↠DREAMER: Part 13 ↠

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Welcome to New York

Kaelyn's Point of View

We didn't even stop for fuel on the way, thankfully, and it was smooth flying pretty much the entire time. I had fallen asleep about 2 hours into it watching The Notebook and goofing off with Taylor, she was so funny and weird. I woke up to Taylor shaking me. "Hey, look," she said pointing out the window.

"Huh?" I asked sitting up. "Wha." For a second I wondered where I was, and then I remembered. I sat up from my slumped over position on the couch and peered out the window.

"Oh my gosh," I breathed, taking it in. "It's beautiful."

"Isn't it though," Taylor said.

It was night, and the city was all lit up. It glowed and sparkled.

"They look like... flashing Lego's." I said and Taylor and I laughed.

"It's so pretty..." I said in wonder.

"Time to land, buckle up," the flight attendant said walking into the room.

"Alright," we said, buckling our seatbelts.

"Approaching our strip, 20 minutes until landing," the pilot said on the intercom. "Beginning descent. Over."

I tried to relax, but I was tense. I felt something on my hand, and I jumped and then realized it was Taylor.

I sighed.

"Just breath," Taylor said. "Breath, it's all okay."

I closed my eyes and pretended I wasn't on a plane a mile in the air above a concrete forest.

Taylor gripped my hand. We began heading more and more straight down. Finally we touched down and slowed to a stop on the run way.

I finally breathed, and sighed in relief.

"Calm down," Taylor said.

"Taylor, we got company," Phillip said walking into the room. "No back entrances."

Taylor groaned. She began digging through her purse. "Alright, put these on when I tell you to. There's gonna be some paparazzi. Don't talk to them, not one word. Don't look at them. Don't follow them. Just hold on to me, keep your head down, and walk."

"Would you like me to help you with your bags, Mrs. Swift?" Asked the flight attendant.

"Yes, please," Taylor said.

We got everything and began walking off the plane. As we neared the entrance to the airport I noticed a crowd of people.

"Anything else I can do for you, Mrs. Swift?" The flight attendant asked handing me and Taylor our bags.

"Actually... there is one thing." Taylor said.


I watched as the flight attendant created a distraction. She had blonde hair like Taylors, the same figure, and with sunglasses, a hat, and some of Taylors clothes on, she was practically a clone of her. She walked toward the doors on the far side of where we were going and the paparazzi began following her. As soon as there was distance between us and the flashing crowd of cameras, Taylor and I quickly made a break for the building now that the attention was on our distractor.

We made a bolt all the way through the busy airport. We got glances and stares on our way from pedestrians, but we didn't stop our beeline out the door, and finally got into the parking lot and quickly jumped into the car, just as the paparazzi came out of the sliding glass airport doors going "where is she? Where is she?"

I watched them in their crazed state. I saw one point. "There!"

"It's like 5 am, don't they have better things to do," I groaned sleepily.

"Nope." Taylor said. "Sadly. And most of them are jerks too."

"I hope that girl was okay," I mumbled. Poor flight attendant.

"Me too. They can be brutal sometimes." Taylor leaned her head back. "Alright Phillip. To the apartment."

"That was smart," I said.

"I try. Now hurry, Phillip, I don't want them catching us and drawing attention." Taylor said.

Her phone began to ring. "Hello?" She asked groggily.

"Taylor, there are pictures of you with a teenage girl blowing up online," I heard a voice say on the other end.

"And just when I thought we were safe," Taylor sighed.

"You'll have to tell them quicker now," the voice said.

"Of course." Taylor sighed in annoyance. "How did they even get the picture? Nobody was around us."

"Somebody did. Just dismiss it, don't lie, but refuse to answer any questions about it. The live stream is soon anyways." Said the male voice.

"Do I have to wait until then, or... can I even wait until then?" Taylor asked.

I heard the man sigh on the other end of the phone. "Taylor, I don't know, I..."

"Me neither. They're so annoying. I'm gonna go to sleep, Scott. I'll talk to you later." Taylor hung up in frustration, hardly waiting for a reply. She groaned as she fell backwards onto the seat. "I hate this."

"So..." I said.

"Are you comfortable with me announcing I adopted you?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, when are you doing it?" I asked.

"I have no idea. I'm about to just tweet it, and act impulsively, despite what Scott said. I'm so tired of it. And then rumors will start. This is so freaking frustrating." Taylor exclaimed.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I feel like I'm causing all this trouble, I-"

"No, no, no, not at all," Taylor reassured me. "It's not you, it's these lying paparazzi. You know what, I'm so over it. I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when we have 5 minutes to go, Phillip, and make sure you keep an eye for paparazzi." She ordered.

"Alright," Phillip replied. Taylor leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply.

Before long, she was asleep.

"That didn't take long," I said.

"I feel sorry for her a lot of times," Phillip said. "She can't do any of the fun stuff most 24 year olds do."

"Why?" I asked.

"The media would flip. She hardly had a life as a teenager. She traded off normal life for what she has now." Phillip shook his head.

"It's always been my dream," I said. "The trade off would be worth it."

"You must be a big dreamer," Phillip said.

"I just got really lucky," I said.

"Big dreamer," Phillip repeated.

DREAMER ↠ Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now