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Kokichi's POV:

My chest aches, my head is throbbing. I grit my teeth together and let out silent sobs. I told myself that I would never fall for anyone. I told D.I.C.E never to fall in 'love.' I told everyone this because nobody should go through such pain as I'm expecting, though I do deserve it.

Love is a strange word when you ask someone to define it you'll get very different answers. But isn't love, much to complicated to define. People will also through around the word like it's just a word. But it isn't, it's an emotion, a bond of true companionship. I was foolish enough to allow my mind to experience a false love. I should have known that love could never be mine. Now all I can do is feel sorry for myself. This mindset creates true self loathing.

Despite this I've been in my room for two days now. I've ignored all knocks and shouts at the door. I know that I'm making myself sick and if I stay in gear much longer I'll die. Which is why I'm stopping this pity fest. I stand up and walk over to the closest. I grab the kubs pad and start to rig it.

Shuichi POV:

Ouma hasn't left his room in days. I've been trying to coax him out of his room, but he's acting like a hibernating bear.

On the third day of ouma being a hermit I stop trying to get him to leave. That night was the first night I decided to train with Momota since Ouma and I broke up. There was a point during training when I broke down and started to weep. Once Momota saw me he pulled me into a tight, yet sweet embrace. I closed my eyes as he whispered sweet things into my ear, calming me down.

The Next Day

I woke up the next day in my own bed. All alone. I hear the monokuma morning announcement click on, but I don't hear the announcement. Instead I'm greeted with a new video, this time with Ouma.

In the video Ouma was sitting in his room. I have no idea how Kokichi managed to record himself. Next Ouma started to speak, "hello fellow surviving students!" His voice was full of energy. "Now you might be wondering what's with this new change. Well to answer your question, I have an important mystery that you must solve within the next week." Kokichi's voice was full of abhorring hatred. "Now you're probably wondering 'why would you waste your precious time on my stupid mystery?' Well the answer is very simple I set a bomb to go off in a weeks time. With Iruma dead in the only one who can disable the bomb. So what are you waiting for, go meet up in the dining hall. There you will find the mystery good luck." Ouma smirks, and it is the most terrifying and unnatural thing I have ever seen.

When the announcement clicks off I find myself falling to the floor. Ouma set a bomb. Ouma is trying to kill us.

Wow! Can you believe it I've updated two weeks in a row. This hasn't happened in forever. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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