Phone Call

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"I heard that you went camping a little while back?" Marcy's stated, her voice sounding metallic through his phone. "Did you have fun?"

Matt shuddered thinking back to the camping trip. "It was ok, the three of us had fun for a while, then we packed up and went home. We didn't end up staying the night." The picture of his parents standing there with Keith glaring at them made his whole body shake.

"I also heard that there were a few uninvited guests. Did they hurt you Mathew?" Marcy asked, her voice lowering into a more serious tone.

"No," Matt replied looking over to his old bed smiling. "They just scared me a little bit. Thankfully Kevi was there with a big scary knife and sent them away!"

Marcy gasped into the phone before her words flew across the speaker. "Did he try and hurt them? Is that moron trying to get arrested? How could he be so reckless?"

"He protected me Marcy, I-I'm glad he did! I was so scared when I saw them. I didn't know what to do, but it's okay now. Kevi saved me!" He paused for a second as Marcy began to mumble something under her breath. " I don't want to talk about that anymore though ok? It's been a few weeks since then, and now we are all back to normal! We can move on now right?" Matt took a deep breath holding it in as he tried to quell the shaking in his hands. "So how is lawyer college?" He asked finally letting the air out. "Is it fun?"

"Hah! Fun?" Marcy repeated in a cynical tone. "Fun is going to the park and barbecuing. This, this is not that."

"Then why do you stay there? If it's not fun, then why bother?" Matt wondered out loud as he looked over at his and Kevin's shared bed.

Marcy's laughter began echoing through the phone, and Matt looked down at it with a pang of annoyance. "Let me rephrase," She said as she let out a happy sigh. "I am having a great time here! I'm learning a whole bunch of things, and I'm learning how to protect people! Like Kevin did for you, but only instead of illegally threatening to kill people, I use the law to make sure that those who break the rules, go to prison! It's really all quite fascinating!"

"Oh, that's nice Mar, but I don't think the law will stop them. They seemed pretty intent on talking to me." Matt sighed looking over towards the window, thinking back to when he had to climb out to get away from them. "They keep showing up at places I go, and I wish they would just go away!"

"Mathew..." Marcy paused, her voice tightening as she took a deep breath. "What exactly do they want to talk about? I mean they have to have a reason right? Is there something they need, or want you to do? Maybe they just want to try and make amends?"

The words sounded hollow from the other end of the line, and Matt couldn't help but look down at the phone in surprise. It sounded like Marcy, but it sounded wrong. "I don't think so. They seemed unhappy, and each time they were trying to get to me, mom seemed to be in control of the situation. I don't think there's anything that makes sense right now with them. I don't know what she's doing with him, but whatever the reason they can leave me out of it. I am sure that I don't want to see him ever again!"

"Honey, I'm sure they are just trying to do what's best for you..." Marcy suggested as the strain in her voice began to squeak through.

"No, that's not who they are; it wouldn't be like them... Marcy, are you ok? You sound really stressed out." Matt exclaimed as he noted her continual defense of his parents.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Marcy nervously responded as her breath began to quicken.

Matt began to study his phone's screensaver. A picture of Kevin and Marcy both laughing as Matt opened a present at his old home. He lived there with his parents when an awful idea sank into his heart. "A-Are they there with you right now?" He asked in a timid voice as a small gasp echoed through the phone.

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