↠DREAMER: Part 23↠

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Taylor's Point of View

My alarm clock went off loudly in my room. I groaned. Not a morning person.

I rolled over and turned it off, and sat up in bed. I quickly got a shower. It was 4:30 am. We had to be at the airport by 7, but I still had some packing to do.

I got out and put on some summer clothes, since the August heat was terrible, especially in Nashville.

I got up and finished packing my bag before peaking into Kaelyn's room. It was 5:30 now.

"Kaelyn," I whispered. "Time to get up. Don't make me do the thing."

No reply. Not even slight movement. I smirked. I ran into the music room and grabbed the slapstick I had. Yep, I just had a random slapstick lying around in there.

I carefully and quietly sprinted as fast as I could back up the steps and into Kaelyn's room. I took a few steps in to get to the best area, pulled the 2 pieces of back, and slammed them together as hard as I could without hurting my fingers.


"Ah! Taylor!" Kaelyn screamed and jumped up. "Dang it, Taylor, screw you."

I cackled with laughter and accidentally snorted.

"Oh my gosh," Kaelyn busted out laughing and I fell onto her bed and we laughed together. She slapped me in the shoulder.

"Ow," I yelled. I slapped her back.

"Child abuse!" I said.

"I'll show you what child abuse is," I said sitting up. Kaelyn jumped up on the bed, jumped over to me, and ran out the door. I followed her running after her into the kitchen where I was greeted by Meredith and Olivia.

"Good morning girls," I said, quickly filling up their cat bowl. "Now, have you seen KK? I'm going to get her when I find her."

"Meow." Olivia responded. I looked around the room, to see the pantry door slightly cracked. Not how I left it.

"In the pantry?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "How about that, when we find her we're going to teach her a lesson."

I approached the pantry door cautiously, feeling proud and smart. As soon as I got close enough, I yanked it open. "Ha I-" I stopped to see an empty pantry.

I heard laughing from behind me. I turned to see Kaelyn bent over laughing.

"And I thought I had you," I admitted.

"Those CSI shows have taught me a lot," I said. "You, not so much."

"Wowww," I said, joining her laughter. "Alright, get ready for the day, we have to leave for the airport. Make sure everything's packed and you're ready."

"Alright," She said, laughing, and ran upstairs. I rolled my eyes.

"Teenagers." I muttered.

"I heard that!" I heard Kaelyn yell from upstairs.

"You can hear that but not me asking you to do something?" I yelled.

Her face appeared over the railing, looking at me. "Very funny." It disappeared again.

Soon everything was ready. We loaded up Meredith and Olivia and jumped in the car with our bags with Phillip. "Alright. Normal airport? This can't be good." Phillip sighed.

"Normal planes and everything," I said. "I want normal."

"I can't wait to see everybody," Kaelyn said excitedly. I'm so glad she's so happy about this trip. "I even texted one of my friends from my old school. I told her I'd be in town. She said she heard about me being adopted by you. She's super stoked, I hope we can meet up."

"That'd be amazing," I said. "I'd love to meet people you used to know when you were with your parents."

"Mom," She corrected. "I was with my mom the majority of my time from when I was 5-10. When I was 9 though we packed up and moved to California."

"Gotcha," I said. I wondered about her past life a lot but I'd never asked. When she was ready to talk about it, I assumed she would.

"Hey, Taylor," Phillip said. "Paps hot on our tail."

"Lose them," I said. "I want to feel normal again for a few days."

"Taylor, you're far from normal," Kaelyn joked. I nudged her, to which she laughed.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now