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Thomas' POV

The carriage came to stop in front of a house, I paid the young man and got out. I made my way up to the door and knocked firmly.

Moments later Y/N answered, so he did buy her... "T-Thomas?" Tears welled in her eyes, threatening to spill. "I thought I'd never see you again." She chokes out.

"I've been searching for you for awhile now... care to introduce me to a, Mr. James Reynolds?" I said as calmly as I could manage.


"I've been searching for you for awhile now... care to introduce me to a, Mr. James Reynolds?" Thomas sneered, I dipped my head and called for Justin.

"Justin! Mr. Reynolds has a visitor!" I called over my shoulder, then invited Thomas inside, as if he was a guest... though, he's likely to be challenged to a duel tonight. I can't believe I fell in love with this idiot.

Mr. Reynolds cane waking in swiftly not long after, Thomas was lounging on the couch, glaring at him.

His leg was propped up over his knee, his arms outspread. Reynolds face went pale, he knew he was in for hell.

"Mr. Jefferson, a pleasure..." he started. "I must say, the feeling is not mutual Mr. Reynolds." Thomas hissed, I grin slightly as I heard a wince from Reynolds.

Justin and I watched as Thomas began to stand up, examining a pot, thought he wasn't truly interested in it; from what I could tell.

"Tell me, Mr. Reynolds..." Thomas trailed off. "What would the public think about you having my wife, as a space of yours?" He asked smoothly.

"Pfft, I don't care what the public thinks of me. I bought her, she's rightfully my property!" Reynolds snapped. Thomas sets the pot down and turned to him.

He shook his pointer finger, frowning in disapproval. He then proceeded to tsk as he shakes his head. "The diamond on her finger says otherwise." Thomas commented, gesturing to my wedding ring.

"And if you don't care what the public thinks, I'm sure you care what the police think... oh! Even better; the president!" Thomas says happily, clapping his hands.

Reynolds swallows. "What do you want, Jefferson?" "I think you know." Thomas growled. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, could you elaborate on that?" Reynolds sniggered.

Thomas glared daggers as him before slowly making his over to him, coming so close that if Thomas went any further; he'd be kissing him.

Thomas opens his mouth, only two words came out though. "My. Wife." He snarls, I saw a cold sweat on Reynolds forehead. Thomas' hand curled into a fist.

"I-I see, and your price?" Mr. Reynolds steps away, straightening his shirt. "She's my wife, that's enough of a price. Good day to you, Sir; I'll be taking my wife and my dear friend's, Madison's, brother... home." Thomas spat and leads us out.

He calls another carriage and pre-paid. I climbed in and so did Justin, Thomas got in last. "Where to?" The man called over his shoulder.

"The Laboy grange and Monticello." Thomas murmurs, wrapping an arm around me. I snuggled into his warmth, it felt nice to be in his comfort again.

The man hums in response and a loud whipping noise was heard, hooves clattered and the carriage began to move.

I yawned and closed my eyes, resting my head on Thomas' shoulder. It was a long day, especially because I was beat.

I sighed and silently dozed off. Justin stared at the different houses we passed, a few people were walking down the street.

Not long after the carriage came to a stop, I lazily opened my eyes to see the Laboy Grange, I glance at Justin who's now standing up.

"Thank you, Thomas." Justin thanked him and stepped out. "Of course, you're like family." Thomas grins. Justin thanks him one last time before stepping off.

He knocked on the door, I assume he doesn't have his keys, and his wife came running out. Three children too, two boys and girl. I smiled at their happy family reunion.

Justin waved goodbye to us as the carriage began to move again, I waved goodbye as well. This isn't goodbye, I'll see him again soon; I'm sure of it.

"What do you want to do when we get home, Kitten?" Tomas cooed. Im glad I'll be called pet by him, not Mr. Reynolds; that creep.

"I'd like to rest when we get home, I've been working all day and I was beat..." I muttered. Thomas kissed my temple. "No man is ever getting their hands on you like that, ever again, I promise." Thomas whispered.

I grin at his words, I gave him a soft kiss on his lips, that I've missed. I felt Thomas' smile into the sweet kiss, we pulled away for air.

A slight blush crept up my cheeks. "You're so cute when you blush." Thomas teased. I chuckled lightly and the carriage came to another stop.

I attempted to get off, Thomas got out before me and helped me down like the gentleman he was. I took his hand as he helps me down.

Thomas led me to the door and pulls out his keys, unlocking the door and stepping inside. I took in Monticello's scent, it was much better and different than the Reynolds' estate.

Thomas smiles at my actions. "C'mon, let's get to bed." He murmured and lead some upstairs. I happily obliged and let him drag me to our room.

Once we got inside I began to undress, I've been in this gown since I was taken... good lord. But, Thomas said otherwise.

"Tommy, I can undress myself." I gave a fake pout, he began to slip the gown off my body. He then grabs a new one and put it on me. I sighed in defeat.

He then walked behind me and hugged my waist, resting his chin on my head and making us sway slightly. "I know, but I haven't seen your beautiful body in forever..." he whispers.

"Tommy, it's been a day." I giggled slightly. "A day is too long." He commented, I rolled my eyes and snuggled into him.

He walks us backwards and to the bed, causing us to topple over onto it. Thomas climbed under the covers, without letting go of me, and dragging me under too.

I turned around so I was facing his chest, he was still in his Magenta suit. "You gonna get changed?" I murmur. "Do ya' want me to, Kitten?" He purred into my ear. "I'd like it omit you did..." I yawned.

He chuckled lightly and let's me go, getting out of me. He pulls off his coat and began to unbutton his vest. He then undoes his cravat and pulls down his pants, socks and pulls off his shoes. He pulls his shirt off last.

Now he's left in his underwear, he crawls back into bed and under the covers. He snakes his toned arms around me once more, I remained facing his bare chest.

He kissed my forehead and I close my eyes, silently drifting off. "Goodnight Kitten." He whispers before dozing off as well.

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now