↠DREAMER: Part 25↠

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Wow guys! Part 25. I'm sorry this book went slow at first, I promise it will go a lot faster now. I'm trying to put a lot of insight on Kaelyn and her past and her relationship with Taylor. I hope you have enjoyed the book so far. Thank you so much if you're still here reading.


Kaelyn's Point of View

I stared out the window, and people stared at us. People had been taking videos and pictures of us, the girl beside us was a huge fan and took a selfie and was texting all her friends and talking to Taylor. This was first class, so the girl was acting normal. I guess it's no biggie for her to meet, you know, A-list household name celebrities. She'd said the usual 'I'm a huge fan' but she hadn't at all freaked out like normal.

"You good with the whole heights thing?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know. Claustrophobic and fear of heights. Close seats thousands of feet in the air? Not a good combination." I replied focusing on the shrinking city.

"Acrophobia," Taylor said. I looked at her confused. "Fear of heights. Acrophobia."

"Ohhh," I said. "Yeah, I have that. And claustrophobia."

"Yeah, an airplane is definitely not a good place for you." Taylor laughed.

"I don't like the 'atmosphere' of an airplane," I winked.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Taylor laughed. "Don't ever do that again."

"I think I'm gonna try to go to sleep," I said.

"Wait," Taylor said and began looking through her bag. She brought out a Polaroid camera. "Let's take a picture first."

She asked the fan beside of us to take a picture. We posed, Taylor with her hands on her face and me pointing out the window looking scared. The fan took the picture. We waited for the picture to print and turn out.

"Aww," Taylor said. "That's cute. We'll have to start a wall."

"A wall?" I asked.

"A Polaroid wall," Taylor said. "Of our memories."

"Ohhh," I said. "That'd be awesome."

I tried to lay my head back. The plane hit turbulence and I practically jumped out of my seat. Taylor gripped my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I laid my head on her shoulder.

"I see purple," Taylor said.

"I see turquoise," I said.

"I see grey," Taylor pointed out.

"I see red," I said.

"I see... light blue," Taylor said.

"I see... smaragdine." I said.

"What is that?" Taylor laughed.

"It's like emerald green," I replied.

"How do you even know that?" Taylor asked, still laughing.

"I'm an observant person," I replied.

"I see you. And I'm thankful for that." Taylor said.

I smiled. "I'm so lucky to have been adopted by a sweet person like you."

"That's the best thing you could tell me," Taylor laughed. "I hope I'm a good parent."

"You are," I said.

"I see... orange."

"Orange?" I asked.

"Yeah," Taylor said. She pointed to the window. "Sunrise."

"Ohh," I said. I watched the sunrise out the window and drifted to sleep leaning on Taylor. I felt her kiss my forehead right before I fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I like having little shots with her and Taylor that give insight to their relationship. Thank you again for sticking with me this long! xoxoxo❤️

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now