Legacy? Pfft-I think NOT

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(Mk, large TimeSkip so we can make him 19... cause I'm a lazy ass author! We're gonna have Philip barely turn 19 as well, so.. y'all know what that means!)


I sat up, being pulled back down and back into Thomas' chest. I sighed and shoved him off me, sitting back up. "Kitten..." He whined. "Thomas..." I mocked.

I got out of our bed, slipping out of my night gown and into a corset and dress. I hummed and walked out and down the stairs.

I found Cornelius already up, making some breakfast. I rolled my eyes and lightly tip-toe over to him, I set my hand son his shoulders. "Boo!" I exclaimed, he jumped and turned around, a hand to his chest.

"Ma.. don't do that." He huffed. I giggled and pat his wild-curled head, just like his father. "Aw, but it's fun." I pouted. He smiled and pulled me into an embrace.

"So, where's pa?" Cornelius asks, releasing me and turning back to the meal at hand. "Sleepin'." I muttered. "Why?" "Because He can." I retorted.

Cornelius chuckled shortly, I took a seat at the table as he brought over two plates. "Enjoy, ma." He grinned giddily. I took a bite and chewed slowly, this was good.... and I mean, delicious. (Hmm—I like food.)

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Thomas making his way down the stairs, rubbing one of his eyes. "Morning sleepyhead." I commented.

He stifled a greet, grabbing a plate and sitting down beside me, kissing my temple tenderly. He took a bite of his food and stopped chewing, shock over-taking his structured face.

I arched a brow before Thomas piped up. "You're almost as good of a cook, as your mother." Thomas (the train) mumbled. I chuckled and Cornelius did too.

:-: :-:

We sat on the couch, Thomas and I, silently reading. Cornelius then spoke up, what he said... I didn't have any words.

"Ma, what's an orgasm?" (How he doesn't know, I have no clue) Cornelius asked, he was laying on the floor—just staring at the ceiling.

I froze, looking up from my book at Cornelius, shock written all over my face. Thomas just snickered at my reaction, awaiting an answer... just like my son.

A smirk was dancing across Thomas' face, I thought for a moment on how to put this in words... I sat there longer than I thought, because before I knew it—a hand was waving in my face—trying to get my attention.

I snapped out of my thoughts to find Cornelius sitting in front of me, his legs crossed, staring intently.

A sly smirk made its way to my lips, they parted and spoke. "I dunno, I've never had one." I murmur, glancing at Thomas and going back to reading.

"Alright." Cornelius smiled and stood up, heading for the front door. "I'm goin' to the park, Ma." Cornelius called over his shoulder. I nodded and waved to him.

Once Cornelius had left Thomas pinned me down on the couch, looking over me. "...'Never had one', eh?" He growled, nipping at my bottom lip.

"I couldn't help it." I shrugged. "Mhm.." he mumbled, his lips making their way to my neck. "I'll make sure you never forget this one." He mumbled against my sensitive skin.

:-: :-:

(Dirty, dirty, dirty minds...)

I pulled my dress back on, Thomas went upstairs and I assume—got dressed—in his work attire.

He came back down the stairs with a smug grin, kissing me softly on the lips, bending down slightly.

(Goddamn Thomas, you's tall.)

(DISCONTINUED) Why Him? {~*Thomas Jefferson x Reader *~}Where stories live. Discover now