Two in a row?

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I grasp into my father's arm as he leads me down to isle, I smile as I see my groom, Thomas, standing at the end.

I release his arm and he gives me to Thomas, I stare into his warm, cocoa, eyes.

"We are gathered here today to join this man," he gestured to Thomas. "And this woman," he gestured to me. "In marriage. A bond that cannot be broken in death, nor life." The man said. (Idk what to say.. I don't go to wedding often)

"Thomas Jefferson, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health?" The man asked, gazing at him seriously. "I do." He grinned.

"And do you, Y/N M/N L/N, take Thomas Jefferson.. to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health?" The man turned to me, arching a brow. "I do." I have a cheeky grin.

"If anyone should object to this marriage, speak now, or forever hold your peace." He turned to the crowd, Alexander Hamilton raised his hand but Eliza grabbed it, slowly but surely, forcing it down with struggle as he resisted.

"Very well. I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." He says, closing a book he held with a smile.

Thomas, without hesitation, dips me down. His soft lips pressed against mine in a long and passionate kiss while the crowd cheers.

~*Short TimeSkip Yeet*~

I'm sitting beside Thomas, chatting it up with Lafayette. "So mademoiselle, how've you been?" He asked gently. "Great, thanks for asking Lafayette. How about you?" I ask modestly.

"I'm doing swell. Thank you." He smiled. I smile in return but It quickly turns into a twisted look.

I squeezed Thomas' arm, he noticed cause he looked at me worriedly, my nails dug into his suit. There was a damp spot in my dress and a liquid running down my leg.

I stare at him in pain. His eyebrows raise as he realized what had happened. "Let's go." He says flatly. I wince. "T-Thomas, I can't move, it hurts to much." I stammer. He nods and picks me up bridal-style and runs out, (somehow) and set me down in a Carriage.

:-: :-:

I lay on the hospital bed, panting, sweating, and crying. I hold onto a handle tightly as I let out a scream. Thomas holds my hand and I squeeze it out of pain.

My screaming comes to stop as I'm cut off by crying, I pant as the doctors take my child away. They came back moments later and handed Thomas our baby. He cradled them softly, holding them close to his chest as he cooed something.

"Can I have my child, please?" I mutter, Thomas chuckles lightly and nods, handing me our child. "Cornelius..." I murmur. Thomas stared at me quizzically. "Our little, baby boy, Cornelius." I smile at him.

"It's perfect." He grinned at me, Thomas then placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You did good, mama." He whispers. I smile and let it a yawn before I can hold it back, he takes Cornelius from me and cradles him once more.
"Get some rest darlin', I'll watch him." He soothed. I nod without hesitation  and drift off.

:-: :-:


This chapter is short as hell, I know, but at least it's cute. Hope you enjoyed. Also, I have another book out that I'm working on, it's a Hercules Mulligan x Reader. {*~Modern~*} hope y'all like it if you decide to read it.

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now