↠DREAMER: Part 17 ↠

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Kaelyn's Point of View

We finished up in the studio and hailed a cab. Taylor pulled out her phone with earbuds.

"That was literally amazing," Taylor said. "Listen." I took one of the earbuds and the music starts to play. I hear me singing it. It sounded good. "You write your own stuff, do you wanna record any of it?"

"Maybe sometime," I replied.

"Okay," Taylor said with a huge grin. "You have to let me hear some of the stuff you've written now."

I faked a smile and said, "okay." But when I saw she wasn't looking I frowned. They were way too personal...

We got back home and I went straight to the piano. I was already catching on quick, and I knew it. Taylor called somebody on the phone and it sounded like she was ordering something from what I could tell. It was getting late and I was tired from the long day. Plus jet lag was kicking in.

I yawned, and sat down on the couch.

"Wanna watch some TV?" Taylor asked from behind me before plunking down beside me.

"Sure," I replied. "We only had a few channels at the orphanage."

"We have a lot of channels here," Taylor said.

"Do you pay for cable year round at all your houses?" I asked.

Taylor laughed. "It depends."

She switched on a show called Law and Order. We began watching it.


"Daddy no," I screamed.

"You useless piece of shit!" He yelled, slapping me.

"Daddy no please," I yelled.

He picked up a picture frame of our family and hit me with it. The glass shattered. He then threw the remaining parts of it into the fire. "I hate you, useless piece of shit. You're an accident. You aren't supposed to be here. You've ruined my life." He punched me, and I doubled over. He kicked me in the side and I fell on the ground. He then took out a knife. He lunged at me and created a long slash down my arm. I cried in pain. "Why don't I just kill you now?"

"No, please daddy," I said.

He threw his knife down and punched and kicked me until I was barely hanging onto life.

"Useless little pain in the ass," he said gruffly as he finished. "Screw up."

*End of flashback*

I stared blankly ahead. I looked down at my arm, and saw the long crooked scar. It had faded a lot.

"Kaelyn?" Taylor asked. She followed my glance. "What is that?"

"Nothing," I pulled my arm back.

"Are you sure?" Taylor asked. "You know you can tell me."

"It's nothing, just an accident," I said, faking a laugh.

Taylor's Point of View

We continued watching Law and Order and I looked over and saw Kaelyn looking at her arm blankly, but her eyes were full of hurt. I followed her gaze to see a huge scar on the side of her arm. I held back a gasp. "Kaelyn?" I asked. She looked up. "What is that?" I asked.

She jerked her arm away. "Nothing." She replied gently.

I eyed her. "Are you sure? You know you can tell me."

"It's nothing," Kaelyn said. "Just an accident." She was lying, and I knew it.

"Okay," I decided on saying carefully. She still didn't trust me, which I wouldn't blame her. I wondered if there was more to her story than what her file said. Her file had never mentioned any kind of abuse or accidents. At orphanages they have to keep close records of any incidents happening inside the orphanage in order to keep their license. We finished watching Law and Order and I looked over to see Kaelyn asleep.

I smiled at her sleeping face and went upstairs. I grabbed a pillow and the softest blanket I could find and went back downstairs. I lifted her head slightly and put the pillow under her and then gently pulled the soft blanket over her. "Goodnight," I said and planted a kiss on her forehead. I turned out all the lights and made sure everything was locked up before going upstairs and climbing into my own bed.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now