↠DREAMER: Part 19 ↠

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About 2 weeks later
The Worldwide Live Stream

Taylor's Point of View

We got to the Empire State Building to get ready for the world wide live stream. Everything was already set up- clueless fans in one room, and my announcements.

I got up to the top of the building, careful to not be seen and began my speech from the top. The wind was blowing really hard, and as I looked over the edge I remembered Kaelyn's fear of heights.

"We're live in 5, 4, 3, 2, action." Said the camera man.

"Hey, I'm Taylor," I looked out over the skyline and waved to the camera. "Welcome to New York," I said brushing my blowing hair. "I wanted you to meet me up here at the very top of the Empire State Building, because I have some exciting news I'd like to tell you about, um," I laughed, "and as cool as this is, we can see all of New York, it's a beautiful day, but to be honest with you, it's a little scary up here, so um, I was thinking maybe we could go inside, some place we can talk?" I turned and walked through the Roof Access door and was greeted by surprised fans screams and cheers. As I walked through the row of fans to my chair, I gave them high fives. "Wow," I laughed as I sat down. "Well hey guys," I said waving. "So hey, welcome to this live stream extravaganza adventure-athon," I laughed. "Thank you for coming, they've told me we're making history because this is the first ever worldwide live stream, for ABC and Yahoo to get together, and I'm so excited, I can't even," I said. "I want to thank everybody in the studio, we've got some people here we have handpicked to be in New York," I continued my welcome speech and thank you's and said, "I have 4 big surprises for you today- Well 3 and then some big news. I love letting you in on my life, so that's what the big news is," I said. "But I really really like the 2 at the end, so stick with me. So basically, the first surprise... I have a new song I'm about to play you in 30 seconds," I said and the crowd erupted in cheers. "Would you like to know what it's about?"

"Yes!" They yelled.

"Okay, well I'll tell you," I said and they laughed. "This is a song I did with Max Martin and Shellback, we've done songs like I Knew you Were Trouble and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, so we decided to 'get back together,'" I joked and the crowd laughed. "That was a terrible joke," they laughed again, "anyways, we went into the studio trying to make a song that sounded nothing like any of us had done, so the idea I came up with and wanted to write about, is the idea that I've had to learn a tough couple of lessons in the last 3 years, is that people can say whatever they want about us, at any time, yes..." the audience cheered. "False rumors, yes!" I said sarcastically and everybody laughed and cheered. "People can say whatever they want about us at any given time and we cannot control that, the only thing we can control is our reaction to it, and I figure we have 2 options. You can either let it get to you, let it change you, and make you bitter or give you trust issues or descend into insanity if you want," everybody laughed and cheered, "or... you can shake it off.."cheers. "I want to play it for you now, will you please get up and dance with me." The music began to play and I began to dance with all the fans in the room, going around to every one dancing.

As soon as the music stopped everybody cheered.

"Do you guys like it?" I asked and everybody cheered and screamed and clapped. "Wow, can't believe that's out now, that's a secret I've been keeping for a really long time," I laughed. "Now maybe I should tell you secret surprise # 2," I said. "Alright," I said breathing heavy. "That's a lot of cardio, it doesn't look like it but," I said panting. "So now you know there's a new song... this song has led to the confession I've been working on a new album for 2 years." Everybody erupted in screams. "Now I like to work on albums for 2 years because I feel like 2 years gives you enough time to grow, and change, change your priorities, change where you live, change your hair, change your beliefs, change who you hang out with, your influences and inspirations, and in the process of changing, my music changed," I said making hand gestures. "Now I woke up every day while making this album, not wanting, but needing to make a new type of music that I'd never made before, so what happened was we made the most sonically cohesive album I've ever made, my favorite album I've ever made." Everybody cheered. "My inspiration for this album, I was listening to a lot of late 80's pop because I love the chances they were talking and how bold it was, how ahead of its time it was, so being inspired by that I started delving into the late 80's and the meaning of that period of time, and I found that that time was a time of limitless potential, where you can be who you want, bright colors, bold chances, and the idea of that has been a key of the last year of my life," I took a breath. "I'm so really out of breath." I said gasping for air. The audience laughed. "So I'm like ughh," I said breathlessly. "But basically, I'm thinking this album is like a rebirth for me, it's so new, I've never made these types of changes before, and having been born on December 13, 1989, I am calling this album 1989." The audience cheered and a picture of the album cover popped up on the TV screens behind me. "This is my first documented official pop album," I said to cheers. Thank God they're okay with it. I wasn't sure what people would think of me going all pop. "This album will be in stores October 27," I said. "Now that I unloaded a lot of information on you, I think naturally you have a lot of questions, so we're going to go to a question from Instagram, ashleyslater13, your style seems to change with every new album, how has it changed in the past 2 years and how is it reflected in the new album? P.S. love the crop tops and short hair." The crowd laughed at the last part. "Yes, I'm glad," I said with a smile. "You know that's an interesting question, I think as a songwriter and a person I'm open to inspiration, I'm affected by things and you have to be vulnerable to new feelings and let those things into your songwriting, but I'm very organized in weird ways and I kind of like being able to go through pictures and see my style and say 'oh, that's from the 2nd album' so uh... that's... that's, uh, that's that." Everybody laughed. I continued answering a few more peoples questions and giving some more hints and insights. "Guys this is so awesome, I'm flipping out," I said and the audience laughed. "Okay Taylor be cool." I said. "Surprise #3," I said and everybody cheered. I gave an explanation and epic buildup and then said, "I have shot a new music video for Shake it Off, here it is now!" The video began playing and everybody cheered and watched.

"Now I have one last thing to tell you," I said. "As you know in the past 2 weeks I've been photographed with an 'unidentified girl,'" I held up my fingers. Everybody laughed. "This 'girl's' name is Kaelyn Erin Ross... Swift." I said. Everybody gasped. "I adopted her on August 3," I laughed. "She is an amazing girl, full of charisma, she's sweet, hardworking, talented, and always puts others first, she's loving and beautiful. Kaelyn, where are you?" I asked. Kaelyn walked out of the back, and the cameras followed her. Everybody clapped. "That's it for today guys, thank you so much for tuning in! I love you!" The cameras turned off.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now