↠DREAMER: Part 2 ↠

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Taylor's Point of View

I knocked on the door and was greeted sweetly by a nice woman with brown hair accompanied by streaks of grey who looked to be in her late 40's.

She welcomed me graciously and swooned over the children in the orphanage. I could tell she was very kind to them.

She brought me into her office and shut the door to brief me before I met some of the girls.

Just then, I heard shouting. And I recognized it.

Somebody was standing up for somebody else, strongly and boldly.

And from what I could tell, they'd done the right thing.

Mrs. Brown called, "Kaelyn?"

I raised an eyebrow, and then heard footsteps 'swiftly' pass the door and run up stairs and slam a door.

Mrs. Brown got up and approached the door, opening it.

"Hang on," I said. "I got this."

I slowly got up and began my ascent up the stairs. As soon as I got halfway up, I heard something.

What was that?


As I got closer, I recognized it.

I listened to a soothing beautiful voice play Mean, and then never grow up. I peeked through the old fashioned key hole to see a girl comforting a tiny child. My heart melted.

Not only that, but she was good.

As soon as she finished, and hugged the little girl, I pushed the door open. She swung around, with her guard up, and then shock crossed her face.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Woah. Not something I normally got.

"Hi, I'm Taylor." I said. My confidence waned a little bit, considering she had no idea who I was after playing 2 of my popular songs.

A look of confusion crossed the girls face, and then shock spread through her. She looked up at me gaping. "I know you, I think..." she said.

"My name is Taylor Swift, and you are?" I asked her.

"Shocked." She replied bluntly. "And Kaelyn."

I smirked. 2 could play at this game. "Nice to meet you, shocked. I write songs about being shocked. I called one 'Sparks Fly.' Oh, and I was shocked when Kanye interrupted my VMA, but I excluded myself from the narrative."

The girl was speechless.

"What songs were you playing?" I continued.

"Uh..." the girl looked confused.

I shot her a 'gotcha' smile. She laughed lightheartedly.

"So, is there any chance I can tell you that what I just heard was absolutely brilliant?" I asked.

"You just did, and thank you," she said. "You're... I... how?"

"No, the only thing I'm asking is how are you that good, you must have had lessons," I laughed.

"Actually no... I'm self taught and by ear. I write my own music as well." She said.

I was shocked.

Sparks Fly...

Okay, stop Taylor, that was corny.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now