Paying the Hamiltons a Visit

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I hummed as I step out of the kitchen, Thomas had begged me to let him do the dishes, he's adorable. Cornelius came scrambling into the room, I smiled and gave my son a hug.

"Mama, can we visit the Hamilton's today?" He asked. I glanced over to my side and saw Thomas standing there, leaning against the wall; eyebrow arched.

I rolled my eyes and faced Thomas fully. "I don't know, can we?" I challenged, Thomas muttered something and made his way over to us.

"You're lucky I love you so much." He grumbled, kissing my temple and turning to Cornelius. "Of course, Cornelius, go get ready." Thomas ordered, Cornelius gave a giddy grin and ran off to his room, a giggling mess.

I sighed contently and leaned into Thomas' side, but he wasn't there...? I fell onto the couch, I rolled onto my back and found Thomas atop me.

He had his signature smirk, staring down at me lustfully. "What are you doing Thomas.." I mumbled and press my hands to his chest, attempting to push him off.

He grabbed both my wrists with one hand, pinning them above my head. I wiggles around, "Thomas, no." I stated firmly. "Thomas, yes." He wiggled his eyebrows, earning a small giggle from me.

"There's that beautiful giggle..." He purred, nuzzling his face into my neck. I chuckled some more, no matter how neatly cut his beard was; it tickled.

"Thomas we can't, what if Cornelius sees." I murmured. "He won't..." He cooed, I sighed and rolled my eyes. "But what if he does," "But what if he doesn't, that's a risk I'm willing to take." Thomas mumbled.

His soft lips attached to my neck, licking and softly nipping at it. I gave a muffled moan, I felt his smirk against my skin.

He then began to suck, once he pulled away he'd left a dark hickey. I muttered something incoherently, his lips pressed against my skin again. He chuckled as I moaned softly, his lips came to my ear and he bit it softly. "You like that, babygirl~?" He purred, licking my ear softly. (Idfk)

I squirmed and gave another moan, Cornelius came running down the stairs and heard. He began to punch Thomas' side. It was soft of course, he's still young.

"Bad daddy! Leave Mama alone!" Cornelius screeched, pulling Thomas off me. I blushed lightly and stand up, fixing my dress.

"Sweetie, he wasn't hurting me." I reassured him. "Yes He was! I saw, he was biting your neck." Cornelius huffed, crossing his arms.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair, I got up and made my way to the door. "Very well, thank you for defending me." I smiled, sending a wink to an annoyed Thomas.

Cornelius smiled proudly, hugging (originally wrote Huggling) my leg. Thomas followed after us, attempting to snake an arm around my waist.

"Nu-uh!" Cornelius snapped, coming in between us. "You hurt Mama, you can't be around her until you control yourself." Cornelius barked, Thomas chuckled lightly and nodded.

Thomas got us a carriage, insisting that my; and I quote 'gorgeous frame' shouldn't walk and that I deserve better than to do so. He's so extra, I climbed into the carriage and sat down.

Cornelius sat in between us, glaring at his father the whole ride over. I hummed softly, grinning at Thomas, who was still pouting about not being able to be near me; his wife.

We arrived at the Hamilton Grange, I thanked the man who'd brought us here, stepping off the carriage. Thomas ended up getting off last because Cornelius about tackled him, just to get off before him.

I trot over to the Hamiltons' door and knocked lightly, moments later Eliza and Angelica answered and squealed. They brought me into a big embrace, smiling brightly.

They eventually let go and I pulled away, grabbing Cornelius' hand and walking inside. Thomas gave a brief greet to the two women before stepping in, and following Cornelius and  I.

I sat down on the sofa and patted the spot beside me, gesturing for Thomas to join me. Thomas made his way over and Cornelius tugged at his pants, before rushing over to me.

Eliza shouted for Alexander to come down from his study, sure enough, a sleep-deprived man came down the stairs.

He gave a weak smile to his wife before catching site of Thomas and I, his smile turned into a sneer. "Lovely to see you again, Y/N." Alexander gave me a genuine grin.

"And you as well, Mr. Hamilton." I greeted, smiling tenderly. "Jefferson." He seethed as he turns to Thomas. "Hamilton." Thomas growled.

I rolled my eyes at their childish rivalry. Eliza then piped up, breaking the tension in the air slightly. "So, why isn't Cornelius letting Thomas near you?" She questioned, Thomas was still standing and leaning against the wall.

My face went hot with embarrassment, Alexander arched and brow and approached Cornelius and I. His hands extended out to me, I backed away slightly.

"May I?" He asked for permission, gesturing to my neck. I shrugged and nod, allowing him access to my neck. His hands gently tilted my head to the side, examine my new hickey.

Thomas didn't like this though, he grabbed Alexander's wrist tightly, yanking it away from my neck. His face up close and personal to his.

His grip remained firm on Alexander's wrist, glaring daggers at Alexander before speaking up. "Hands. Off. My. Wife." Thomas growled, releasing Alexander's wrist.

He then went back to the wall he was originally leaning on. Okay, I think Thomas has gotten over-protective of me, since the incident.

I sighed and Cornelius stood up, look at his Father before sitting on the other side of me. "Daddy, you proved you can touch Mama, without hurting her." Cornelius grinned.

Eliza realized what Cornelius was talking about and giggle, Alexander still had a cold sweat and looked mortified; I've never seen him this scared. I didn't know Thomas could get so mad either.

"Well, uhm, we'll be going now. I've got to make dinner and Thomas has work to catch up on." I chimed, I hadn't realized how long we'd been here.

I grabbed Thomas' and Cornelius' hands, waking out and down the street; no matter how much Thomas protested for a carriage.

We arrived at Monticello and I opened the door, I walked in and up the stairs. I trot into our shared bedroom and collapse onto the mattress.

Thomas came in and chuckled at the sight before him. "Tired are we?" He cooed, I let out a groan into the sheets. "I'm sorry, I'm exhausted... I'd rather go to bed. Can you handle Cornelius?" I explained, rolling onto my back and looking at him.

He was looming over me, but at least not on top of me like earlier today. "Already have, he's in bed. Turns out he was pretty tired too." Thomas murmured.

I yawned, sitting up  and beginning to undo my dress. Once I'd gotten it off I began to loosen my corset, sliding skillfully out of it.

Thomas watched as I did all of this, I slipped into my night gown and got under the covers; curling into a ball and hugging myself.

Soon my arms were replaced with warm, toned arms. It was Thomas, he was already in his nightwear, he's fast when he changes...

I turned towards his bare chest and cuddled into him. "Goodnight mon amour~" He whispered and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight Tommy." I murmured and wrap my arms around him, tangling my hands in his wild hair.

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