↠DREAMER: Part 15 ↠

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Kaelyn's Point of View

Taylor was really nice, showing me around her apartment, letting me practice the piano {a/n: pictures of Taylor's New York apartment are on Google if you just google "Taylor Swift's New York apartment} and cooking breakfast and dinner for me. She cooked pancakes and bacon for breakfast, and we had orange juice to drink, and for dinner she fixed lasagna. I loved it, she was such a good cook.

"Alright, we're just gonna walk to the studio, it isn't far," Taylor said. "I'll throw on a hat and some sunglasses and a coat, it shouldn't be that big of a deal."

"You're wearing a coat? It's 90 degrees outside." I said.

"You'll understand why." She said. "Put your sunglasses on." She pulled the rim of her signature black hat down on her head, and pushed her sunglasses farther up her nose.

I put on my sunglasses and we walked out the door, down the hall and into the elevator. As soon as it dinged and the doors open we walked out.

"Where you guys headed, Mrs. and Mrs. Swift?" Asked Tom with some charm.

"The studio," Taylor replied.

"Sounds fun, be safe," Tom said.

"Oh, Tom, while we're away can you turn down the air in my room? It's a little cool in there." Taylor said.

"You got it." Tom said. He turned to me. "How'd you like the apartment?" He asked me.

"It's gorgeous," I said. "And the view is stunning."

I saw a faint smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad you like it. Anything you need, don't forget, I'm right here."

"I'll have to keep you in mind," I said.

"I hope so." Tom said, and with that we walked out.

The second the door shut behind us Taylor began gushing. "Oh my God you were flirting back, oh my God, oh my God," she said.

"Taylor chill," I said.

"Ohhh my gosh, yes," she said.

"He's cute," I laughed.

"You two are so interested in each other." Taylor said.

"Taylor I've known him for like 6 hours." I said.

"Hey, back when I was in middle school, people fell in love in 30 minutes," Taylor said.

"I'll keep it in mind," I laughed.

"You'll keep him in your mind." She smirked, giving me a wink. We walked through the crowds to the subway. We caught a few glances and double takes on the way. As we got to the subway though, I noticed men with cameras following us and taking pictures. That's so weird.

"Why are they following us..." I said.

Taylor sighed. "I haven't had as many problems with them lately. Let me call Phillip." She took out her phone and we began to pick up the pace.

"Phillip, I need you to come to 5th avenue and escort me to the subway," she said into the phone. Wow. We really need an escort just to get to the subway.

We made our way slowly to 5th avenue. We got stopped several times by fans to take pictures. When they did, I tried to just act like a bystander. A small funnel of paparazzi were accumulating behind us as well, videoing and taking pictures of us, and calling Taylor's name.

We got to the escalators that led into the subways and went to the place where you get cards and put money on them so we could get in. I got a 20 dollar one, and we scanned them and walked into the waiting area. It was chilly and damp inside.

"Alright... our train will be here in 10." Taylor sighed, looking at the sign.

Phillip walked over. "In need of some assistance?" He asked. "Just so you know, the crowd of paparazzis up there waiting on you are hard to push through, even as a civilian."

"I feel like I'm disrupting the public," Taylor asked.

"Oh my God are you taylor swift?" A little girl asked.

"Yes I am," smiled Taylor.

"Oh my God I play guitar because of you!" She said and ran up to Taylor and hugged her. This was the thing I'd always imagined doing. Inspiring people, making music for people to hear. "Can I get a picture?"

"Yes," Taylor smiled. They posed for a picture.

"You've inspired me so much!" The girl said.

"What's your name, how old are you?" Taylor asked.

"Bridget Eldridge," she replied. "I'm 12."

"Well that's a good age to start," Taylor said. "By the time you're my age you'll be better than me."

The girl blushed and looked down. "I don't think that's possible though," she said.

"Awww," Taylor said. "You're so cute."

"I saw your Red tour!" The girl said. Just then her parents told her to come on. "I gotta go! Bye Taylor I love you!"

"I love you too! Bye!" Taylor said as she waved at the little girl.

"Aww," I said.

"Here they come," Phillip said. We looked up to see the paparazzi getting their cards out to enter the subway.

8 minutes until the train.

"Dammit, why didn't I just hail a cab..." Taylor cursed.

"Uh oh," I said as they began walking toward us.

"We're trapped here," Phillip said. "Uhhh..."

7 minutes. The paparazzi approached us.

"Board that train." Taylor said. "Hurry, go fast."

I quickly walked towards the train. "Caution, doors closing." Said the intercom. I looked back to see Taylor and Phillip jumping in. The door closed at the last second. I saw paparazzi camera flashes through the doorways and some beat on the windows.

Taylor sighed. We turned to look at a basically empty train. "Where's this one heading?" Taylor said.

"It's going the opposite way of 5th avenue..." Phillip said.

"We can get off and hail a cab," Taylor said.

"We can get off and switch trains if it gets there fast enough," Phillip suggested.

"We need to try that, I don't wanna be late," Taylor said. The train started to pick up and move faster. We went through the tunnel.

"It's been forever since I've been on one of these," I said, watching the stone go by.

"Really?" Taylor asked. "I usually don't take the subway. I thought this would be a way for you to see some of the city."

"It's awesome," I said. "The fans and everything."

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now