Little Teaser and A/N

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A/N: Smut warning


I was awoken to the feeling of lips pressing against different parts of my neck. I shuddered lightly before feeling warm breath against it, a soft chuckle soon following as a chest bounced against my back.

"Good morning, Kitten~" cooed Thomas. I yawned, before curling myself further into a ball. "Mmm..." I mumbled. Thomas huffed before continuing to peck my neck. "Okay, okay, I'm up." I muttered tiredly.

Thomas chuckled and soon released me, sitting up and stretching. I whimpered when the warmth of his body left me, pulling the covers over my head. "Kitten, you just said you were up!" He laughed.

"Yeah.. well, I lied." I hissed. I just wanted some sleep, honestly. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked. My only weakness, food... ugh, why does he have to tempt me? I wanna stay in bed. (<—THAAAAT'S A MOOD.)

I only groaned in reply. "Kitten, unless you plan on morning sex, get up." He ordered with a soft tone. "Nooo..." I moaned, nuzzling myself further into the pillows and sheets.

Thomas pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Why are you being so stubborn this morning?" He murmured. "Because I'm tired." I reasoned. "Kitten.." he groaned.

Honestly, I never noticed until now, but his morning voice was so sexy. It sent shudders down my spine. Thomas laid back down by me as he wrapped his arms around my form, I grinned victoriously.

I could practically hear his smirk before his hand slipped down and caressed the inside of my thigh. "What are you doing." I mumbled, my eyes remained shut. "Nothing~" he purred, placing kisses along my neck and shoulders.

"It doesn't feel like nothing."

He only hummed in response before continuing with his actions, only this time, his hand went into the center of my legs.



I sighed as I gave in, opening my eyes and rolling to I was facing Thomas. I wrapped my arms around his neck, one of my hands going to toy with his hair, as I captured his lips into a kiss. Thomas easily complied and kissed back, slipping some teeth and tongue into the kiss.

I let out soft moan against his lips. Thomas smirked at the sound and pulled away. He sat up and so did I, he began to strip me of my clothing; he's was already half naked, so I allowed my hands to travel around his muscled torso.

Once he'd stripped me over my clothing, I pressed my body against his before sliding his pants down. I did the same with his undergarments.

Thomas' erection sprung free as I wrapped one of my hands around his member, beginning to pump it slowly. Thomas shivered before crashing his lips onto mine again, slipping his tongue into my mouth as he claimed it as his.

I let out a few moans that were muffled due to Thomas' lips. Occasionally, he would let out some low moans, but the moans mostly came from me. He hummed pleasurably before disconnecting our lips, moving down to my neck and beginning to leave open mouthed kisses.

I shivered at the feeling of his smooth lips on my neck. (That made me hungry. Wtf) Thomas' teeth grazed my skin before he bit down gently into my collarbone. I gasped in surprise and felt my back arch.

Thomas chuckled softly before his tongue flicked soothingly over the bite mark. He proceeded to lay me down as he looked over me. I blushed lightly, soon he clasped his lips onto mine.

:-: :-:

A/N: Alright, there's your teaser. I'm so thankful for ho patient you've been with this book and for another chapter to come out. Anyways, I was thinking about rewriting the book as I don't like the plot behind it. Maybe instead of being Washington's daughter you'll be Lafayette's Sister?

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now