A Wolf's World

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Kokichi's POV:

It felt like an eternity before the intercom clicked on again and Monokuma invited us to the class trial. I had been spacing out in shock of the past few hours. I'm not even sure if it has been more than an hour.

I could hear Momota's voice I couldn't make out a single word that asshole was saying. I just stood there not saying anything nor was I reacting. How could I?

It wasn't long of hearing Momota's voice before I heard other people's voices. I still couldn't hear a world they were saying. Everyone's moving started to blur together. I couldn't see. My hearing was starting to go as well. My legs started to shake as nausea over came me.

My vision blacked out and I felt my head bashing against the floor.

I came back into consciousness and heard Momota's voice saying something. I could now make out some of his words. "Done it... why... would he... weird... guilty"

Next I heard Himiko's voice and it her words or clear to me. "I think he's waking up! Do you need help getting up?" She said looking down at mean.

I still couldn't muster words so I just nodded. Himiko then walked up to me and grabbed my arm pulling me up.

"So what's your case for not being the culprit" Kiibo asked me. I knew that it was time for me to create my ultimate lie.

I started cracking up. "Look at all of your faces! There so full of despair. Yeah, I killed Shuichi. I killed him with a final blow to his neck, but not before I made him suffer. I stabbed him with so many sharp objects. I still hear his screams of anguish echoing in my mind." I let out the tortured scream that as been brewing in side of me since our breakup.

"You sick fuck." Momota put on his convincing act of innocence. Together we would fool everyone. I would finally be out of this wolf's world

"Why did you do it? I thought you loved him!" Maki yelled at me.

"Because were all fucking sheep stuck in this messed up 'world'" I said putting air quotes around world to stress my point.

"Sheep? What are you talking about?" Momota questioned me.

"We're pawns you idiot. THIS IS ALL ONE MESSED UP GAME! AND SHE HAS US TRAPPED!" I started laughing maniacally.

"This guy is creeping me out. He's already admitted to his crime, can we just vote?" Momota pushed and everyone nodded. They had made there decision.

Monokuma started to speak, "All votes are in and everyone, except for Kokichi, has voted for Kokichi Ouma! And the culprit is... Kaito Momota! You are all wrong."

I lost track of what was happening I closed my eyes and waited to die. I heard screams surrounding me than all of the screaming subsided.

I was next

A minute passed and nothing happened

Two more minutes passed and still nothing.

A total of five minutes passed and then I heard Kaito screaming bloody murder. "THIS ISN'T FAIR I WON! I WON!" Momota screamed.

"Oh but you can't leave." I heard the voice laughing the voice was tsumugi's. Kaito's screams soon disappeared.

"So are you going to open your eyes?" tsumugi asked me. I opened my eyes in response all around me were bodies mutilated in different ways.

"Why did you kill him?" I asked.

"He's sick. I couldn't let him out side he would contaminate everyone." She responded.

"So why did you let me live?" I questioned tsumugi sitting down and resting my head against the wooden podium.

Tsumugi sat next to me and answered my question, "Well Momota had to die and you knew I was the mastermind and he was the killer. You properly won the game." She shrugged as she spoke.

"I don't think getting to live alone in a computer simulation is winning." I brought my keens close to my chest.

"Oh no you get to leave. That's what you win." She smiled at me as she spoke.

"I guess I'll get to go live out a life alone in the real world. What an important." I sighed just thinking about going to my true life. "I don't even get to be someone who I can be proud of in that world. I just get to be a cowered."

"I mean you've been living as that character for a year. How hard is it to apply it to your real life?" Tsumugi stood up. She reached out her hand to me. "Are you ready to go?" I grabbed her hand.

And than my vision went dark.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been working on writing the story that I want to start soon. I hope to have more writing time after February. Although I do hope to continue updates this month but I am busy.

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