↠Dreamer: Part 1 ↠

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Kaelyn's Point of View

My life has been rough for the past 3 years since my mother died and I ended up in an orphanage. My entire time in double digits I've been here, the time where I was supposed to be out in the world learning what I like and who to be. Instead I'm wasting away, counting down the days until I'm 18, when I can check myself out, and get to Nashville, Tennessee to chase my dreams. Unfortunately, that's 5 years from now, and I'm going nowhere any time soon.

I don't really get to listen to much music, so I make my own. Last Christmas, Mrs. Brown, the mistress of my orphanage, and the other orphans got together and got me the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for- a ukulele. A real one, the closest I can get to a guitar, and a journal- a song book. When I was younger, before my mom got cancer, I loved music. I sang in talent shows and acted. My mom always told me when I was big enough I could take piano and guitar and voice lessons. Unfortunately, by the time I was big enough, she came down with cancer and we couldn't afford anything but treatment.

Now, I was in an orphanage in a room I shared with 2 of the greatest people in the world- my best friend Ashlyn and a 5 year old named Rachel, who's new to the place. I've had this room for a long time now, 2 and a half years, and I have my own touches on it.

I didn't expect to leave it, either.

However, I don't think I expected any of this.

So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy, as I tell the story of how I was adopted by Taylor Swift.

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"Kaelyn!" Yelled Mrs. Brown from downstairs.

"Yes, ma'am?" I called back.

"Wake everybody up, we have a special guest coming. Quick, everybody look presentable!" She yelled.

I didn't think much of it, as I woke up Ash and Rach, and told them to get ready. I grabbed my towel and jumped into the shower. While in the shower, I sang some of the stuff I'd overheard Mrs. Brown playing on cleaning days. Most people hate cleaning days (Monday's and Thursdays) but I don't mind them, because Mrs. Brown plays trending music playlists while we do our chores and tidy up.

"Sounding good, KK!" Yelled Rachel.

I rolled my eyes under the warm water. I always made sure to rush to get into the showers, if you weren't one of the first ones, you weren't guaranteed hot water.

I finished quickly and got dressed, adding some makeup. Special guest, huh? No big deal. I wasn't going anywhere. I had figured out the system pretty quick. Little ones go, big ones leave too, eventually- and are left to fend for themselves because they have no choice and are made to go.

"Kaelyn," Rachel walked up to me as I applied some concealer. "Will you play for me today?"

"Maybe later," I said as I bent down to her level and tickled her belly.

She giggled. "Okay!" She said excitedly and ran off back into our room.

I brushed my teeth and yawned, and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Soon it was almost lunchtime. I heard the door open, and Mrs. Brown welcomed the special guest. I wasn't curious about it, so I stayed in my room, hoping to be forgotten about.

I looked through the pictures I had hanging on the wall behind my bed.

A Polaroid of me and Ash, and then old pictures.

My favorite, being me and my mom. I was only a baby. My mom resembled me closely, and I took note of that. I traced the picture carefully with my index finger, a tear falling down my face.

I heard little feet stomping up the stairs suddenly, and Rachel burst into the room crying, and ran to me, collapsing on me."

"What's wrong baby?" I asked urgently as I picked her up.

"I-I-Izzy," she cried. "She-she told me I was useless, unwanted, I'd never amount to anybody, nobody would ever want me, I'd sit around and rot here, and that-that I was stupid for thinking any different and stupid in general and my mommy didn't love me. And then she hit me and took my lollipop."

I held her fragile sobbing body in my arms, angry. I stood. "I'll be right back." I straighten to my full height, about 5'8, my blood burning, and walked stiffly down the stairs.

I reached the bottom, and took a sharp right into the cafeteria, where most of the girls stayed during the day. I, on the other hand, preferred the loneliness of my room.

"Izzy." I yelled firmly as I crossed the threshold. "How could you say that to a little kid?" I demanded. "She's freaking 5. What if somebody did that to you as a 5 year old? Or maybe they did. And so you did the same to her."

"Kaelyn?" I heard Mrs. Brown call from her office.

"You're sick." I said and stormed up the steps, leaving Isabelle speechless. I saw Rachel at the top of the stairs holding my baby blanket I'd always had, that I let her use now, because we usually slept together. It helped with my nightmares.

"Kaelyn!" I heard Mrs. Browns office door open.

I ignored it, and ran into my room with Rachel.

She continued crying.

I pulled out my ukulele, and remembered a song I'd heard from when I lived in Nashville with my mother, before she died.

"You, with your words like knives
And swords and weapons that you use against me
You, have knocked me off my feet again,
Got me feeling like a nothing,
You, with your voice like nails
On a chalkboard calling me out when I'm wounded
You, picking on the weaker man...

You can take me down, with just one single blow
But you don't know what you don't know

Someday, I'll be, living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Someday, I'll be, big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is, mean
Why you gotta be so mean?"

I began singing a bridge between that and another song I'd remembered. I forgot who they were by, it'd been such a long time.

"Your little hands wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite nightlight
To you, everything's funny
You've got a few things to regret,
I'd give all I have honey
To fix the broken damage,

Oh, darling I wish we didn't have to grow up,
Didn't have to grow up,
Could be so little,
I wish I never had to grow up;
Wish you never had to grow up,
It could still be simple
I won't let nobody else hurt you
Won't let anybody give you more scars
Now even though we want to...
Let's try to never grow up."

I continued playing chords to soothe her. She'd finally stopped crying.

The door swung open. My back was to it, so I turned around, expecting Mrs. Brown.

However, that's not at all who I saw.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now