Now for the Blessing

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Alright, before this starts... Smut warning, I was bored and wanted to try it out. First time writing it, so bare with me. Also, thoughts on Lafayette x Reader and if so, modern or historical?

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Thomas POV

I yawned as I drowsily opened my eyes, Y/n was still wrapped in my arms. I lifted my hand and played with her hair, she looked so peaceful; I'm lucky to know her. I didn't want her to wake so I wait until she woke.

"Morning Tommy~" she murmured softly as he sat up and rubbed an eye. "Mornin' darlin', have a good rest?" I asked. "Of course, I had you to protect me." She smiled giddily, making me blush slightly.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I suppose we should inform your father?" I smiled slightly. "Yes. I don't know how he'll react, but he will live with my choice." She said firmly.

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We walked arm-in-arm up to my father tent, slipping silently into it; luckily father was already awake and writing some letters.

He glanced up at us then set his quill down, fully staring at us.

"Father, Thomas and I are courting." I said shakily but Thomas heard this since he gave my temple a peck. "What she says is true, Mr. Jefferson?" My father pressed as his gaze shifted to Thomas. "Yes sir, we are courters." He said firmly.

He gave a curt nod. "Alright. You have my blessing," he murmured, Thomas and I looked at each other with bright smiles then back to my father. "But, would you please save the baby making for after the marriage?" He requested.

"I mean, we can try..." Thomas grinned smugly. My father rolled his eyes and waved his hand in dismissal. I blushed furiously as we exited the tent. "So darlin', you have the day off. What would you like to do?" He asked me. I looked up at him, a smirk dancing across my face. "I think you know..." "I sure hope i do." He grinned back.

:-: :-:

We entered Thomas' tent, since it was furthest from the soldiers tents, he pressed his lips against mine; our tongues sliding into each other's mouths as they fought for dominance.

I slowly began to undo his shirt while we made out. (God I'm a terrible person) We pulled away for air and I slid out of my uniform, I didn't wear my corset today since I had the day off.

Thomas took off his shirt as well, I knelt down to his pants where a small tent was forming; I pulled his pants down teasingly slow. Once his pants were down I pulled his boxers off too. (Did they have boxers then? Idk.)

His fully erected member popped up, hitting my cheek. I giggle and licked the tip softly, then lifted my head and took in a good portion of his manhood.

Thomas POV

She took in a good portion of my member as she glanced up at me, I knew damn well she could take more though; I used a hand and forced her head down, making her take it all.


He forced my head down, his tip hitting the back of my throat causing my eyes to water from my gag reflex, but I loved it. He just held my head there and began to slowly thrust his hips, making my choke slightly but I went with it, it felt amazing...

He eventually let go, and I pulled up making a loud 'pop' as I caught my breath. He grinned at me, satisfied with his work. "C'mon, up on the cot." He ordered. I nodded and crawled over then pulled myself up and onto it. I then made it so I was on my back, looking him in the eye.

Thomas lined himself up at my entrance, slowly entering. Much bigger then when it was in my mouth, I hissed in pain slightly.

He stopped and waited for me to get used to his size, the pain was soon replaced with pleasure, and he began thrusting into me.

"Ah~ Tommy~!" I moaned, seemingly turning him on even more since he began to pound into me faster.

Thomas POV

I pounded into her faster as I heard her moan my name, throwing my head back.

Leaning down, I buried my head into her neck and cooed things like, 'you're so fucking tight' or 'god I love you'.

Her moans became slightly higher and I grinned, continuing to thrust in, but faster.


I felt a knot forming in my stomach, releasing all over him, but he continued to pound into me. He pulled out then lined himself up so when he'd slam into me once more, he'd hit my 'spot'.

And he did just that, slamming back into me without warning, each time squirting all over him. I was shaking as he did so.

Finally he pulled out and I got down on my knees, "Open up." Thomas said simply, I did so as he came into my mouth, some getting on my face. I swallowed it with a small smile then stood up and face him. "You taste delicious, try some." I whispered and kissed him passionately. He chuckled as I pulled away, then began to wipe the stream of the white substance off my face.

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We walked out, fully dressed and clean, I dipped my head to the soldiers as we left. "Tommy" I was cut off when I heard from the streets, 'the world turned upside down'. I faced Thomas, excitement written al over my face, and began to drag him into the crowd.

Thomas POV

She dragged me into the crowd and I laugh at her enthusiasm, she climbed atop a rock and looked around. The war was over I'd assume. "Darlin' would you like to go somewhere?" I offered.

She nodded and eagerly leapt down, tackling me, smiling happily. She was my world, I want her happy, it makes me happy when she's happy.

"Where to Sugar?" I asked, she blushed at the pet name. (Also, at the time I'm writing this, for some reason my 71 yr. old grandpa is watching Charlie Brown.) Her face then lit up, causing me to fear for where we might be going. "The shooting range!" She howled and began to drag me once more.

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I finally let go of Thomas' arm as we arrive in an empty field, targets lay at the end. I quickly grabbed a gun and hand Thomas one as well.

"Sugar I don't know how to use one of these, I'm a secretary, not a solider." Thomas murmured. I smiled at him and cup his face. "Well then Tommy, I'll have to teach you?" I squeal and take his hand, still holding his gun I might add, and make it so he's aiming at a target.

"Spread your legs shoulder-length apart, hold your gun firmly, then pull the trigger to fire." I explained, he nodded and did as told, firing and hitting right in the center. I clapped and let his hand go. "Yes! Just like that Tommy!" I said and then hugged his side.

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now