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A/N: WTF GUYS?! 1k reads? You guys are the best and I think that deserves another chapter! Enjoy!!

:-: :-:


The carriage came to a stop and my kidnapper grabs my wrist, yanking me out and basically dragging me somewhere. Before I knew it I was thrown into a cage.

I let out a whimper as my back slams into the bars, and I landed on my wrist, I think it's sprained. Whatever's happened to my wrist, it hurts like hell.

I squeak in surprise when the cage started to move and a large cloth was put over it, covering it and me right along with it. Tears began to roll down my face, I was scared and alone. I didn't know what to do or what they were going to do.

I didn't k is if i would live or die... I didn't know these men, I didn't know what was happening. I just wanted to go back to my son and husband. My family in general.

The cage came to a stop, I must've been in something cause I felt a sudden drop, the cloth is ripped away and I found myself with other women also in cages.

Some were crying, some screaming to be let go, others remaining silent. I wince, I don't know how long they've been here.

"Psst, you're new.. correct?" A darker man in the same cage as me, which I hadn't realized was there, whispers to me. I gulp and nod reluctantly. "Name's Justin. Justin Laboy." (Yes I just did that) he says and holds out his hand.

I didn't take it, I was to afraid, I looked around some more and saw males and females in cages, some sharing and some aren't.

Justin sighs and leans back. "I know you just met me, but you're gonna have to trust me if we have a shot at getting out of here, okay?" I nodded shyly. "Y/n. Y/n Jefferson." I replied.

His eyes widen in shock. "Y-you're Jefferson's wife?" He swallowed. I tilt my head. "Yeah... why? Is that bad?" I asked and he shook his head quickly, yes. "Yeah, It is! That means they'll get more money off you and the more money it takes to buy you... the richer the man is... and that means they'll use you for..." he paused. I glare at him and tug his cravat, forcing him to look me in the eye. "It means what." I snarl. "It means you'll be a sex... sex slave."

I gasped in horror and let him go, curling into an anxiety ball. "I mean, most of the women here are going to be sold as sex slaves, the men are probably just going to be slaves in general." Justin explains and I felt more tears go down me cheeks, salty and warm.

I crawl towards the bars and grasp one, staring out and see many people gathering, the majority are men and they've got sacks and sacks of money.

These must be some of the most rich men in the world! I panic and began to hyperventilate. "I can't! I have a husband and a child! I have a family, Justin, I just can't!" I screamed as a man approaches and whips my wrist.

Justin pulls me into a tight embrace. "Shh. We'll get you out of here. But first we just have to pray, pray that we get bought together. Then it'll be easier to make an escape plan." I nodded and breathe more steadily, calmed by his confidence and tone of voice.

A loud banging sound was heard and everyone in the cages' heads perked up, focusing on the man who'd done it. He was standing on a stool and had a small desk in front of him, banging a small wooden hammer.

"First up, we have this lovely, desert flower, Alesha... came all the way from the Caribbean." He announces, gesturing to a tan woman wearing a blue dress, and a blue bandanna to match. The bandanna was holding up her long black hair, and her eyes were emerald green.

"I'll give you 50!" I man from the crowd shouts, I watch as more men jump in, naming their bids. I snuggled and curled up into Justin, he was the only friend I had right now.

As time progressed more and more of us were sold, now only Justin and I remained, we hadn't been sold and I was nervous.

"Next up!" We were rolled onto the platform, I gaze around and see men staring at me hungrily. I whimper and backed myself away.

"We have Jefferson's bitch and Madison's brother." The man smirked. (Bare with me, Madison has a brother in this. In this Madison and Jefferson have high reputations so Yeet)

I shudder as a man prowls over, pushing me more towards the crowd so they could have a good look at me, reluctantly I allowed the man to, He then did the same to Justin.

(Also, Justin is married someone else by the last name of Laboy and decided to take her last name. Mk)

"120!" "200!" "340!" Different votes shouted, each voice was different, husky, raspy, light, gravely... deep.

I hear the hammer slam down again and jump. "Sold to the gentlemen with the bid of 590!" He announced and I whimper, no.. this cant be happening!

(Let's spice this up some more, shall we?"

A man with a cowboy lookin' hat approached, he had a brown jacket and a white vest. His pants were a beige and he wore black boots. I cower down before him. "James Reynolds, lamb. And it looks like you're now my property." He cooed.

He shifted his brown eyes to Justin, who sat beside me, looking at his hands nervously. Mr, Reynolds turns back around and faces the man who'd sold me. "I'll take this one too." He points to Justin.

The man shrugs and nods, he unlocked the cage and cuffs our hands and connects them with chains, Mr. Reynolds grabs the chains and began to lead us out.

We got in a carriage and headed somewhere, likely his home. I've heard of this man, somewhere... but where?

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now