Birthday Suprise!

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Thomas POV

I gave y/n a light kiss on the forehead and then grabbed out bowls, and washing them in the sink. Once I was done I sighed knowing I had some work to finish up...

"I'm going to my study darlin', I suggest you get to bed..." I murmured softly to Y/n, she frowned and looked at her hands. I walked over and grabbed her chin, lifting it so she could look at me and I at her. "Promise not to work to late tonight?" She asked. I nodded, kissing her softly. "Promise. Now get to bed Sugar." I whispered in her ear. She tilted her head. "That's new." She smiled. I shrugged and gave her a hug. "Go on. Get some rest darlin'." I grinned.

She nodded and turned away then looked over her shoulder. "If I find out from on of the maids that you stayed up late... no sex for a month." She murmured, I chuckled and nodded. "Alright, I'll be sure to work only for a bit." I muttered, she nodded and continued to our shared bedroom.

:-: :-:


I laid awake in bed, the candle was out but I couldn't sleep knowing Tommy was awake. The door then opened and a tired Thomas entered, collapsing beside me and wrapping his arm around my waist. I smiled and kissed his forehead, his warmth comforting me as I turned into his chest. Falling asleep in his warmth.

I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, but I didn't feel Thomas' arms around me. I yawned and got up, rubbing my eyes as I walked out of the room, I noticed a dimly lit room... Thomas' office. I sighed and walked over, opening the door silently and stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

"Tommy, it's so late..." I murmured quietly, yawning some more. I must've spooked him cause he dropped his quill but then walked over to me. "I know I know, go back to bed.." he whispered. "Come back to bed Tommy." I whined softly. "I will, soon.." He murmured. "You're always working so hard, you're non-stop. Just spend the night with meee..." I whined. He sighed and blew out the candle, picking me up bridal style and carrying me back to our bed, laying me down he got next to me.

:-: :-:

I woke up the next morning to find Thomas no longer beside me, I hugged myself as I got up but saw some tea beside me on my nightstand. Beside it was a note that read,

'Dear Y/n,

You've probably woken up to me no longer beside you, this is because I've gone to the market for... a few things.

I should be back by the time you wake up, somewhere in the house...


I sighed but took a sip of the tea, carrying out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. My eyes widen as I saw Thomas cooking, i shook my head not believing what I was seeing. He turned around and smiled.

"Mornin' Love." He greeted. I was frozen with shock but eventually snapped out of it. "Tommy, what're you doing? That's my job." I teased as I sat down, still sleepy, but more awake then before. He chuckled and walked over to me, kissing my forehead. "Did you forget what today is?" He arched a brow.

Thomas POV


I got out of bed, I assumed it was around 5:30 considering I could only barely see the sunrise.
I quickly got dressed and then left the house after writing a note for y/n.

I didn't bother for a carriage, the market was close, so I walked there... more like speed walked. It was her birthday and I wanted to make it special.

I searched for different ingredients and quickly bought them, I wanted to surprise her when she woke up so I had to be there, hopefully, before she woke.

I walked home once more and opened the door, carefully shutting it as I didn't want to wake y/n, and began to cook.

~*FlashBack over*~

I looked at her and arched a brow. "Did you forget what today is?" I asked. She looked hesitant as she thought. I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly. "It's your birthday! So today is all about you darlin'." I cooed.


"It's your birthday! So today is all about you darlin'." Thomas purred, I blushed and gave him a kiss. "Alright. So what're you making for breakfast?" I tilted my head as I looked last him. "Your favorite!" He shouted gleefully and walked back into the kitchen. I my eyes lit up as I guessed it, (F/F)! Yum.

I walked up beside him and hugged his side while he finished it up. "Thank you Tommy, but you didn't have to." I whispered. He smiled. "Yes I did. I have more planned out for the day too." He muttered.

:-: :-:

After breakfast Thomas took me to the park, where the circus had come. (Idk if they had Circus' back then) I smiled, the circus was always fun as a kid.

We saw elephants, horses, lions, Acrobats, and much more! All in all the day was perfect.
I got some cotton candy as we were leaving, it melted into my mouth as I took a bite.

"So, did you have fun today darlin'?" Thomas asked. "Of course, I was with you Tommy!" I purred. "Anything else you want to do before we go home, or did you want to do something at home~?" He has a devious smirk. I giggled. "Let's just go home." I murmured and hugged him. He nodded and we walked home, hand-in-hand.

:-: :-:

I smiled as I smelt something, I looked in the kitchen and saw a cake! "Cake!" I exclaimed and dragged Thomas into the kitchen with me. "Cakeeee!" I squealed as I began to eat it, Thomas chuckled as he watched me. "I take it you like cake?" Thomas arched a brow with a grin. "Let zem eat cake!" I faked a French accent and shoved a bite full of cake into Thomas' mouth. He chuckled as it got all over his Magenta suit.

"Agh, my suit!" He muttered, my smile faded as I saw it... but I snorted out a giggle. "Think that's funny, huh?" He asked as he arched a brow, a mischievous smirk slithering across his face. "Ye-Yeah kinda!" I managed to get out as I held back a laugh as best I could.

Thomas then grabbed a fistful of cake and threw it at me, I wiped it off my face as that's where it had landed. I grinned and threw cake at him as well. We went back and fourth, throwing cake and eating some. (Not nearly as much as you threw)

:-: :-:

Once all the cake was either gone or on our clothes we stopped and laughed together. "I'm going to take a shower, care to join me~?" Thomas winked, causing me to blush furiously.
I giggled and nodded. "As much as I'd rather not, it's my birthday and, I need a shower." I murmured shyly. He grinned and lead the way.

:-: :-:

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