt looked at the two of them with, beginning to get anxious. "Can you two please stop fighting? We are going out to dinner as best friends! I don't want it to be ruined."

Suddenly a deep voice spoke up startling Matt. "Well aren't you a little peacemaker! That's so adorable!"

Matt spun around surprised, and Kevin looked at the figure with a calculated smile. He was built like a tank. His arms and legs the size of small boulders. His face though muscled, looked feminine. He extended his hand to Matt and looked him over, his forest green eyes slowly looking over Matt's body. Matt extended his own trembling hand towards the mass of hand. His wavy brown hair began to shake as he chuckled. Marcy looked him over once and spoke up before anybody else had a chance. "Are you the guy who Kevin screwed so we could get a table?"

The waiter looked over at her and sighed letting his hands fall. "You must be Marcy," The waiter looked over at Kevin. "I get what you mean, she is a little bit of a bitch."

Kevin smirked, extending his hand. "It's about time somebody agreed with me Dan."

"Amen brother," Dan turned around and shook his hand. Their hands lingered and Kevin coughed before letting go. Matt turned around again and looked over to Matt. "So what's your name cutie?"

Marcy turned bright red and stormed over to Dan, ignoring his massive size growled through her teeth. "He's my future boyfriend you nasty homo, so keep your meaty hunks off him. And keep your eyes away from him too!"

"Ouch," Dan replied sarcastically looking down at her unamused. "Your words sting me to my very non-existent soul!" He covered his heart and dropped his voice to a deep threatening voice. "You don't scare me princess. I've heard better threats from a toddler." He looked back over at Kevin who was obviously pleased, and smiled letting his voice returning. "Let me show you to your table!" He wandered down the long row of tables passing rows of people who all seemed to fall silent and gawk at the large hunk of muscle that was Dan.

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