New Routine

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I stared out of the carriage at a large house that we'd come to stop at, suddenly I'm tugged and I followed in instinct.

Justin got up and follows too, we entered the house and Mr. Reynolds locks the door and then unlocked our cuffs, detaching us from the chains.

He turned and looked at us for a moment. "It's late, you won't work tonight. Both of your rooms are downstairs and to the left." He orders and stalked away, probably to his room.

Justin and I swallowed as we glance at each other, we made our way down the stairs and to the left, like he had said... two rooms waited to be used.

We went into Justin's and began to brainstorm ideas for how to escape. "I say we should gain their trust, then once they trust us enough to leave the house, we book it." Justin muttered.

"O...kay? That's one way to approach it. Yes, gaining their trust is important. But I say, we gain their trust, once they're asleep; then and only then do we leave." I explained.

Justin and I took both of the ideas into consideration before he finally spoke up, "I say we go with your idea. It'll take longer, but let's go for it!" He grins.

"Great! Cya tomorrow." I left and went next door to my room, I collapsed onto the bed. For a slave's bed, it's fairly comfy. The room was a soft tan color and made it feel quite cozy.

I sighed and rolled onto my side, I hope I'll see Thomas and Cornelius soon, both of their adorable smiles.

I smiled to myself at the thought of my family and slowly drifted off, closing my eyes softly.

:-: :-:

I woke up early due to our names being shouted, I groaned and got out of bed. I made my way up the stairs and into the kitchen where Mr. Reynolds sat... waiting for us.

"Good, you're here." He murmurs. "Breakfast, and it better be good or you'll both get punished." He cooed key a wicked smile.

I shuddered and began to make some eggs and sausage while Justin made some pancakes. He watched our every move, this is going to be a long morning...

Thomas' POV

Cornelius was holding my hand as I approached a man and held up a picture of Y/N, she was wearing her wedding dress in this photo.

"Have you seen this woman?" I questioned. I had to find her, I hope she's ok. The man shook his head, frowning. "Sorry, no." I sighed and picked Cornelius up.

I made my way back to Monticello, where could they have taken her... slave trade? Likely, that's a big possibility.

I opened the door and walked in, I set Cornelius down and shut the door. I then sat on the sofa with my head in my hands.

"Daddy?" Cornelius calls. I looked up at him, I haven't slept since she was taken, I was to afraid Cornelius would be taken too.

But I was also worried sick, I needed to know Y/N was safe, that she wasn't dead. That she was alright.

"When is mommy coming home?" Cornelius continued, "I... I don't know," I murmured. "Why did that man take her?" He asked me. "I don't know, Cornelius. But I'll find her, I promise." I smiled at him reassuringly.

Cornelius seemed to relax and staffers over, he gave me a hug. "I'm tired," he whispers. I chuckled and pick him up, carrying him to his room.

I set Cornelius in his end, pulling the covers over his small frame. I then kissed his forehead. "Goodnight." I mumbled, turning away. "Goodnight daddy..." he yawned.

I turn off the light and close his door gently. I grabbed my coat and walked out the door, taking my keys with me.

I'm not stopping until I find my wife, and if someone put a hand on her, they're fucking dead. I stormed down the street to the las place I'd seen Y/N.

I glance around and came to stop, thinking. The Slave Trades! I growled and made my way down the street, the trades were close.

When I arrived people were still gathering. I approached the man running it. "Where's. My. Wife." I growled, grabbing his cravat and raising him into the air.

He was a rather small man. He took a shaky breath before responding. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, S-Sir." He stammers.

"I'm sure you do. Now, answer me. I'd advise you do, so, I'll ask again. And I better hear an answer," I snarled, his eyes widened. "Where. Is. My. Wife." I spat, venom lacing through my southern accent.

"A m-man, Mr. Reynolds, bought her... and Madison's brother..." He says shakily. I tossed him down onto the ground. "Good day Sir." I dip my head and prowled away.

I called a carriage and told them to head for the Reynolds' estate. The young man nodded and the carriage began to move.

It was rather late now, I'm not sure if he'll be up. Sucks for him if he isn't, cause I'll make sure he's awake.

I'll make him wish he was never born. I'm coming Y/N, you'll be home soon.

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now