Falling Blossoms

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"I'm home...!" Matt cried out kicking the door open, his hands full of grocery bags. Heading inside he used his shoulder push the door shut, then rushed over towards the kitchen counter. Setting the bags down carefully he reached into one to only to knock over a bag of pork rinds. "I got your favorite!" He called out again bending over to grab the bag. Kevin's body pushed up against his rear making him chuckle as he picked up the bag.

"Oh boy my favorite!" Kevin replied, grinding his hips against Matt's body.

Matt began to giggle as he stood up, turned around, and kissed Kevin on the cheek. "I meant the pork rinds silly!"

"Oh of course..." Kevin replied looking at him amused. "Those are pretty good too." Reaching for the bag, he quickly opens it and popped a handful in his mouth, then backed up to let Matt unload the groceries.

Grabbing a small bag of tortilla chips from one of the bags Matt opened the cupboard above him and lifted them over his head storing them on the top shelf. "Do you think we could invite Marcy to come over some time?" He asked, his enthusiasm started to fade. "I would like if she came and visited..."

"I don't know Maddy..." Kevin replied munching on his salty skins. "She's been gone for a few weeks already. If she wanted to visit she would have already called you."

"I thought she would have at least text or something..." Matt trailed off as his enthusiasm drained away. Resuming his task of unloading the rest of the groceries in silence as his heart began to hurt. Grabbing a few boxes of noodles, he tossed them onto the empty shelf with more force than needed.

Wandering closer, Kevin set down the bag of skins and ran his fingers through Matt's hair ruffling it as Matt froze. "I'm sure she still thinks about you Maddy. I'm sure she misses you just as much as you miss her."

Reaching for the gallon of milk he pulled away and started towards the fridge. "I just thought she would respond at some point. I mean I called, texted, emailed, I even sent her real mail!"

"Did you ever stop to think maybe she's busy?" Kevin asked reaching back for his bag and wolfing another handful down as Matt put the milk in the fridge and started towards the bags. Kevin chewed as he spoke, bits of the rinds flew from his mouth. "I mean, a full ride to somewhere as prestigious as Harvard is a lot of work..." He trailed off as Matt started to look down at the ground. "Hey anyways, thanks for the snack!" He exclaimed dumping the few remaining rinds in his mouth, chewing them as loudly as he could in attempts to lighten the mood.

Looking over to Kevin, Matt's shoulders began to rise as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Then he spotted Marcy's empty bed and the weight of her leaving dropped back onto his shoulders. Matt looked at the now empty bag in Kevin's hand before he spoke up. "I thought they might last a little longer than a few minutes, but I was smart and figured you would eat them all, so I bought another bag!" Matt dug into another bag and pulled out a larger bag as Kevin began rushing towards him. Reaching forward to grab the bag, Matt lifted the bag over his head. "Ah Ah Ah! What're the magic words?"

A wide grin broke over Kevin's face as he plucked them out of Matt's hand's barely lifting his own. "Sucks you're so short?" He giggled walking back towards his bed opening them.

"No Kevi!" Matt pouted and started after him. "Those ones were supposed to be for tomorrow! Give them back!"

"Make me!" Kevin chuckled sticking his fingers into the bag.

Matt glared at him for a second before he dashed towards Kevin, jumping forward he wrapped his arms around Kevin's shoulders sending them both to the floor. The pork rind bag flew through the air and scattered its contents around the floor before rolling to a halt. "HA!" he giggled unwrapping himself and dashing for the bag till a large hand wrapped around his leg pulling him to the ground and slowly dragging him back as he squealed.

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