Arranged Marriage?

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I skipped up to my fathers tent giddily and slid the flap open, entering. "Morning father." I chirped. He glanced over his shoulder as he was at his desk writing. "Morning pumpkin. What're you doing up so early, how's Mr. Jefferson?" He threw the questions at me as he turned back to his work. I leaned on his shoulder smiling fondly. "Thomas is great. And I woke up before Thomas, I figured I'd wait for him to get up... and here we are." I replied. He sighed and got up as he turned to face me.

My father loomed over me because of his height and I just continued to smile. "You might wanna sit down.. I have something to tell you." He murmured. My smiled got slightly smaller but I did as told. "So what's up?" I asked as I tilted my head. "I've arranged for you to be courted and then to be wed." He said rather brashly. "W-What? No... no!" I practically shouted at him as I rose from the seat.


"To whom?"

He nodded and a man walked in. He had a smirk dancing across his face; that what I thought only Thomas could pull off.
"James Reynolds." Father said plainly.


"Yes y/n."

"I will choose who i marry, I don't accept him! I will make my own choice!" I snapped. Father seemed taken aback, I ignored him, storming out as i purposely shoved Mr. Reynolds in the shoulder.

I felt warm, salty, tears sliding down my face. I ran into my tent and lit the candle; curling into a ball on my cot and facing the tent wall so my back was facing the entrance. I heard a familiar southern accent. "Y/n, are you alright, I saw you with tears and wanted to check on you..." Thomas said thoughtfully.

I sat up and turned to face him, I raced off my cot and pulled him into a tight embrace while I sobbed into his chest; getting his Magenta suit wet. He stroked my H/c hair softly, whispering soothing words.

Thomas POV

I hurt me to see her like this. "Shh, shh... calm down. It'll be alright, I'm here and you can tell me anything." I cooed, stroking her H/c hair. She sniffled then looked me in the eye. " father's arranged me to be c-courted..." She stammered. My eyes widen in shock, my soft expression swiftly changing to pure sympathy.

"I'll talk to him about it." "He won't listen." She murmured. "I'll make him listen." My voice tensed as I let her go. "Go to my tent, you can stay there til I get back; I'm going to talk to your father." I growled, she nodded and left.

:-: :-:

I stormed into Major General Washington's tent, my hair bobbed as I did so. "What's this is hear about y/n having an arranged marriage?!" I demanded. Washington turned away from the man he was taking to, likely her suitor, to glare at me.

"She is to be wed to James Reynolds. Why do you care Mr. Jefferson?" He said rather harshly. "Because I don't like seeing her in pain! She's crying cause if your stupid mistake!" I shouted, my gaze locked on Washington. "She is my daughter." He growled. "Give her the choice to pick. At least for a week or so, if she doesn't find a suitor then have the arranged marriage." I reasoned smoothly. He hesitated but gave a curt nod, turning to the man again and waving him off.

I relaxed and my tense shoulders did as well, turning and walking out. I walked back to my tent and found y/n looking around. "Problem darlin'?" I asked.


I looked at Thomas and my gaze softened. My eyes were still red and puffy from sobbing but we both seemed to ignore it. He sat on his cot with a smile.

"I talked your father out of it. He says you have a week to find a suitor though." He murmured. "And what if I've already found one?" I asked as I slowly made my way towards him. "Darlin' are you suggesting that we court?" He smirked. "I don't know, am I?" I whispered softly. "Y/n L/n, will you court me?" He asked smoothly. "I'd love too." I smiled.

He smiled back at me and I sat beside him. I gave his cheek a kiss and got up to leave, Thomas got ready to sleep as he took off his shirt. He grabbed my wrist, and stared at me. "That's all?" He arched a brow. I rolled my eyes, pulling him to his feet as I put my hands around his neck, kissing him passionately. I felt his smile form while doing so, we then pulled away as I said 'goodnight' and made my way out.

:-: :-:

I woke up quickly, looking around my tent then at the clock; I was breathing frantically, I don't like nightmares. They honestly scare me because some seem so real. I thought I was forced into a marriage and... and, Thomas died. I hugged myself and made my way out to Thomas' tent. He was just laying on his cot and staring at the 'ceiling'.

Thomas caught sight of me and sat up, leaning over and looking at me with a worried but confused face. "What're you doing up darlin'?" He asked. I approached him whilst hugging myself. "Tommy, can I sleep here tonight. Just for tonight?" I whispered, careful not to wake anyone in nearby tents. He nodded. "Of course, but why, may I ask?" He murmured. "I-I had a nightmare... and you were d-dead." I managed to force out.

Thomas got up and gave me a hug as tears flowed onto his skin. He was warm and he made me feel safe. I got onto his cot and curled up, he laid beside me, pulling me close and holding me while we both drifted off.

:-: :-:

WHEW! Three chapters in a day! On a roll guys, I'm hoping to get new chapters up every day... if not every day then at least every Monday and Thursday; for week days. Weekends are likely all days.

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now