↠DREAMER: Part 11 ↠

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Kaelyn's Point of View

We pull up beside the airplane we're supposedly taking, and by airplane I mean multimillion dollar private jet.

Taylor unbuckles her seat belt and I look over at her. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," She smiled at me.

"Ahh," I shuddered. I hated airplanes. "I hate heights."

Taylor frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Ahh," I sighed. "It's fine."

I walked into the plane to see it was shining white and dark brown.

I walked into the plane to see it was shining white and dark brown

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There was a white bar with stools and comfortable seating.

"This is where we'll stay most of the flight," Taylor said walking up behind me. "But let me show you the rest of the plane."

She opened a door and walked through a slim hallway and I followed her. On the sides of the walls there were curtains hanging down.

Taylor turned around. "Tired?" She whipped one of the curtains back to reveal a bunk built into the side of the wall. "Oh, anddd they have charging outlets at the front of them. Cool, right? I always sleep in this one." She said pointing to the one she'd opened. "The rest are first come first serve. The bathrooms right over there," she pointed to a small door at the back of the short hallway. "And there's storage in the wall and under the bunk. It's gonna be a long flight."

"Woah, this is so nice," I said

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"Woah, this is so nice," I said. "I don't really know what to say..."

"It is nice, we got this one for touring," Taylor said.

"When do you go on tour?" I asked.

"The tour starts in May 2015," Taylor replied. "Bossier City, LA is the first stop. The album hasn't came out yet, and I haven't released a single but we are soon. We already had the 1989 secret sessions. That's when 89 fans come to my house and I play all the songs on my album and talk to them and cook food for them, I came up with the idea and it was absolutely amazing."

"Dude that's so cool," I said.

"Mrs. Swift?" Somebody swung their head in the door.

"Yes?" She asked.

"We're about to take off, find some seats," the man said.

"Alright," Taylor and I walked back into the main room and strapped ourselves in at the table. She sat across from me.

"So as soon as the album drops I'm gonna be going to interview after interview and show after show to promote and it's going to be insanely busy," Taylor said. "I'm sorry about that, but... there's not much I can do about it."

"It sounds fun," I said.

"It can be very stressful," Taylor laughed. "And it pushes you to the limits... but you can't react or it's 'oh Taylor Swift did this' and news headlines and just a big mess."

"That sounds annoying," I said.

"I feel like I have a ruined reputation, and... do you know how that feels to have a large scale reputation that's just absolutely ruined?" She asked.

"Not really," I said.

"Well it's like... it's like your trapped. You're just haunted by your mistakes, it's hard to wake up, and hard to get out of bed in the mornings and live with it. But you have to." She said. "I just feel so misunderstood all the time."

"Taylor, you're an amazing person, honestly. You're so pretty and talented and sweet. You shouldn't care about what others think." I said.

Taylor stared at me in awe, and then said. "Oh my gosh you're so sweet, I would hug you but-"

"We're taking off in 10 seconds." A voice over the intercom said.

"That." She finished the sentence and laughed. "Right in cue."

I tended up.

"5 seconds." Said the voice.

I tensed more.

Suddenly I felt the plane moving fast. I grabbed onto the table until my knuckles were white. Taylor grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Why do you hate heights so much?" She asked.

"When I was at the hospital with my mom in the city," I said through gritted teeth. "I saw a man jump off the top of the roof of a building across from ours when I was looking out the window."

"Oh my gosh," Taylor said. "In LA?"

"Yeah," I said, my face pale. "And the windows were open, and I could hear his screaming and then you could hear him hit the pavement."

"Oh my God," She said.

"He jumped and then started screaming 'no no no' like he wanted to take it back. But it was too late." I said.

"Thats terrible," Taylor said. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that. Who was the man?"

"My brother." I said.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now