↠DREAMER: Part 26↠

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Taylor's Point of View

I kissed Kaelyn on the forehead as she fell asleep leaning against me. I watched the sunset, thinking how beautiful her little heart was. I then took out my phone, careful not to wake her up, and began to write a few lines. I smiled down at her sleeping face.

Soon we were close to landing in Nashville. I shook her and nudged her a little. "Kaelyn," I said softly.

"Wha? Huh?" She asked, sitting up groggily.

"We're almost there," I said.

"Oh," Kaelyn said and looked around. She looked out the window. "It's gorgeous."

"Fasten your seatbelts, we are about to begin descending." Said the pilot on the speaker. I reached down and buckled myself in. I looked over to see Kaelyn pulling hers so tight it looked like it'd squeeze her to death.

"Child, what are you doing," I laughed. She looked up at me. "My gosh your face is white."

"I'm not dying on an airplane 20 million feet high," she said.

"Quit exaggerating," I said. "Hyperbole much."

"Word nerd much," Kaelyn joked.

"You're just as bad as me," I said.

"We will begin our descent momentarily," The pilot said.

Kaelyn and I exchanged glances. I reached down and grabbed her hand.

"At least I know if we crash you've got the whole mom arm thing going," Kaelyn said.

"Okay, I swear that guy would've hit you," I said in defense.

"I wasn't gonna just walk into the middle of the street," Kaelyn said.

"It's New York City, that cab driver doesn't even know what's the street and what's not. He gets paid to drive people around in a smelly car all day." I said. "The smells probably got to him."

"We will begin our descent now, stay in your seats with your belts fastened," Said the pilot.

We began to go down. As soon as we got below the clouds where you could see everything, Kaelyn gasped and her face lit up. "Taylor! I think this is the same airport my mom and I flew to California in! Only we were going up not down!" She said. I loved seeing her happy like this.

"That's so cool," I said. I watched her watch us get closer to the city.

"It's so beautiful," she said.

"We have some interviews later on in the week," I said. "But for a few days, let's be normal."

"Sounds awesome," Kaelyn said. We landed and she was the first out of her seat. She quickly grabbed up our bags and practically dragged me off the plane and into the airport. We got all of our bags and made sure everything was in line before making a fast break for the parking lot speed walking. We got some raised eyebrows, but the good thing about Nashville is, it's much more laid back than New York. And their accents are great. There were traces of an accent in Kaelyn, whenever she said certain words or phrases. Anything with a long vowel sound made her sound country.

"I love this place, now I can have some good food for a change," Kaelyn said as she hurried and jumped into the car. A few paparazzi snagged photos of us from a distance. Phillip and I struggled to keep up with her. We opened the doors. She was practically jumping up and down in her seat.

"We can walk around town if you want," I said. "Check out some people playing and hit some music stores if you want."

"Can we go to the country Music hall of fame sometime?" She asked.

"Sure," I laughed.

We drove into the car and parked. Kaelyn recognized the place. "Are we going to music row?"

"Just a little bit of walking and we'll be there," Phillip said. Kaelyn practically ran all the way there. She really loves this place. The first place she stopped in was a music store. I followed her in. The shopkeeper looked up and his jaw dropped. He looked across the store at the back wall, then back at me, then at the back wall again. I looked over to where he was looking and saw a poster of me, along with many other country artists. Kaelyn began looking at all kinds of different instruments- a banjo, a keyboard. The clerk looked at me baffled. I noticed a jar of guitar pics with my face on them for my Speak Now world tour. I laughed a little to myself. I heard somebody playing guitar really well. I walked around a rack and saw Kaelyn sitting there.

"Holy cow," I said, staring. "Where'd you learn to play like that?"

"I don't know," Kaelyn shrugged. "I know 3 guitar Chords. I just have never practiced them."

"What, C, E, and G?" I asked.

"Yep," Kaelyn said. "And plucking is easy. I already know how to do that from the ukulele."

"It's out of tune," I noted.

"Yeah, I can tell," Kaelyn agreed.

I showed her another chord and she caught on quick. Then we checked out some sheet music and music books, like Tim McGraw greatest hits and Carrie Underwood's albums. I saw a copy of 'Taylor Swift: Fearless Piano and Vocal Music' and I laughed to myself. When Kaelyn wasn't looking I slipped the Tim McGraw book off the shelf. I had Phillip distract her while I went to the register. While I was up there I picked up 3 guitar picks- including the one with my face on it- and bought that and the Tim McGraw book. Kaelyn loves Tim McGraw.

"That'll be $24," the clerk said. "By the way, I'm not sure if I'm hallucinating or not, but are you Taylor Swift?"

"That's me," I laughed.

"So Taylor Swift just randomly walked into my store and bought a book from me." He asked without really asking.

"Yep," I said. "Nice to meet you, I'm Taylor. What's your name?"

"Matthew," he replied.

"Taylor!" Kaelyn ran up to me. "Your face is on a poster back there."

Matthew blinked.

"I saw," I laughed.

Kaelyn and I walked out, and I said goodbye to Matthew. We continued walking down music row, listening to some street players and listening in on some bars. We took pictures with some fans and got some double takes, talked to some people, and ate at a live music grill. Nashville was like home sweet home for me.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now